Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering EE 333 Exam 1 September 28, 2006 Instructions 1.Print your name, student ID, and seat in the above blanks. 2.This is a Closed Book exam. 3.Do all of the problems. They may vary in points but the total is 100. Questions are short answer and problems. 4.Do not use any additional pages of paper. If you run out of room, use the back sides. Do not remove the staple. 5.Please write clearly or print. Illegible or unreadable answers may not be graded for partial credit. 6.Mark your answer with a box or star. Name Student ID Seat Answers
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering MIPS machine language (decimal) You may also use the following pseudo-instructions: la rdest, address lb rt, address sb rt, address
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering MIPS architecture
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 1, (10 pts) What are the five classic components of a computer and what do they do? 1) Memory: holds instructions and data 2) Datapath: routes information around computer 3) Input: brings information into computer 4) Output: takes information away from computer 5) Control: coordinates the activities of computer
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 2, (10 pts) For the 16-bit hex number 0xff85 in two’s complement notation: A.What is it’s decimal value? B.What is it’s hex representation sign extended to 32-bits?
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Find the assembly instruction for: 0x ac Problem 3, (10 pts) oprsrtimmed sw$2, 16($4) rt rs
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 4, (10 pts) For the MIPS assembly instruction div $9, $2 A.What is the op code? B.What is rs? C.What is rt? D.What is the function? E.What is machine instruction in hex? op = 0 rs = 9 rt = 2 func = 26 = 0x 1a x a
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 5, (10 pts) Write a program segment for c = a + b
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 6, (10 pts) AddressContents 0x c0x x x 2108ffff 0x x 1420fffd 0x x 48656c6c AddressByte 0x x20 0x d 0x00 0x x6c 0x f 0x24 0x x65 (hex) Find the memory byte in hex. memory
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 7, (10 pts) FuncM C n S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 AddL HH L L H XorH XL H H L Shift Left L HH H L L InvertH XL L Decre ment L HH H Complete the table below for LS181 ALU
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 8, (10 pts) Design a “shift left logical” circuit that accepts a 16-bit input A and 2-bit shift amount Shamt that shifts A either 0, 1, 2, or 3 positions. Use only 16-bit shift left logical one position (SLL1) circuits and 16-bit Muxes.
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 9, (10 pts) Instruction Total Clocks Clock add $1, $2, $34xxxx beq $1, $2, label3xxx lw $1, offset ($2)5xxxxx sub $1, $2, $34xxxx sw $1, offset ($2)4xxxx j label3xxx 1 = Instruction Fetch 2 = Decode & Register Read 3 = Execution 4 = Memory Access 5 = Register Write For the MIPS architecture, complete the table
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Problem 10, (10 pts) Draw the trace for signal Sout
Fall EE 333 Lillevik333f06-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering Statistics ProbStdAve 1/ / / / / / / / / / Ave