WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda item 1.9 – Appendix 17 – New digital technologies for MMS Presenter: Peter Pokorny
WRC–12 Industry Debrief >1.3 Agenda item 1.9 – Appendix 17 New digital technologies for MMS 1 to revise frequencies and channelling arrangements of Appendix 17 to the Radio Regulations, in accordance with Resolution 351 (Rev.WRC-07), in order to implement new digital technologies for the maritime mobile service. >WRC-12 CPM-2 Report identified two Methods, A1 and A2 for the single issue A. 1 maritime mobile service
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Essential difference: >Method A1 to not specify any bandwidth in the bands dedicated for digitally modulated emissions; >Method A2 the basic bandwidth for new digital technologies should be 3 kHz, and should allow use of multiple 3 kHz contiguous channels for wideband systems.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief ITU-R Regional Positions >CEPT – Method A1 >RCC – Method A1 >ATU – Method A1 >ASM – Method A1 >CITEL – Method A2 >APT – Method A2 >The result was hard fought, led by CITEL and supported by APT, and consisted basically of a third Method, with significant compromise on both sides.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Position going into WRC-12 >The majority of APT Members supported the Method A2 in the CPM Report. However, two Members supported Method A1 (New Zealand and Vietnam). New Zealand was concerned about existing ‘wideband’ systems that used 4 kHz spacing.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Outcome - no change to: >Oceanographic data >Digital Selective Calling >Radiotelephony (Appendix 25), but digitally modulated emissions can be used under certain conditions >Protection for GMDSS including maritime safety information. but changes made to: >NBDP (a reduction in non-GMDSS channels) >Morse provisions (some residual retained) >New provisions for digitally-modulated emissions (extensive).
WRC–12 Industry Debrief The main compromise: >CITEL and APT accepted that one sub-band in each portion of Appendix 17, be completely unchannelised, as follows: kHz(130 kHz) kHz(168 kHz) kHz(269 kHz) kHz(418.5 kHz) kHz(337.5 kHz) kHz (50 kHz) kHz(250.5 kHz) kHz(22.5 kHz)
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Other compromises >More residual NBDP as in Method A2. >Provision to use digitally modulated emissions in radiotelephony channels under certain conditions as in Method A1. >Channelisation based on 3 kHz in key parts with suitable channel pairing as in Method A2. >One unchannelised block in each sub-band, part of Method A1.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Changes in RR Article 52 >A new Section VII, Data transmission, has been added to Article 52, Special Rules relating to the use of frequencies: >Required emission mode to be J2D >Max. tx power for coast stations is 15 kW PEP >Max. tx power for ship stations is 1.5 kW PEP >Coast station details to be published >Recommendation ITU-R M.1798 to be used for coast stations and ship stations.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Changes to Appendix 17 >Part A – Table of subdivided bands, has been highly modified in the appropriate data-related portions. >New Notes created at end of Tables in Part A – Table of subdivided bands. >New Section IV – Data transmission – Table showing the channels on a 3 kHz basis. >Previous Old Morse Sections IV and V have been suppressed.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Digitally modulated emissions >The new dedicated bands for digitally modulated emissions are denoted by Note p). >These emissions may combine multiple 3 kHz contiguous channels under Note i). >The radiotelephony bands can also be used for digitally modulated emissions under Notes ff) hh), ii) and jj) under certain conditions, such as occupied bandwidth ≤ Hz.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Annex IAnnex II Ship – oceanographic data tx Ship - duplex telephony Ship & coast station simplex telephony Ship wide-band telegraphy, facsimile & special tx systems Wide-band systems, special & data tx & direct-printing telegraphy Ship station data tx NBDP telegraphy & data tx systems ≤ 100 Bd (FSK) & 200 Bd (PSK) Ship station Morse calling – A1A or A1B telegraphy Ship & coast station data tx Ship station Morse working – A1A or A1B telegraphy Ship station digital selective calling Coast station data tx Coast station wide-band, A1A or A1B Morse, facsimile, special data tx & direct-printing telegraphy systems Coast station duplex telephony Coast station digital selective calling Paired coast station narrow-band direct-printing (NBDP) telegraphy & data tx systems ≤ 100 Bd (FSK) & 200 Bd (PSK) Paired & non-paired coast station narrow-band direct-printing (NBDP) telegraphy & data tx systems ≤ 100 Bd (FSK) & 200 Bd (PSK) 4 MHz outcome for new RR Appendix 17 (WRC-12) – similar for other bands Annex I = existing Appendix 17, Annex II = new Appendix 17
Annex II Annex I Morse NBDP Morse DSC NBDP DSC Coast station wide band telegraphy, A1A, A1B, Morse, Facsimile, Special data, Direct-printing telegraphy NBDP 4 MHz detail showing changed usage for new RR Appendix 17 (WRC-12) – similar for other bands
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Morse >The new Appendix 17 (Annex II) does not contain Annex I Section IV - Morse Telegraphy (Calling) and Section V – Morse Telegraphy (Working) – a historic change. >However, there is provision for residual Morse operation under Note m), which can still be used in most Note p) sub-bands of Appendix 17, but cannot claim protection from new digitally modulated emissions.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief Transition dates and notes >WRC-12 opinion was split evenly between 1 January 2015 and >However, the transition date of 1 January 2017 was agreed. >Administrations can implement digitally modulated emissions prior to 1 January 2017, but not claim protection. See Annex II, Note kk). >Resolution 351 (Rev.WRC-07) has been suppressed. END