A1.1 Assignment 1 “Deploying a Simple Web Service”


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Presentation transcript:

A1.1 Assignment 1 “Deploying a Simple Web Service”

A1.2 Task To build, deploy and test a simple web service.

A1.3 Tools This assignment uses: –Java 2 platform standard edition –Apache Jakarta Tomcat Java servlet container –Apache Axis tools

A1.4 Steps Write the Java code to implement the web service. Use Axis to generate all needed Java source files. Compile the source files just generated. Create client source and compile. Execute client to access service. Extend the functionality of the service.

A1.5 Client Web service Apache Tomcat hosting environment

A1.6 Step 1 – Implement Service Write the code for the class that provides the web service. This code is: public class MyMath { public int squared(int x) { return x * x; } Save that code as a.jws (Java Web Service) file, Math.jws.

A1.7 Step 1 (continued) Copy the.jws file to the axis directory: cp MyMath.jws \ $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/axis/yourusername %CATALINA is an environment variable specifying the path to the home directory of the Apache Tomcat java servlet container.

A1.8 Axis Java Web Service Facility By placing your Java code as a.jws file in your web application directory structure, Axis will automatically find it, compile it, and deploy the methods.

A1.9 Axis Java Web Service Facility (cont.) The service is now deployed and can be accessed remotely through it’s URL: :8080/axis/yourusername/… Example grid0.uncc.edu:8080/axis/abw/MyMath.jws

A1.10 However, a client cannot access the service without all the code needed handle the SOAP messages, i.e. the stubs and associated files.

A1.11 Can use Java service code as the basis to create the WSDL file using an Axis “Java2WSDL” tool. Then use the WSDL as the basis to create the requires Java files using an Axis “WSDL2Java” tool

A1.12 Step 2 Generate files Use the Axis tools to create four Java source files from MyMath.jws with the composite command: java -classpath $AXISCLASSPATH \ org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java \

A1.13 Step 2 (continued) Axis finds MyMath.jws file and creates Two source files each holding a Java interface, – MyMath.java and – MyMathService.java Two source files each holding a Java class, – MyMathServiceLocator.java – MyMathSoapBindingStub.java These files are put in a new package in localhost/axis/yourusername/MyMath_jws/ which is in /home/yourusername/WebServices/

A1.14 MyMath.java -- Client code MyMathService.java -- Service code

A1.15 MyMathServiceLocator.java -- Java class used by client to find location of service. MyMathSoapBindingStub.java -- Java class that converts client service call to form to be sent to service. – client stub.

A1.16 Other files deploy.wsdd – WSDD file provided to registry when service deployed. undeploy.wsdd -- for undeploying service

A1.17 Files used by service Service stub (skeleton): MyMathSoapBindingSkeleton.java MyMathSoapBindingImpl.java – used by MyMathSoapBinding Skeleton.java

A1.18 Structure Client Stub Registry (Locator) StubService Method call/return Request WSDL WSDL MyMathSoapBindingSkeleton.java MyMathSoapBindingStub.java MyMath.java MyMathService.java WSDD deploy.wsdd undeploy.wsdd MyMath.wsdl MyMathClient.java MyMathServiceLocator.java Deploy

A1.19 Step 3 Compile new source files Compile source files generated by step 2 with: javac -classpath $AXISCLASSPATH \ localhost/axis/yourusername/MyMath_jws/*.java

A1.20 Step 4: Write Client Source Below is client code for an earlier version of Axis (1.1). Version 1.2 used in the assignment requires more code. import localhost.axis.yourusername.MyMath_jws.MyMathServiceLocator; import localhost.axis.yourusername.MyMath_jws.MyMathService; import localhost.axis.yourusername.MyMath_jws.MyMath; public class MyMathClient { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { MyMathService service = new MyMathServiceLocator(); MyMath myMath = service.getMyMath(); int x = (new Integer(args[0])).intValue(); System.out.println("The square of " + args[0] + " is " + myMath.squared(x)); }

A1.21 Step 5 Compile Client code Compile the client source file with: javac -classpath $AXISCLASSPATH:. MyMathClient.java

A1.22 Step 6 Execute Web Service program java -classpath $AXISCLASSPATH MyMathClient 4 The square of 4 is 16

A1.23 Step 7 Extend the Web Service Add functionality to the MyMath web service: Add a method that identifies whether a number is even. Add a method that identifies whether a number is prime. Modify MyMath.jws file and repeat all previous steps to test the extended web service.