Win32 Programming Lesson 4: Classes and Structures
Last Time… We covered a quick overview of C++ Now, we look in more detail at the way classes work This is important, as you’ll need a working knowledge in order to interoperate with Win32 APIs
Classes Remember Structures? Well, it’s pretty handy to be able to combine the functions that use or manipulate the structure and the data itself That’s basically a class
Stacks Imagine a stack Remind me… Now, for a stack we want to be able to push and pop things off it Could implement in a struct… but can’t protect from direct manipulation Solution: A Class
Simple Class stack Fairly simple: class stack { private: int count; // Number of items on stack int data[STACK_SIZE]; // The items themselves public: // Initialize the stack void init(); // Push an item on the stack void push(const int item); // Pop an item from the stack int pop(); };
Member Variables In our stack, we declare two private member variables We don’t want direct manipulation Three levels of protection: Public – anyone can access Private – nobody outside the class Protected – similar to private except allows access from derived classes
Functions inline void stack::init() { count = 0; //Zero the stack counter… } Zeroes the stack counter, and gets the stack ready for useful work
Similarly… inline void stack::push(const int item) { data[count] = item; count++; } inline int stack::pop() { --count; return(data[count]); }
Using our stack… stack a_stack; // Stack we want to use a_stack.init(); // Initialize the count… a_stack.push(1); a_stack.push(2); std::cout << “Stack top: ” << a_stack.pop() << “\n”;
Our stack shortcomings… There are several… Let’s focus on just one: initialization Before we use the stack, it would be nice if we didn’t rely on the programmer to initialize it!
Constructor We can create a constructor which is called automagically… Add: // Initialize the stack stack(); inline stack::stack() { count = 0; } No longer need stack.init()!
Destructor Sometimes it is important to know when a class is being destroyed For example, a class which internally allocates memory must free the memory when it exits Thus, there are destructors… inline stack::~stack() { if (count !=0) std::cerr << “Warning: non-empty stack\n”; }
Parameterized Constructors Sometimes, it’s handy to force a constructor to take parameters that initialize the class For example, a class which holds firstnames and lastnames might require these on instantiation Example: person(const std::string fname, const std::string lname);
friend Functions Suppose we wished to compare two of our stacks… The member variables are private! Solution: make everything public (doh!) Better solution: the friend keyword Can define a friend function or a friend class which has access to the private members of the class
static variables Suppose you want to keep a running total of how many stacks you have at one time Could declare a global variable outside the class, but this is pretty ugly Instead, declare a static inside of private… private: static int stack_count; Tells the system that there is only ever one stack_count variable, no matter how many stacks we create
Classes… There’s a lot we haven’t covered in classes and C++ right now – inheritance, overloading, all that good stuff But what we have is enough to get you started with the Win32 APIs Remember, learning C++ in this class is a means to an end, not an end in itself
Pointers & Classes (OOH!) Just to mess with your heads… and because it’s useful Classes can also contain pointers This provides a really neato™ way of constructing linked lists
Consider class item { public: int value; item *next_ptr; } next_ptr is a pointer to another item We can create an object with the new syntax: class item *new_ptr; new_ptr = new item;
delete If new creates an object out of thin air (actually, the heap, but we’ll get to that later)… We must delete it Use: delete pointer; pointer = NULL; // Not needed, but good habit Warning deleting pointers to arrays is different (look this up)
Example: Linked list You can create a linked list quite easily, by creating two different classes: a link_list container and a class which holds the data elements Hint: you’ll need to use the friend notation to make sure you can manipulate the pointers…
Here… class linked_list { private: class linked_list_element { public: int data; // Data in this el. private: // Pointer to next element linked_list_element *next_ptr; friend class linked_list; }; public: linked_list_element *first_ptr; // First element // Initialize the linked list… linked_list() {first_ptr = NULL;} // Other member functions… };
Adding to the list… void linked_list::add_list(int item) { linked_list_element *new_ptr; new_ptr = new linked_list_element; (*new_ptr).data = item; (*new_ptr).next_ptr = first_ptr; first_ptr = new_ptr; }
Assignment Part I Just a quick test of SVN You should have an SVN repository at: In it, you will find a project a0. Read the comments and fix it! Due Tuesday, before class. It should take you no more than 30 mins
Assignment Part II Create a program which does the following: Implements a doubly-linked list – that’s a linked list which is linked backward and forward – in a class Populates it with X random integer values, between 0 and MAX in value, where X and MAX are taken from the command line: “dblprog 20 40” would create a linked list with 20 random values in the range Prints the list out forwards and then in reverse Demonstrates inserting a value in position 7, and printing the list again You must use a class for this! Program should be a command line program in Visual C Think carefully about what to check in. Make sure when you check it out elsewhere it still builds! Please name your project “dblprog” – that way, we can grade just by cutting and pasting Due: 7 days from now before class starts. Make a new project in your repository called a1 (just like a0 that’s already there).