D OMAIN A A1 Becoming familiar with relevant aspects of students’ background knowledge and experiences.
Q UOTES TO P ONDER “To Teach a kid well, you have to know a kid well.” Unkown “Children need sympathy and guidance far more than instruction.” Anne Sullivan
H OW TO O RGANIZE THIS P APER 1 st paragraph: Intro Why is this topic important? 2 nd, 3 rd, and 4 th paragraphs: Body How do you locate learner background information? (These would be your artifacts as well!) Reference developmental aspects of the learner and the learning process.
O RGANIZING YOUR P APER (C ONTINUED ) Explain components and implications of cultural and gender differences in communication in the teaching and learning process. (More artifact ideas!) Last Paragraph: Conclusion
W HY IS T HIS T OPIC I MPORTANT ? Research says you learn by reconfiguring and reorganizing what you already know. A teacher can build upon students experiences. Recognizing differences and becoming familiar with them will help to better reach students individually in the classroom. Helps a teacher’s efforts to help students learn and grow (academically and in character).
W HAT ARE THE C OMPONENTS OF THIS P APER ? Racial/Cultural differences Medical History Religious differences Past Grades Disabilities (physical or mental – may not be able to SEE the disability) Records of Progress Family Backgrounds Subject Knowledge Gender Differences Developmental Aspects
H OW CAN YOU L OCATE B ACKGROUND I NFORMATION ? A Student’s permanent record. Student’s family history Past schools attended Discipline Medical Information Grades Assessments/IEP’s Past teachers and parents.
O THER A RTIFACTS Getting to know you activities (BINGO) Ice Breakers To test a student’s ability and gain knowledge of previous learning (Pre-Tests) Classroom discussions relating to students A home questionnaire
D EVELOPMENTAL A SPECT Where are the elementary students academically, mentally, and emotionally compared to older students? A Teacher needs to recognize this and meet the needs of his/her students.
C ULTURAL AND G ENDER D IFFERENCES Often times these factors have an impact on learning in the classroom…including religious beliefs. It can affect the teachers plans. A teacher may make accommodations as needed.