Be BeTe BeO Gamma-ray spectroscopy of cluster hypernuclei : 9 Be K. Shirotori for the Hyperball collaboration, Tohoku Univ. 8 Be is known as the - cluster nucleus and it has an importance of having the simplest -cluster nuclei. The ab initio calculation predicts a well developed - cluster structure, and the recent experiment[2] shows that the B(E2) value of 4 + →2 + transition agrees with this calculation. 8 Be is an unbound nucleus and the direct B(E2) measurement is experimentally very difficult. The -ray spectroscopy experiment of 9 Be, in which a was added to 8 Be, was performed in BNL-E930(‘98). We obtained the upper limit for the lifetime less than 0.1 ps[3] from the measurement via DSAM of the corresponding 2 + →0 + transition in 8 Be. However, the measured lifetime is much shorter than that predicted by the cluster model[4] since the calculation resulted in a sizable reduction in B(E2) value reflecting a shrinkage in the inter cluster distance with a presence of . This inconsistency between the data and the theory shows that the theoretical prediction based on the cluster picture of 9 Be fails to apply to 9 Be, while a good agreement is seen for 7 Li. The experimental indicates a small change in the core 8 Be structure and suggests that 8 Be has rather shell-like structure than the 2 cluster. Thus measurement of B(E2) of 9 Be is important not only to understand the 8 Be structure but also to test the cluster model in light nuclei. Nuclear shrinkage effect in 7 Li 19% shrink Tanida et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 1982 -ray energy spectrum of E2(5/2 + →1/2 + ) transition (5/2 + )=5.8± ±0.7 ps 7 Li level scheme 0 Study of 8 Be structure from the -ray spectroscopy of 9 Be E [MeV] - [fm] B(E2) [e 2 fm 4 ] [ps] 8 Be 理 Be 理 Be 実 3.05?22><0.1 Red : T. Motoba et al., Prog. Theor. Phys. 70 (1983) 189 Blue : R.B. Wiringa et al., Phys. Rev. C62 (00) How many hyperisotope can we produce ? : 5 Be hyperisotope 9 Be(K -, - ) 9 Be : Aiming for B(E2) measurement 10 B(K -, 0 ) 10 Be : Need to construct 0 spectrometer 11 B(K -, 0 ) 11 Be : Need to construct 0 spectrometer 12 C(K -, + ) 12 Be : DCX (double charge exchange reaction), small cross section (~0.1 b/sr) 13 C(K -, + ) 13 Be : DCX, small cross section, optimum enrich carbon target Level energy : change in excitation energy B(E2) : 9 Be, 11 Be, 13 Be Experimentally an impurity effect of was observed for the first time from the -ray spectroscopy of 7 Li. Lifetime measurement via the Doppler shift attenuation method (DSAM) showed a much smaller B(E2) value of E2(5/2 + →1/2 + ) transition than the E2(3 + →1 + ) transition in the 6 Li core. The theoretical calculation[1] attributes 19% shrinkage of the -n-p cluster distance to reproduce the measured B(E2) value. B(E2: 3 + →1 + : 6 Li) = 9.3 ±0.5 e 2 fm 4 ⇒ B(E2: 5/2 + →1/2 + : 7 Li) = 3.6 ±2.1 e 2 fm 4 * B(E2) ∝ R 4, 1/ ∝ B(E2)E 5 The study of hypernuclei is one of the ways to understand the baryon-baryon (BB) interactions, through 1) the investigation of hyperon-nucleon interactions, 2) the properties of baryons in the nuclear matter, and 3) impurity effects of on the core nucleus. The N interaction is studied through the hypernuclear level structure and its precise structure can only be observed from the -ray spectroscopy by using germanium (Ge) detectors. The method of -ray spectroscopy with Ge detectors has been successfully used to study structure of light p-shell hypernuclei. We discuss the third subject, the effects of as an impurity. Even a single added to a nucleus may drastically change the properties of the nucleus, such as size, deformation, collective motions, shell /cluster structure, and etc. These effects had not been observed until the shrinkage of 7 Li was experimentally confirmed. Thus the hypernuclear ray spectroscopy offers a new area in nuclear physic, that is, “impurity nuclear physics”. The change in the core nucleus or the core polarization induced by a arises from its “glue-like role” in a nucleus. In particular, this glue-like aspect of can be used to probe light nuclei as to whether they posses cluster-like or shell-like structure. If the core structure is forming clusters, inter cluster distance can be shrunk leading to a dramatic structural change. On the other hand, the core nucleus is close to the shell structure, the inclusion of is expected to have a small effect. By looking at the changes of the core of a hypernucleus, it will be possible to study the structure of a nucleus. The two-body potential is attractive and provides extra binding to a hypernucleus that brings an unbound normal nucleus to a bound hypernucleous. Therefore, we gain access to energy levels and the B(E2) measurement of the otherwise unbound core nucleus via -ray spectroscopy experiment. Introduction B(E2) measurement of 9 Be by Doppler shift attenuation method (DSAM) 9 Be (K -, - ) 9 Be 43±5 keV E (keV) Akikawa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) Be level scheme 9 Be : experimental result Cluster-like picture Shrink Shell-like picture 9 Be 8 Be Which ? Charge distribution Shrink 9 Be 8 Be Which is the true picture of core 8 Be ? Comparison between theory and experiment [1] E. Hiyama et al., Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 2351 [2] V. M. Datar et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) [3] H. Tamura et al., NPA 754 (2005) 58c [4] T. Motoba et al., Prog. Theor. Phys. 70 (1983) 189 unbound +92 keV, ~7 eV Nucleon density distribution (g.s 0 + ) 8 Be Level scheme Intrinsic frame Lab. frame 4 fm 8 Be : level and structure R.B. Wiringa et al., Phys. Rev. C62 (00) B(E2) values are extracted from a lifetime of excited states. We use DSAM to measure the lifetime. The hypernuclei produced recoils and are slowed down and stopped by loosing the kinematic energy in a target. When the stopping time is comparable to lifetime of the excited state, the energy peak shape has two comportments, namely the shifted and stopped component from -ray emitted event during the slow down and after the stopping, respectively. The lifetime can be extracted from a fitting of the peak shape using a lifetime as a parameter. Summary Future possibilities Neutron → Evolution of cluster structure -orbital -orbital 9 Be (2 +1n) 2 config. 2 config. config. 2 2 config. M. Seya, et al., PTP65, 204 (1981). Y. Kanada-En’yo, et al., PRC60, (1999). N. Itagaki, et al., PRC , (2000). … 10 Be (2 +2n) 12 Be (2 +4n) 8 Be (2 ) Systematic measurements of Be hyper isotopes A systematic measurement of nuclear isotopes is one of interesting studies of the nuclear clustering using as a probe. The Be isotopic chain is the most suitable so that evolution of clustering nuclei as a function of neutron numbers can be studied systematically through five Be hypernuclei. In addition, by adding neutron to hypernuclei, the isospin dependent N- N coupling effect can be stronger. We may study a unique structure change of cluster hypernuclei due to the N- N coupling effect. For a production of Be isotopes for the systematic studies, three kinds of hypernuclear productions must be used. These are challenging experiment pursued at J-PARC. Simulated response of -ray spectrum GeV/c (0°) 1.1 GeV/c (0°) 1.1 GeV/c (5°) 1.5 GeV/c (5°) 1.1 GeV/c (10°) BeO Be BeTe BeO (Natural product) [5] M. Ukai et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) Recoil velocity v.s. stopping time Stopping time vs initial beta For an ideal DSAM measurement, a stopping time should be the same or at most 4 times longer than a lifetime. Following factors are important to select a target. 1. Density : determine the stopping time 2. Crystal or uniform material : decrease the ambiguity of stopping time 3. Background of a compound : S/N ratio and the same energy ray In the previous BNL-E930(‘98) experiment, a pure Beryllium (1.85 g/cm 3 ) was used, and the stopping time was too short for DSAM using the K - beam of 0.93 GeV/c. At J-PARC, we can use beams of the same momentum, but a much higher density target has to be used. Beryllium oxide (BeO, 3.01 g/cm 3 ) is one of the suitable target. It is of uniform crystal and has higher density than the pure Beryllium. Oxygen in the compound target should not be a contaminant as the 16 O -ray background because the 16 O experiment was performed in BNL- E930(‘00) experiment[5]. The oxide is one of the safe to use target for the DSAM measurement. For the same reason, Li 2 O will be used as a target for the B(M1) measurement of 7 Li in the J-PARC E13 experiment. The stopping time of 9 Be in various targets is estimated from the SRIM code and shows that the stopping time is too short. To measure the B(E2) of 9 Be, we have to use lower beam momentum (0.8 GeV/c) as well as an optimal configuration of the Ge array with high statistics. (BeTe (5.1 g/cm 3 ) is a reference of heavier target) Nuclear structure studies with an extra binding as a probe Study of the cluster-like or shell-like structure Study of an unbound nucleus from a bound hypernucleous via a precise -ray spectroscopy measurement -ray spectroscopy of 9 Be Study of two cluster nucleus, 8 Be B(E2) : inconsistency between theory and experiment Possibility to measure B(E2) by using the Beryllium oxide (BeO) target Need low beam momentum, an optimal configuration of Ge detector array, and high statistics Future possibilities Systematic measurement of Be hyper-isotopes Study of 2 + neutron cluster nuclei N- N coupling effect via -ray spectroscopy