11. Reactions of Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitutions and Eliminations
Alkyl Halides React with Nucleophiles and Bases Alkyl halides are polarized at the carbon-halide bond, making the carbon electrophilic Nucleophiles will replace the halide in C-X bonds of many alkyl halides(reaction as Lewis base) Nucleophiles that are Brønsted bases produce elimination d+ Acts as Nucleophile d+ Acts as Base
Why this Chapter? Nucleophilic substitution, base induced elimination are among most widely occurring and versatile reaction types in organic chemistry Reactions will be examined closely to see: How they occur What their characteristics are How they can be used
11.1 The Discovery of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions:Walden Inversion In 1896, Walden showed that (-)-malic acid could be converted to (+)-malic acid by a series of chemical steps with achiral reagents This established that optical rotation was directly related to chirality and that it changes with chemical alteration Reaction of (-)-malic acid with PCl5 gives (+)-chlorosuccinic acid Further reaction with wet silver oxide gives (+)-malic acid The reaction series starting with (+) malic acid gives (-) acid
Reactions of the Walden Inversion The reactions alter the array at the chirality center The reactions involve substitution at that center Therefore, nucleophilic substitution can invert the configuration at a chirality center The presence of carboxyl groups in malic acid led to some dispute as to the nature of the reactions in Walden’s cycle
Another Example: (+)-1-phenyl-2-propanol (-)-1-phenyl-2-propanol Used Tosylate as an excellent leaving group
Kinetics of Nucleophilic Substitution Rate (V) = change in concentration with time Depends on concentration(s), temperature, inherent nature of reaction (barrier on energy surface) A rate law describes relationship between the concentration of reactants and conversion to products The rate law is a result of the mechanism A rate constant (k) is the proportionality factor between concentration and rate Kinetics = The study of rates of reactions Rates ↓ as concentrations ↓ but k stays same Rate units: [concentration]/time such as L/(mol x s) The order of a reaction is sum of the exponents of the concentrations in the rate law
Rate is dependant on both Nucleophile & Substrate 11.2 The SN2 Reaction Reaction is with inversion at reacting center Follows second order reaction kinetics Ingold nomenclature to describe characteristic step: S=substitution; N (subscript) = nucleophilic; 2 = both nucleophile and substrate in characteristic step (bimolecular) Rate is dependant on both Nucleophile & Substrate Rate = k [CH3-Br] [HO-]
SN2 Process The reaction involves a transition state in which both reactants are together
SN2 Transition State The transition state of an SN2 reaction has a planar arrangement of the carbon atom and the remaining three groups
Reactant and Transition State Energy Levels Affect Rate 11.3 Characteristics of the SN2 Rxn Reactant and Transition State Energy Levels Affect Rate Higher reactant energy level (red curve) = faster reaction (smaller G‡). Higher transition state energy level (red curve) = slower reaction (larger G‡).
The Substrate: Steric Effects on SN2 Reactions SN2 Sensitive to steric effects The carbon atom in (a) bromomethane is readily accessible resulting in a fast SN2 reaction. The carbon atoms in (b) bromoethane (primary), (c) 2-bromopropane (secondary), and (d) 2-bromo-2-methylpropane (tertiary) are successively more hindered, resulting in successively slower SN2 reactions.
The Substrate: Steric Effects : Order of Reactivity in SN2 SN2 Sensitive to steric effects No reaction at C=C (vinyl or Aryl halides)
The Nucleophile: in SN2 Neutral or negatively charged Lewis base Reaction increases coordination at nucleophile Neutral nucleophile acquires positive charge Anionic nucleophile becomes neutral d+ d+
The Nucleophile: Relative Reactivity in SN2 Nucleophiles Depends on reaction and conditions More basic nucleophiles react faster Better nucleophiles are lower in a column of the periodic table Anions(-) are usually more reactive than neutrals
The Nucleophile: Examples
The Leaving Group: in SN2 Stable anions that are weak bases are usually excellent leaving groups and can delocalize charge very basic or very small grps are poor leaving groups . Alkyl fluorides, alcohols, ethers, and amines do not typically undergo SN2 reactions.
The Leaving Group: in SN2 -OH needs to be turned into a good leaving group. So can convert to a Cl Br Tos Which are excellent leaving groups. (p-toluenesufonylchloride p-TosCl)
The Leaving Group: in SN2 O of the epoxide can be turned into a good leaving group so epoxide can be opened with a weak nucleophile. Addition of an acid (H+) will make epoxide C’s more electrophilic. Cl- attacks less hindered site. (If choice of epoxide C’s is 1o or 2o then major product is from attack at less hindered 1o If choice of epoxide C’s is 1o vs 3o then major product is from attack at more + 3o) d+ d+
Caged nucleophiles can’t attack so well The Solvent: in SN2 Solvents that can donate hydrogen bonds (protic) (-OH or –NH) slow SN2 reactions by associating with reactants Energy is required to break interactions between reactant and solvent Caged nucleophiles can’t attack so well
The Solvent: in SN2 Poor for SN2 Good for SN2 Protic solvents (with -OH or –NH) slow SN2 reactions by complexing with reactants Polar aprotic solvents (no NH, OH, SH) form weaker interactions with substrate and permit fast SN2 reactions
11.4 The SN1 Reaction Tertiary alkyl halides react rapidly in protic solvents by a mechanism that involves departure of the leaving group prior to addition of the nucleophile
The reaction involves a planar carbocation intermediate SN1 Reaction The reaction involves a planar carbocation intermediate
SN1 Energy Diagram Rate = k [RX] Called an SN1 reaction since rate is dependant only on substrate SN1 occurs in two distinct steps while SN2 occurs with both events in same step Rate = k [RX] The slowest step (Rate-determining step) is formation of the carbocation intermediate
Stereochemistry of SN1 Reaction The planar intermediate leads to loss of chirality since a free carbocation is achiral Nucleophile can attack either face of planar carbocation Product is racemic or has some inversion
Stereochemistry of SN1 Reaction Carbocation is biased to react on side opposite leaving group Suggests reaction occurs with carbocation loosely associated with leaving group (in an ion pair) during nucleophilic addition
Stereochemistry of SN1 Reaction: Effects of Ion Pair Formation If leaving group remains associated, then product has more inversion than retention Product is only partially racemic with more inversion than retention Associated carbocation and leaving group is an ion pair
Stereochemistry of SN1 Reaction: Example:
Learning Check: The optically pure tosylate shown was heated in acetic acid to yield a product mixture. If complete inversion had occurred the optically pure acetate product would have [a]D=+53.6o However the product mix has [a]D =+5.3o. What percentage racemization and what percentage inversion has occurred?
Solution: The optically pure tosylate shown was heated in acetic acid to yield a product mixture. If complete inversion had occurred the optically pure acetate product would have [a]D=+53.6o However the product mix has [a]D =+5.3o. What percentage racemization and what percentage inversion has occurred? +5.3 x 100 = 9.9 % inverted +53.6 So: 90.1 % racemic
11.5 Characteristics of the SN1 Rxn Substrate: in SN1 Ability to form stable carbocation intermediate best Tertiary alkyl halide is most reactive by this mechanism Remember Hammond postulate,”Any factor that stabilizes a high-energy intermediate stabilizes transition state leading to that intermediate”
Substrate: in SN1 Allylic and Benzylic Halides Allylic and benzylic intermediates stabilized by delocalization of charge
Learning Check: Rank the following substances in order of their expected SN1 reactivity:
Solution: Rank the following substances in order of their expected SN1 reactivity: 1 4 2 3
Leaving Group: in SN1 Critically dependent on leaving group the larger halides ions are better leaving groups H2O, formed when OH of an alcohol is protonated in acid p-Toluensulfonate (TosO-) is excellent leaving group A leaving group won’t leave unless it’s stable on its own. (Weak conjugate bases of strong acids make great leaving groups).
Leaving Group: in SN1 H2O leaving group formed when OH of alcohol is protonated in acid rds Nucleophile attacks after rds
Nucleophiles: in SN1 SN1 Reaction rate is not normally affected by nature or concentration of nucleophile since nucleophilic addition occurs after formation of carbocation. Once the carbocation is formed the rest is quick and easy regardless of nature of nucleophile.
The Solvent: in SN1 Solvents that stabilize the carbocation intermediate and also transition state and speeds rate SN1 reactions go faster with polar protic solvents that cage the carbocation intermediate.
The Solvent: in SN1 Polar Solvents Promote Ionization Polar, protic and unreactive Lewis base solvents facilitate R+ formation
Learning Check: Predict whether the following reactions is more likely to be SN1 or SN2.
Solution: Predict whether the following reactions is more likely to be SN1 or SN2. 2o benzylic; forms stable carbocations or can be attacked from behind Good leaving group SN1 Good nucleophile Polar protic solvent 1o; easily attacked from behind; wouldn’t give stable carbocation Good leaving group SN2 Good nucleophile Polar aprotic solvent
Learning Check: Predict whether the following reactions is more likely to be SN1 or SN2.
Solution: Predict whether the following reactions is more likely to be SN1 or SN2. SN2 SN1 1o allylic; forms stable carbocations or can be attacked from behind 2o allylic; forms stable carbocations or can be attacked from behind Good leaving group Good leaving group after protonation with H+ Strong nucleophile Weak nucleophile Polar aprotic solvent Would not stabilize a carbocation intermediate Polar protic solvent Stabilizes carbocation intermediate
11.6 Biological Substitution Rxns SN1 and SN2 reactions are common in biochemistry Unlike in the laboratory, substrate in biological substitutions is often organodiphosphate rather than an alkyl halide
Biological Substitution: Examples SN1 SN1 E1 Biosynthesis of Geraniol in Roses
Biological Substitution: Examples SN2 Biosynthesis of Adrenaline
11.7 Elimination Reactions: of Alkyl Halides Opposite of addition Generates an alkene Can compete with substitution and decrease yield, especially for SN1 processes
Elimination Reactions: E1 Competes with SN1 Favored over SN1 when have poor Nu- that can still be a base
Elimination Reactions: E1 Example Competes with SN1 Favored over SN1 when have poor Nu- that can still be a base SN1 E1
Elimination Rxns: Zaitsev’s Rule In the elimination of HX from an alkyl halide, the more highly substituted alkene product predominates
Elimination Reactions: E2 Competes with SN2 Favored over SN2 when have strong base and steric hinderance
11.8 The E2 Reaction: Mechanism Base grabs H that is anti-periplanar to leaving group Transition state combines leaving of X and transfer of H Product alkene forms stereospecifically
The E2 Rxn: Deuterium Isotope Effect In RDS Breaking of C-H bond is slower than breaking of C-D bond.
Elimination Rxns: E2 Stereochemistry Overlap of the developing orbital in the transition state requires anti-periplanar geometry so electrons can give back-side SN2 type attack.
Elimination Rxns: Predicting E2 Products E2 is stereospecific Meso-1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane with base gives cis 1,2-diphenyl cis 1,2-diphenyl product
Elimination Rxns: Predicting E2 Products E2 is stereospecific RR or SS 1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane gives trans 1,2-diphenyl S S Trans 1,2 diphenyl product
11.9 The E2 Rxn: Cyclohexene Formation Abstracted proton and leaving group should align trans-diaxial to be anti periplanar in approaching transition state Equatorial groups are not in proper alignment
The E2 Rxn: Cyclohexene Formation Example Fast 200 x’s slower since Ring must flip to less stable ring conformation in order to get anti-periplanar E2
Comparing E1 and E2 Strong base is needed for E2 but not for E1 E2 is stereospecifc, E1 is not E1 gives Zaitsev orientation
11.10 The E1cB Reactions
E1cB Reaction Takes place through a carbanion intermediate
11.11 Biological Elimination Rxns All three elimination reactions occur in biological pathways E1cB very common Typical example occurs during biosynthesis of fats when 3-hydroxybutyryl thioester is dehydrated to corresponding thioester E1cB
11.12 Summary of Reactivity: SN1, SN1, E1,E1cB, E2
Summary of Reactivity: SN1, SN1, E1,E1cB, E2 Strongly basic nucleophiles give more elimination as steric bulk increases. Primary halides with strongly basic nucleophiles give mostly SN2 products. Branched halides with strongly basic nucleophiles give about 50/50 SN2 and E2 products. Tertiary halides with strongly basic nucleophiles give exclusive E2 products. With neutral or weakly basic nucleophiles SN1 and E1 pathways compete.
Summary of Reactivity: SN1, SN1, E1,E1cB, E2
Unimolecular Substitution in Polar Media - Important Concepts Unimolecular Substitution in Polar Media - Secondary haloalkanes: slow Tertiary haloalkanes: fast When the solvent is the nucleophile, the process is called solvolysis. Rate Determining Step in Unimolecular Substitution - Dissociation of the C-X bond to form a carbocation intermediate. Added strong nucleophile changes the product but not the reaction rate. Carbocation Stabilization by Hyperconjugation: Tertiary > Secondary. Primary and methyl unstable.
Important Concepts Racemization - Often occurs upon unimolecular substitution at a chiral carbon. Unimolecular Elimination – Alkene formation accompanies substitution in secondary and tertiary system. Bimolecular Elimination - May result from high concentrations of strong base. The elimination involves the anti conformational arrangement of the leaving group and the extracted hydrogen. Substitution Favored - by unhindered substrates and small, less basic nucleophiles Elimination Favored - by hindered substrates and bulky, more basic nucleophiles.
Which of the following is the product of the SN2 reaction between the hydroxide ion (HO–) and (R)-CH3–CHDI? D = 2H (deuterium) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5
Consider the reaction of (S)-(–)-1-iodo-2-methylbutane to produce (+)-2-methyl-1-butanol. What is the absolute configuration of the product? R S R and S (racemic mixture) R and S (unequal amounts) There is no chiral center in the product
Which of the following SN2 reactions is expected to have the highest rate? methyl bromide with water in DMSO ethyl bromide with chloride in methanol ethyl bromide with hydroxide in HMPA ethyl chloride with ammonia in acetonitrile methyl bromide with hydrosulfide (HS–) in HMPA
It cannot be determined. When A and B react in t-BuOH, the above rate expression is observed. What is the most likely mechanism of this reaction? E2 SN2 E1 SN1 It cannot be determined.
What is the main reason that polar aprotic solvents are favored over polar protic solvents for SN2 reactions? Polar aprotic solvents dissolve nucleophiles more readily than polar protic solvents. Polar aprotic solvents destabilize anions. Polar aprotic solvents stabilize cations, including carbocations. Polar aprotic solvents form stabilizing hydrogen bonds. Polar aprotic solvents prevent rearrangements from occurring.
What statement about the SN2 reaction of methyl bromide with hydroxide is incorrect? The reaction kinetics is first-order in hydroxide. In the transition state the carbon is sp2 hybridized. Absolute configuration is inverted from R to S. The reaction is faster in HMPA than in water. The reaction can be catalyzed by I–.
Select the substrate which would react fastest in the substitution reaction. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5
Which electrophile will react the fastest by the SN2 mechanism with cyanide (NC–) in DMF? phenyl iodide (Ph–I) vinyl tosylate (H2C=CH–OTos) ethyl bromide cyclohexyl bromide benzyl tosylate (Ph-CH2-OTos)
Which of the following reagents is the best nucleophile for an SN2 reaction? methanol methoxide acetate hydroxide water
Which set of reaction conditions represents the best way to carry out the following transformation? AcOH NaOAc in AcOH NaOAc in H2O NaOAc in DMSO AcOH in HMPA
Which of the following will give the fastest SN1 reaction? 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. 1 2 3 4 5
In a reaction between an alkyl halide and methoxide, doubling the alkyl halide concentration doubles the rate of the reaction. Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion? The reaction is an SN2 process. The reaction proceeds by the SN1 mechanism. The observation indicates an E2 process. This is a reaction with E1 mechanism. None of these
Which compound would serve as the best starting material for the transformation shown below? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5
Including stereoisomers, how many products are possible from the following reaction? 1 2 3 4 5
What mechanism is most likely to operate for the following reaction? SN1 SN2 E1 E2 E1cB
Select the reagent and solvent combination which would result in the fastest rate of substitution (R = CH3 in all cases). ROH, HMPA RS–, H2O RO–, H2O RS–, DMSO RSH, H2O
Which of the following is the best nucleophile? (CH3)3N (CH3)2P– (CH3)2O CH3O–
What is the major product of the following reaction? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5
What is the most likely product of the following reaction? 2. 1. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5
Which of the two stereoisomers of 4-t-butylcyclohexyl iodide (127I) will undergo SN2 substitution with 128I– faster, and why? A will react faster because it is more stable B will react faster because it gives a more stable product. A will react faster because nucleophile’s approach from the bottom face of the molecule is easier for steric reasons. A and B will react with the same rate because the transition states for both reactions are the same. B will react faster because it is less stable than A, and the transition state for both reactions is of the same energy.