SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA E HIDROLOGIA SENAMHI SENAMHI ABRIL, 2010 PERÚ Ministerio del Ambiente Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología - SENAMHI Analysis of extreme rainfall in Cusco in Summer 2010 Ing. Jorge Chira La Rosa 1
PERÚ Ministerio del Ambiente Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología - SENAMHI Introduction Analysis of the rainfall episode Conclusions Recommendations SUMMARY 2
PERÚ Ministerio del Ambiente Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología - SENAMHI An extreme precipitation event that affected almost all south highland of Peru is investigated. This event caused very strong socioeconomic impacts in the Cusco region. The outstanding event of 22–24 January 2010 was connected to a strong south-esterly flow, probably caused by a intensity of South Atlantic convergence zone that persisted for several days and brought unusually large levels of moisture to the South Peru. INTRODUCTION 3
Study Area 4 The city of Cusco is located at south- eastern zone of Peru, Near Cusco is Vilcanota/Urubamba River valley. located about 10 miles north of Cusco Peru, and extends northwest through Pisac and Ollantaytambo cities. ANALYSIS OF THE RAINFALL EPISODE
Satellite Pictures-TERRA-Modis January 21, 2010 Source: INPE/CPTEC/BRASIL 5
Pictures Animation-GOES Satélite January 21-25, 2010 Source: INPE/CPTEC/BRASIL 7
Surface Winds Anomalies Fuente: NOAA 9
Color Rojo: Déficit nubosidad/precipitaciones Color Azul: Incremento de nubosidad/precipitaciones Source: NOAA Ongoing Longwave Radiation Anomalies 10
Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Rainfall Distributión Vilcanota River Basin Source: DCL/SENAMHI 12 High BasinLow Basin Medium Basin The rainfall incress between January along the basin.
Historical Rainfall in January Pisac-Cusco 13 The picture shows a high amount of rainfall in january, 2010
Strong flow of Vilcanota river in Pisac, Cusco with 327 m3/s top exceed its historical values. Strong Flow of Vilcanota River of Cusco 14
Source: Civil Defense Institute Rainfall Impacts in South Peru 15
Source: Red Cross 16 Flood Impacts in South Peru
17 Flood Impacts in Cusco city
Damage caused by floods in Cusco Deads 9 Injured people 10 Homes affected Schools afected35 Medical center affected06 People affected Losses 4 Homes destroyed4.828 Schools destroyed9 Medical center destroyed02 Churchs affected15 Public places affected 143 (losas, parques, estadios y otros) Losses (millions de US dolars) 250 Destroys railroads 6,15 km Affected railroads 2,45 km Asphalt roads destroyed 18 km Unpaved Road destroyed 11 km Track roads destroyed 56 km Track bridges destroyed 21 Track bridges affected 30 Fallen street light 477 Losen water intake 86 Farms destroyed (Ha) Farms Affected (Ha) Source: EL COMERCIO Newspaper (February 08, 2010) 18
Pronostico climático de lluvias Diciembre Febrero 2010 Lluvias de normal a superior La figura muestra en color verde los pronósticos de lluvias de normal superior. Este pronostico climatico indicaba que Cusco presentaria lluvias encima de lo normal
During January 2010 heavy rainfall and flooding across the Cusco region caused deaths, injured people, destroyed farms, bridges, railroads, producing economic losses around US $250 million. We observe incress activity of South Atlantic convergence zone that persisted for several days and brought unusually large levels of moisture to the South Peru. Data of Sea Surface Temperature suggest that increased warming of south Atlantic Ocean could be related to the increased activity of intertropical converge zone and therefore the strong rainfall event in Cusco region. At this moment there are a project supported by national government to deploy 12 automatic weather station in that place to monitoring the weather in that region. CONCLUSIONS 21
To establish an Early Warning System is neccesary in Cusco region, to warning the population by natural disaster. To strengthen the capacity of local civil defense teams and organizations is necesary. To organize the population is requerid to improve the emergency management. Disaster Risk Management Specialists is necesary in order to manage the emergency and prevent future risks. RECOMMENDATIONS 22