Page 1 Service Organization Overview October, 2006 Oakland Unified School District Redesign Oakland Unified School District
Page 2 Focuses the transformation of central office to a Service Organization. To date, accountability in education has solely been focused on the school and academic performance Central Office, as a new Services Organization is now willing to be held to the measurable standards which creates a parallel accountability system. Why is the Services Organization key to Performance Management? Align all departments around student achievement Long Term Goal of the Services Organization: Transform traditional central office into professional services organization that provides services in a school based market economy so that Schools and the Educational Leadership Group can focus on instruction and student achievement.
Page 3 The leadership team of the Services Organization has created a business plan the consists of five key strategies that will enable the Services Organization to achieve its goal of becoming a high quality, cost effective service provider. CultureTechnology Professional Development Service Economy Infrastructure Performance Management The Services Org A high quality, cost effective service provider
Page 4 1. Technology Description Initiatives Expected Outcomes Building an on-line training and performance support environment and improving current transactional systems that empower service providers and customers. Online training and performance support system IFAS enhancements to ensure effective delivery of services Service Org Intranet enhancement Data governance & monitoring Reliable, cost-effective services Sustainable, efficient training models that increase the performance levels of all employees
Page 5 2. Culture Description Initiatives Expected Outcomes Developing a shared vision and culture that recognizes employees and managers for providing outstanding service on all five dimensions of customer focus (e.g. RATER model) and for continuous process improvement. Roll out of customer focus professional development to reframe Service Economy Reward and recognition program Development of a continuous process improvement culture (e.g. Six-Sigma, Baldridge) Shared understanding and commitment to Service Economy as social justice and business perspective (i.e. parents viewed as having assets). High ratings for customer satisfaction Lower turnover amongst Services Organization staff
Page 6 3. Professional Development Description Initiatives Expected Outcomes Implementing a comprehensive professional development plan for all managers and staff within the Service Organization and at schools that build competency in customer focus, technology proficiency and operational effectiveness. Non Instructional professional development plan Instructional professional development plan Support of the development of instructional capacity of principals and teachers Higher quality service High customer satisfaction ratings Technological proficiency for staff and customers
Page 7 4. Performance Management Description Initiatives Expected Outcomes Clearly defining, tracking, and reporting on service delivery for each service area and ensuring that all leaders provide staff with fair and timely performance feedback and evaluation. Integrating Use Your Voice survey results into daily operations Tracking and reporting of service standards for each service area to key customers (e.g. SG, NxOs, Principals) Data-driven performance evaluations Improved staff performance High levels of customer service
Page 8 5. Service Economy Infrastructure Description Initiatives Expected Outcomes Building the infrastructure necessary to operate effectively. This includes setting service offerings according to demand, developing a billing system, and creating an organizational structure to best meet demand for services. Make core services visible to schools using service standards and cost per service Vendor Management process and tools Service delivery tools (e.g. internal billing) Quarterly budget reconciliations for central office Timely fulfillment of customer demand Timely and reliable billing of services Cost-effective organizational structure
Page 9 The customer value chain starts by viewing all Oakland families as having financial assets that can be converted into revenue for the district when families enroll their children in OUSD versus a charter or private school. Ultimate consumers: Children, families and the community All of our decisions and services should focus on children, families and the community. Direct customers: Strategy Group, Network Executive Officers, and Principals The Services Org’s primary point of contact for “purchasing” decisions. Beneficiaries: Teachers and classified staff Leverage our services to increase student achievement, but they do not directly acquire (“purchase”) services from the us. Service Org will support them to improve working conditions. Partners: Regulators (state, federal and local) and vendors Stakeholders that we work with to ensure that our services are the highest level of quality for our customers. Principals/ SSCs Network Leaders The Strategy Group The Services Org Direct Customers Ultimate Consumers Vendors Regulators Partners Classified Staff Teachers The Board High level of service High level of student achievement High level of leadership Serve each other cost is included in total price Beneficiaries Students & Families
Page 10 Creating a Positive Customer Service Experience Climbing the Satisfaction-Loyalty Curve means moving the customer experience from random, to predictable, to differentiated. Consistent Intentional Consistent Intentional Distinct Valuable Random Experience Predictable Experience Differentiated Experience Customer Loyalty Stage 1 Stage 2