Module one Understanding Tourism This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of SNV/ ILO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. For more information on EuropeAid, please visit
Module introduction Topic 1: Tourism System Topic 2: Who are Tourists? Topic 3: Why Tourists visit Vietnam? Topic 4: What is tour guiding ? 2
The tourism system Topic One
Definition of Tourism 4 Activities connected with: Trips taken by people outside their habitual residences; aimed at satisfying their needs for sightseeing, study, leisure or recreation; in a certain period of time. Vietnam Tourism Law, 2005
Why provide best services to tourists? 1.Happier tourists 2.Repeat business 3.Word of mouth 4.Increased income 5.Secured job 6.Good reputation for village 7.More successful tourism industry in Vietnam. 5 I am having great time in Vietnam… Specially when I have such great help from the guide…
Activity 1. Posters: Impacts of tourism Divide into 4 groups. 1. Use A0/A1 paper, markers, crayons to prepare posters on the following topics: Groups 1 & 2: benefits of tourism Groups 3 & 4: negative impacts of tourism 2. Make a “poster show”: groups to explain their posters. 3. Comments from other groups 4. Vote for the best poster 6
Benefits of tourism? 1.Income 2.Employment 3.Government services 4.Living standards 5.Cultural exchange. 7
Negative impacts of tourism 8 Loss of Natural Beauty Trash & Pollution Safety & Security Begging
Negative impacts of tourism 9 Change in culture Loss of wildlife Disturbed Villagers Loss of valuable artifacts
Tourism industry Provides services and facilities for consumption by tourists 10 Transport Tour guiding Accommodation
Elements of tourism and the tourism industry Attractions Natural attractions Cultural attractions Public services Public transportation Electric & water supplies Health care services Safety and security Industry services Accommodation Food and drink Guides and travel organisers Tourist transport services Souvenir shops, workshops Other services: wellness, photograph... 11
Activity 2. Tourism elements: Divide into 3 groups. 1.Each group will receive at least 6 cards. On each card is an element of tourism industry 2.Discuss in 5 minutes and identify which category of elements their tourism element belong to. 3.Each member of each group must place their card in the correct category on the flip chart 12
The Tourism Cycle The particular sequence in which tourism business services are used by tourists Each business in the Cycle fills a particular need or several needs of the tourist. However, they together provide a tourist experience. Hotel Restaurant Tour (guide) Bus Flight Train (station) 13
Activity 3. Actors in the tourism cycle Take a flashcard with images of a key actor in the tourism cycle. Place flash cards in the right sequence in the guest’s travelling route from their home country to the destination (village). Discuss if all the cards are in the right sequence 14
Key actors in a tourism cycle 1.Transport 2.Attractions 3.Accommodation 4.Food & Beverage 5.Other key actors??? Homestay Boat Operator Meal Travel agent Tour operator Attraction operator ? ? ? ? 15
Who are tourists Topic two
Tourist means a person who travels for either tourism or for other purposes combined with tourism, except for those who go to study, work or practice their professions to get paid at the places of destination. (Vietnam Tourism Law, 2005) Who are tourists? 17
Activity 4: Identify Tourists Think about your own family, friends, associates and colleagues. Do any of these people travel, and if so, where do they go and why do they go there? Do you think of them as tourists, and if so, why? Write these down and identify if they are tourists or not. 18
Why do people travel? General MICE 19 Leisure Business Holiday VFR
Where do tourists come from? 1.Vietnam: domestic tourists 2.Other Countries: international tourists from: 20 Asia Europe Others? Viet Nam
Activity 5: Tourists needs Brainstorming: What do Tourists need when they travel? ! 21
Transport A place to stay Things to see and do Food and drink What do tourists need? 22
Tourist also need … Access to facilities: bank, electricity, … Communication: Internet, post to send postcards, … Safety and security: to feel that they are not in any danger … 23
Why tourists visit Vietnam? Topic three
Activity 6: Learning about Vietnam Divide into 3 groups. In your groups: 1.Discuss how tourists learn about Vietnam tourism. 2.List channels that provide information about Vietnam for tourists 3.Discuss what each channel is. What channel is effective most and why? 4.Present outcomes to the whole group ? Vietnam 25
What do tourists need? 26 Newspaper & books Internet Word of mouth TV, radio and others
How do tourists get to Vietnam & to our village ? 27
Why do tourists come to Vietnam? 1.Authentic, exciting, natural and cultural experiences. 2.Explore and discover beautiful landscape 3.Practice outdoor and adventure sports 4.Admire and experience Vietnam’s diverse culture 5.Interact with the country’s people and learn about different lifestyles. 6.Experience flora and fauna in its national parks 7.Pilgrimage. 28
Activity 7: Different tourist destinations in Vietnam Divide into 3 groups; each group must pick a tourism area or destination. 1.Use the brochures, guidebooks and maps provided in class and research the area 2.Draw a poster or picture if you have time 3.Present a persuasive sales pitch on why a tourist should visit that area. 4.The best presentation, as voted by the whole class, will win a prize. 29
What do tourists like to do in Vietnam? 30 Get to know local people Trekking Eating delicious local food Boating on beautiful rivers
Sightseeing 31
What do tourists like to do in Vietnam? 32 1.Buying Local Handicrafts 2.Cycling 3.Taking photos 4.Visiting Temples
What do tourists like to do in Vietnam? 33 1.Attending festivals 2.Visit caves & waterfalls 3.Learning about local agriculture 4.Seeing birds & wildlife
Visit attractions 34
Heritage sites & natural attractions 35
Going to events 36
Cultures 37
Food 38
What is tour guiding? Topic four
Activity 8: Tour escort vs. local guide Divide into 4 groups 1.Watch the role plays conducted by your trainer 2.Discuss what are the different between the first and the second scene? 40
Tour Escort vs. Local Guide Receive tourists in the village Translate local languages Share local knowledge about villages, culture and nature Show major sites to tourists Help tour escort manage guests Help tour escort with injuries/illnesses Help the provincial guide with activities in the village or forest. 41 Bring tourists to the village Interpret language (if necessary) Give general information Manage the itinerary Make sure that guests are satisfied Take care of expenses Take care of injuries/illnesses Coordinate activities Markets tours Tour Escort Local Guide
Types of Guides 1.On-site Guide / Step-on Guide 2.Local Guide 3.Regional Guide 4.National Guide 5.Specialised Guide (culture/ history/ nature) 6.Tour Escort / Tour Manager / Tour Operator. 42
Activity 9: Roles of tour guides Divide into five groups. Each group will present the roles and responsibilities of one actor in the tour operating sector: Present your findings to the rest of the class. Group 1 On-site Guide Group 2 Local Guide Group 3 National Guide Group 4: Specialized Guide Group 5: Tour Escort / Tour Manager / Tour Operator 43
General roles of tour guides 1.Manage and supervise the itinerary 2.Conduct the tour according to itinerary 3.Impart local information while on the tour 4.Provide practical information. 44
Activity 10: Main responsibilities of local tour guide Divide into three groups; each group get 6-8 cards 1.Discuss and decide what the main responsibilities of a local guide should be. 2.Write one responsibility on each card. 3.Exchange cards between every two teams. 4.The team who receives cards selects the responsibilities that they agree with and stick these cards on wall/board/flip chard. 5.Compare results with those in the Slide 46 and 47 that will be presented by trainer. 45
Main responsibilities of local tour guide 1.Lead a group and show the way 2.Introduce tourists & tour escort (if any) to your village & family 3.Help tourists & escort guides to understand your culture 4.Help tourists & tour escorts to see wildlife in your local area Show local plants and medicinal plants that you use and anything other things in the forest 6. Show tourists your fields and show them how you plant rice and other crops
Main responsibilities of local tour guide 7. Help carry heavy equipment that tourists cannot carry. 8. Help prepare your favorite local food for tourists 9. Help tourists and make the tour safe 10. Protect culture – show tourists how to behave in your village 11. Protect wildlife & environment. 47
Thanks for your attention! The HITT Programme and its Contributors This series of materials has been produced in collaboration between the High Impact Tourism Training for Jobs and Income Programme (HITT) funded by the European Union and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Vietnam. These programmes and organisations contributed to the development and printing of this material and will be using these training materials to deliver High Impact Tourism Training to their respective target beneficiaries. The programme supports informal workers and potential workers from the tourism sector of Vietnam to enhance their productivity and professionalism, and to increase their employability and income opportunities. The HITT programme is implemented by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) through the financial assistance of the European Commission (EC) Investing in People programme. This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the publication are the sole responsibility of the HITT Programme and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. For more information on Europe Aid, please visit