Find simple percentages of numbers. PowerPoint E2 L5 Find simple percentages of numbers.
What are these percentages as fractions? 50% 25% 75% 10% Is this what you got? Did you get something else?
What are these fractions lowest forms? How did you work it out?
In their lowest form: 50% = = 25% = = 75% = = 10% = =
What is 50% of each of these numbers? 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100
How did you work it out?
Try using this method: If we are finding 50% of a number, we know that 50% is the same as a . So all we need to do is work out what half of the number is and we can do this by dividing by ‘2’ (which is the denominator of ). For example: If we are trying to find 50% of 16, we divide 16 by 2 which gives us 8. So 50% of 16 is 8.
What is 10% of each of these numbers? 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100
How did you work it out?
Try using this method: If we are finding 10% of a number, we know that 10% is the same as a . So all we need to do is work out what a tenth of the number is and we can do this by dividing by ‘10’ (which is the denominator of ). For example: If we are trying to find 10% of 60, we divide 60 by 10 which gives us 6. So 10% of 60 is 6.