Phase 3 Phonics Workshop Mrs Golby & Mrs Dancey
Terminology Phoneme- the sound a letter makes Grapheme- the symbol of a phoneme Segmenting and blending –breaking words down, hearing individual sounds. Building words by listening for sounds. Digraph- a two letter grapheme where two letters represent one sound. Trigraph- a three letter grapheme where three letters represent one sound. Split digraph -has a letter that splits the two letters in the digraph e.g late, cake. Consontant Blend – 2/3 letters are squashed together e.g. tr, mp, str, bl, nt Syllables – a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound e.g wa/ter
Phase 3 There are 25 new graphemes. 10 to 12 week programme; letters and sounds. Final letters and sounds: j, v, w, x (ks), y, z, zz, qu (kw) Teach the four consonant diagraphs: ch, sh, th (2 sounds), ng Vowel diagraphs: ai, ee, oa, oo (2 sounds), ar, or, ur, ow, oi, er Vowel Trigraphs: igh, ear, air, ure (2 sounds) Continued practise of blending and segmenting – within sentences. Practise reading and spelling HFW’s and Tricky words. Practise spelling two-syllable words with a combination of diagraphs – e.g. pow/der. Practise letter names.
Pronunciation of phase 3 phonemes
Segmenting Activity How many sounds are in these words? Loaf Park Fear Sight Farmyard Beard string l-oa-f 3 phonemes p-ar-k 3 phonemes F-ear 2 phonemes S-igh-t 3 phonemes F-ar-m-y-ar-d 6 phonemes B-ear-d 3 phonemes S-t-r-i-ng 5 phonemes
HFW’s and Tricky Words Phase 2 High Frequency Words Tricky Words a an as at if in is it of off on can dad had back and get big him his not got up mum but put The I No Go To Into
HFW’s and Tricky Words Phase 3 High Frequency Words Tricky Words will see that for this now down then them look with too he she we be me was you they all are my her
EYFS: Good Level of Development (GLD) Reading and Writing Reading: ELG Writing: ELG 1 Children read and understand simple sentences. 2 They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. 3 They also read some common irregular words. 4 They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. 1 Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. 2 They also write some irregular common words. 3 They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. 4 Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
Exemplar of writing: GLD
Exemplar of reading: GLD
Expectations Phase 1: majority of children will be confident and achieved this level by the end of Nursery. Children should leave Reception: Having achieved Phase 2 & Phase 3 Becoming confident readers and writers and apply the skills they have been taught independently. Some children may begin working at Phase 4.
How can you help at home Challenge the children to find objects that begin with a certain sound. Continue sound talking- get u-p! Put on your c-oa-t Play ‘I Spy’ with phonemes not letter names – sound out words. Practise letter formation. Play games with word cards. Make sentences with word cards. Encourage reading daily – 5 minutes Practise recognition of the 44 phonemes. Use phonics play to practise reading real and nonsense words. Reading and spelling of phase 2 and 3 tricky words. Support and encourage children’s attempts at writing- encourage list writing, emails, labels for pictures and sentence writing.
Many thanks for your ongoing support. The Foundation Stage Team