ATGC study in 5fb -1 1 Liang HE Liang HAN, Liang HE, Suen Hou, Minghui LIU,Hongye SONG IPAS&USTC.


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Presentation transcript:

ATGC study in 5fb -1 1 Liang HE Liang HAN, Liang HE, Suen Hou, Minghui LIU,Hongye SONG IPAS&USTC

1.Generator: MCFM 2. PDF: MSTW2008nlo90cl 3.Generation level cut: 1)muon channel: pT_μ>15GeV, |eta_μ|<2.47 2)neotrino channel: MET>90GeV 3)Λ=10000TeV 4)pT_ϒ>100GeV, |eta_ϒ|<2.37 with crack removed 5)0 jet exclusive MC sample generation 2

3 Fitting result Fit cross-section as function of h3 and h4: p0p1p2p3p4p5chi2 μ channel,ϒ2.05e43.06e8-3.71e e μ channel, Z2.87e43.75e8-4.90e e ν channel,ϒ1.51e53.42e9-3.45e e ν channel, Z2.06e54.11e9-4.36e e Less statistics

4 Likelihood 1.Only calculate the expected likelihood (set N observed as N expected ) 2.Consider some uncertainties such as efficiency, theoretical which use last year result. 3.For 1D using 2000 points for each ATGC parameter; For 2D using 200*200 points for each 2 ATGC parameters. Muon channel 2D likelihood distribution Muon channel 1D likelihood distribution

5 ATGC parameter limits set 1.For 1D exactly as last year method 2.For 2D cut a plate in 2D likelihood and get the boundaries as 2D parameter limits Muon channel 2D likelihood distribution 95% plate

6 ATGC parameter limits result H3_ϒH4_ϒH3_ZH4_Z μ channel 1D( ,0.0115)( , )( ,0.0096)( , ) μ channel 2D( ,0.0243)( , )( ,0.0231)( , ) ν channel 1D( , )( , )( , )( , ) ν channel 2D(-0.019,0.018)( , )(-0.015,0.016)( , ) 2011 expected(-0.029,0.028)( , )(0.023,0.026)( , )

7 Back Up

8 p0p1p2p3p4P5 Value2.05e43.06e8-3.71e e Error7.50e19.11e57.29e e20.18

9 2D limit result H3_ϒ : ( ,0.0241) H4_ϒ : ( , )

10 1D limit result H3_ϒ : ( ,0.0115) H4_ϒ : ( , )

11 p0p1p2p3p4P5 Value2.87e43.75e8-4.90e e Error7.50e19,11e57.29e e20.18

12 2D limit result H3_ϒ : ( ,0.0241) H4_ϒ : ( , )

13 1D limit result H3_Z: ( ,0.0096) H4_Z : ( , )

14 p0p1p2p3p4P5 Value1.51e53.42e9-3.45e e277.9 Error7.15e17.15e56.31e e20.17

15 2D result: H3_ϒ : (-0.019,0.018) H4_ϒ : ( , ) 1D result: H3_ϒ : (-0.013,0.011) H4_ϒ : ( , )

16 1D limit result H3_ϒ : ( , ) H4_ϒ : ( , )

17 p0p1p2p3p4P5 Value2.06e54.11e9-4.36e e277.9 Error7.15e17.15e56.31e e20.17

18 2D result: H3_Z: (-0.015,0.016) H4_Z : ( , ) 1D result: H3_Z: (-0.011,0.012) H4_Z : ( , )

19 1D limit result H3_Z : ( , ) H4_ϒ : ( , )