Vocabulaire 3.1 Français I
Tu as ___ ? Do you (fam.) have ___?
Vous avez ___ ? Do you (formal / pl.) have ___?
Voilà. Here.
Je regrette. (I’m) sorry.
Je n’ai pas de ___. I don’t have a(n) / any ___.
Qu’est-ce qu’il vous faut pour ___ ? What do you need for ___ ? FORMAL
Qu’est-ce qu’il te faut pour ___ ? What do you need for ___? INFORMAL
Il me faut ___. I need ___.
une a(n) FEMININE
des some
d(e) a(n) / any This word is used before a noun (whether singular or plural, masculine or feminine) after a negative expression such as ne... pas.
un cahier a notebook
une calculatrice a calculator
un classeur a loose-leaf binder (notebook)
un crayon a pencil
une feuille de papier a sheet of paper
une gomme an eraser
un livre a book
une règle a ruler
un sac (à dos) a backpack
un stylo a pen
un taille-crayon a pencil sharpener
une trousse a pencil case
Zut ! D a r n!
Note culturelle (p. 80) In large stores in France, customers are expected to place their items on the conveyer belt and then remove and bag them as well. Most stores provide small plastic sacs, but many shoppers bring their own basket (un panier) or net bag (un filet).
Note culturelle (p. 80) Since space is limited in small stores and boutiques, browsing inside these stores is not as common. In some cases, items and their prices are placed in window displays. Most people window-shop until they are ready to make a purchase.
Note culturelle (p. 80) A sign that reads Entrée libre* indicates that browsers are welcome. * entrée = entrance * libre = free
un compas a compass
un crayon de couleur a colored pencil
un feutre a marker Feutre also means felt.
du liquide (m.) correcteur some correction fluid
du ruban (m.) adhésif some transparent tape
un surligneur a highlighter
un cahier de textes a memo book or personal calendar for young people
Check this out: —Tu as un crayon ? —Oui, j’ai un crayon. Tu as un stylo ? —Non, je n’ai pas de stylo, mais j’ai un feutre.
Translate these: I have –a notebook. –a calculator. I have –the notebook. –the calculator. I have –some notebooks. –some calculators. I have –the notebooks. –the calculators. I don’t have –a notebook. –any notebooks. –a calculator. –any calculators. I don’t have –the notebook. –the notebooks. –the calculator. –the calculators.
Check your answers: J’ai –un cahier. –une calculatrice. I have –le cahier. –la calculatrice. J’ai –des cahiers. –des calculatrices. J’ai –les cahiers. –les calculatrices. Je n’ai pas –de cahier. –de cahiers. –de calculatrice. –de calculatrices. Je n’ai pas –le cahier. –les cahiers. –la calculatrice. –les calculatrices.