Agricultural Stakeholder Committee August 3, 2011 Proposed Methodology for Quantifying the Efficiency of Agricultural Water Use Proposed by: Thaddeus Bettner, GCID
Legislative Intent – Unclear Unspoken Assumptions Water use efficiency – easy and cheap Water use efficiency – easy and cheap Ag is efficient, just not efficient enough Ag is efficient, just not efficient enough Ag is wasting water, its going where? Ag is wasting water, its going where? Unspoken Outcomes Ag will be more efficient – a number? Ag will be more efficient – a number? New water goes to environment – how, when, where? New water goes to environment – how, when, where? Legislation – Phase 2 Legislation – Phase 2 A1 – Need Values and Objectives If methodology only meets the legislation, a great disservice will be done If methodology only meets the legislation, a great disservice will be done 2
General Overview of the Proposed Method Establish a Priority of scales Basin then District/sub-region then field Basin then District/sub-region then field Ag Waiver Process – looking upstream Water community initiated Water community initiated Costly but affordable Costly but affordable Established targets for a basin/watershed Established targets for a basin/watershed If exceedences, looks upstream to smaller scale If exceedences, looks upstream to smaller scale Avoid Confusion/Duplication - Must fit into Planning and Reporting activities (A1 data should match other data) i.e. Basin/Watershed and Water Plan should match i.e. Basin/Watershed and Water Plan should match SBX7-7 measurement/reporting SBX7-7 measurement/reporting SWRCB Diversion Reports SWRCB Diversion Reports 3
Basic Procedures to Quantify the Efficiency of ag Water Use 1. Learn from the A2 Process. 2. Form subcommittee(SC) of A1 consisting of SME’s 3. Allow SME SC to develop white paper on quantifying a methodology of ag water use. 4. SME SC makes presentation to A1 5. A1 determines if white paper does the following: a. Is understandable and sensible. b. Meets legislation. c. Can be implemented if mandated. d. Can address assumptions or outcomes. e. Fits into existing planning processes 4
Consideration of efficiency levels based on crop type and irrigation system DU OK to say leg author had no clue - used buzz words Likely becomes a non-issue because of huge data and interpretation lift Could do…..time consuming and costly Data in a vacuum could result in unintended consequences and impacts New Mexico Report (Brinegar & Ward 2009) New Mexico Report (Brinegar & Ward 2009) Irrigation Sagacity (Solomon and Burt, 1999) Irrigation Sagacity (Solomon and Burt, 1999) 5
Estimate of implementation costs Depends on our values and outcomes Be efficient at any cost? (impacts to other users) Be efficient at any cost? (impacts to other users) Respect other uses of water and then be efficient? Respect other uses of water and then be efficient? Where do we want efficiency improvements to show up? Where do we want efficiency improvements to show up? At field level, may just be shifted to another field or cropAt field level, may just be shifted to another field or crop At District/sub-region, water rights, permits, contracts often require water not leave that regionAt District/sub-region, water rights, permits, contracts often require water not leave that region At basin, often intersects major water bodies (rivers, streams) where water can be realizedAt basin, often intersects major water bodies (rivers, streams) where water can be realized Based on above responses, can identify local, regional, and basin actions needed Based on above responses, can identify local, regional, and basin actions needed DSC Delta Plan – regional water balance DSC Delta Plan – regional water balance 6
Types of Data needed to support the methodology Utilize existing data if possible. Water Plan Water Plan Basin/sub-basin Basin/sub-basin Districts Districts Need Regional candidates to test data What about models? Can they answer efficiency changes and benefits? CALSIM II CALSIM II SWAN SWAN 7
Other Considerations 8