LOI for the AGATA-PRESPEC campaign, GSI Spectroscopy and B(E2) measurements in neutron rich Mo nuclei: Search for shape transitions near the astrophysical r-process path T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, F. Ghazi Moradi, A. Atac, J. Blomqvist, A. Dewald, E. Ganiouglu, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, E. Ideguchi, A. Johnson A. Khaplanov, P. Magierski,O. Möller,J. Nyberg, S. Pietri, M. Sandzelius, P.-A. Söderström, H.-J. Wollersheim, R. Wyss et al. (author list to be completed) Mean field calculatations of quadrupole deformations (e.g. Möller et al.) predict a prolate-oblate shape transformation in neutron rich Mo isotopes. Good testing ground for nuclear models Experimental approach: B(E2) via gamma-particle coincidences (+ RDDS)
Astrophysical r-process path Mo
Predicted shape transitions in heavy Mo isotopes (TRS) 108 Mo 112 Mo F. R. XU, P. M. WALKER, AND R. WYSS PHYSICAL REVIEW C ~R
E(2 + ) and B(E2) systematics
Exp. Data om heavy Mo isotopes up to 110 Mo from spontaneous fission of 248 Cm and 252 Cf. But yield decreases “exponentially” as a function of neutron number. W. Urban et al., EPJ A (2004) Ding et al., Chinese Phys. Lett (2007)
Coulex of gamma-vibrational states
Rate estimation for n-rich Mo isotopes produced in fast fission of 238 U Production and transmission calculation using LISE++ Gamma efficiency: 15% (very conservative at 200 keV) Primary 238 U Beam: 4·10 9 particles per second 0.55 g/cm 2 Be primary target 0.8 g/cm 2 Pb secondary target KE of Mo ions 100 – 130 MeV/u at sec tgt “a” and “b” indicate two different FRS settings optimized for 108 Mo and 112 Mo, respectively.