Basic Troubleshooting Order-Matic Training Presentation
Training Topics Preventative Maintenance Backup Procedures: EE, Copy RAM Fan Filters/Fans: Why they are Important! Sync! Sync! Sync! Troubleshooting Basics Random vs. Reproducible Problems, Problem Identification, Cause/Effect Relationships, Swap It! Signal Flow/Connections: Fiber Optics Tracing Signal flow to/from a Peripheral of the 824 Troubleshooting Specifics How to Identify and Deal with “Lockups”
824 Preventative Maintenance EE Prom Backup Procedure should be performed after close/before open times Orders cannot be processed while backing up to the EE Prom EE Prom Backup will NOT save Sales $, NRGTs, Employee Times, etc. Copy RAM Procedure should be performed after close/before open times: Copy RAM creates a mirror image of the RAM, including all Sales $, NRGTs, Employee Times.
Fan Filters/Fans: Why They Are Important Fans allow heat sensitive equipment to disperse excess heat, while circulating cooler outside air into the cabinet. Most electronic equipment is designed to operate under certain temperature conditions. If electronic equipment gets too hot, it can cause equipment malfunction, as well as contribute to long-term equipment failure. Fan Filters allow maximum air-flow while preventing many harmful elements from damaging the electronic equipment. Dust and grease buildup, as well as moisture on circuitry all contribute to equipment malfunction/failure…the simple and inexpensive maintenance of fan filters lessens the chance of this failure. Fans/Filters you need to be aware of: 824 Silver Box, Keyboard Cabinets.
Sync! Sync! Sync! Frequent Synchronization in the E2 Management Suite is extremely important to proper cash-handling procedures for the carhops, but also allows for more complete data recovery in the case of 824 crash or data loss. Syncing Shift, Employee, and Cash Information overwrites the existing data, allowing on-the-fly reporting. Perform these actions at least once per shift. Tip: After recovering from a crash or data loss, the next sync will overwrite the existing E2 information with 0’s, so be sure to print these reports before syncing again. Order-Matic can use this data to help rebuild daily information in the E2 Management Suite. With frequent sync practices, it’s easy to recover sales data.
Troubleshooting Basics: Random vs. Reproducible Problems If the answer is Random, then the solution will involve experimentation. Proceed to Problem Identification, but keep in mind, troubleshooting may be a hit and miss, until the problem reoccurs. If the answer is Reproducible, then the solution will be more easily attained. Reproduce the problem and proceed to Problem Identification. Example: “My keyboard makes this funny squeak each time I press a specific key..” (Reproducible) “My keyboard makes this funny squeak, but it only happens sometimes..” (Random)
Troubleshooting Basics: Problem Identification Problem Identification: Which piece of equipment/software is malfunctioning? If the answer is one piece of equipment/software, troubleshoot that piece of equipment accordingly. If the answer is more than one piece of equipment/software, find a common element between the malfunctioning items. Chances are, the common element is the problem, not the items themselves.
Troubleshooting Basics: Cause/Effect Relationships Look for Cause/Effect Relationships: Does the problem occur when something else is done, or is it un-related? If you can establish a Cause/Effect Relationship, then the Root Cause will be more easily identified. Once Root Cause is identified and corrected, the problem should follow. If no Root Cause can be identified, then the problem is what-you-see-is-what-you-get. Fix the immediate issue, but keep in mind; if the problem was Random, the Root Cause is still out there. Example: “When I turn on the bun warmer, the 824 locks up”. In this scenario, the lockup is a symptom and the bun warmer may be the Root Cause. Fixing the lockup itself will not necessarily fix the entire problem, as the 824 will lock up the next time the bun warmer is turned on. Fixing the Root Cause will allow the symptom to be corrected.
Troubleshooting Basics: Swap It! Swap it: Does the problem change or correct itself when you change components/settings? If the problem changes or corrects itself, you are on the right track. If the problem does not change or correct, then go back to Problem Identification and look for the Root Cause.
Troubleshooting Basics: Signal Flow for Fiber Optics Fiber Optic Cabling Fiber optic cabling, for the 824 POS, is used to transmit data to and from the 824 CPU. Each peripheral connected to the 824 POS utilizes fiber optic technology to perform data transmission. Sending Data: Certain peripherals for the 824 POS, such as Keyboards, Check-Off Units, and Secure Pass Units send a fiber optic signal to the 824. On these peripherals, the fiber optic cable is plugged into the Black (Send) fiber optic port and sends a signal to a Blue (Receive) fiber optic port on the 824 CPU. These peripherals are Input devices for the 824. Receiving Data: Certain peripherals for the 824 POS, such as printers, receive a fiber optic signal from the 824 CPU and perform the requested function. On these peripherals, the fiber optic cable is plugged into a Blue (receive) fiber optic port and receives a signal from a Black (Send) fiber optic port on the 824 CPU. These peripherals are Output devices for the 824. Some Devices, such as FOS Boards, utilize both a Send and a Receive fiber optic cable. These devices communicate both ways with the 824 POS and will use a double fiber optic cable as shown:
Troubleshooting Basics: Tracing Signal Flow to/from the 824 Tracing the fiber optic signal flow to/from the 824 Board allows you to narrow the issue between equipment or settings. Example: If a send peripheral (like the keyboard shown below) stops working, verify it is sending the fiber optic signal to the 824 Board when a key is pressed. If it is not sending the signal, the issue is with the keyboard. If it is, then the signal is either corrupted (bad fiber optic), or a problem with the 824 (setting, port on the board, etc).
Troubleshooting Specifics: How to Identify/Deal with “Lockups” Key Symptoms: Time on Manager’s Console is frozen Garbage on the screens Unable to ring up/clock out/scan orders Stuck on Boot up Screen Recovery Methods: Stay Calm- Identify the problem first Error Messages: Is there a printer error? PAYS error? Print any reports from the 824 or E2 you can…do not sync! Identify any actions surrounding the lockup; what may have caused it? Power off the 824 for 15 seconds, this may help Contact the Support Center, and relay any necessary information