Highway E30 crime Corridor International causes with national consequences?
European Highway E30 Length: 5800 km
Crime & Fraud persons & goods assaults – fraud (illegal trafficking) – drugs – weapons – mobile organized crime
Persons (Police, KMAR) Organized crime Theft/robbery Burglary Assault Hostage taking Fraud
Goods (Customs) economic crime(s) Smuggling Preferred VAT-rates Anti dumping rights Import-export Fraud/counterfeiting
- Negative effects on residential/social/work climate - Economic damage - Unsafe transportation logistics - Illegal courier activities - Unsafe industrial/company areas - Unsafe parking lots - Promoting mobile organized crime and other forms of criminality Consequences:
“The E30 and it’s role in the ‘import’ and ‘export’of crime” International causes with national consequences -The influence of open borders on smuggling of human beings and commodities/goods. -Promoting international information exchange and collaboration -The influence of E30 Crime Corridor on our residential, employment and social climate Research titel Research question
Deliverables (e.g. province departments, police, customs, KMAR, universities, logistic organisations) Seminars on the ‘E30 Crime Corridor’ Scientific research, analyses, conclusions and recommendations Exchange of knowledge/experience/information at the operational level Collaboration between EU partners concerning education, training, strategies and operations Suggestions for improved detection methods and prevention of fraud and crime Developing new (operational) methods Visualizing costs and assets to launch an Early Warning System (EWS) pilot study Suggesting system solutions Launching and monitoring of the EWS pilot
E30 Early Warning System (EWS) Pilot Data linking, information exchange and collaboration: o.a. camerasurveillance and license plate registration recognition (suspected behaviour choice of freeway) European collaboration between: - The Netherlands - Germany - Poland E.g. According to the Prüm Agreement 2005
Possible sources of funding The E30 project “Crime/Persons” might be partly financed with money from the European work program “Prevention of and Fight against Crime” prior 6 and/or 7, part of the General Programme “Security and Safeguarding Liberties” The E30 project “Fraud/Goods” might be financed from the Hercule 2 program of the European Anti Fraud Office (OLAF) Brussels Both finance up to 80% of the budget Linking, collaboration similar initiatives (e.g. Cross Border projects)
Mrs. Marianne Junger University of Twente Mr. Jan Quinten Police Mr. Ronald Weel Netherland Alert Assosiation April 2011(v4 EN) Project Crime Corridor European Highway E30