The Origins of Islam: There is no god but God
I. Arabia at the Time of Muhammad A. Trade Routes of Southwestern Outer Eurasia: Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Arabia 1. Sea and caravan routes 2. Importance of Mecca
Arabia and Its Environs in Early 7 th Century
Arabia and the Near East
Indian Ocean Trade
Arabia in the Early 7 th Century
“Camels with Howdah” (1855) by Emile Rouergue
A caravan crossing Ad Dahna desert
Dromedary, importance of
Purebred Arabian stallion
“The horse of Mustapha Pasha” (ca. 1810), by Antoine-Jean Gros
Carl Raswan (1893−1966) on an Anazeh warmare in the Ruala camp (ca. 1930)
Artist’s Depiction of Mecca at the Time of Muhammed ca. 600
Mecca in 1850
Artist’s Depiction of a Street Scene in Mecca ca. 600
Prophet Muhammad at the Kaaba, The Life of the Prophet Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul (Inv. 1222/123b), illustration by Nakkaş Osman [c. 1595].The Life of the Prophet Topkapi Palace MuseumIstanbulNakkaş Osman
I. Arabia at the Time of Muhammad B. Clan Relations 1. Tribal groupings in Arabia 2. Quraysh of the Hollow C. Role of Muhammad
Major tribal groups of Arabia in the early 7 th century
Quraysh of the Hollow, 5 th -6 th Centuries
QURAYSH CLANS Clans of Quraysh divided into 3 main groups: A B C HasimAbd ShamsMakhzum Al-MuttalibNawfulSahm ZuhrahAsadJumah TaymAmirAbd ad-Dar Al-Harith ibn Fihr Adi
The Origins of Islam: There is no god but God II. Principles and Tenets of the Religion A. Five Pillars of Islam B. Important People, Places, and Events C. Sufism (Suf- < “wool” [?])
A. Five Pillars of Islam 1. Shahada — “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his messenger” 2. Salat (Salah)— prayer toward Mecca five times a day 3. zakat — alms (2½% of income above that for your own needs) 4. Sawn — fasting during the month of Ramadan 5. hajj — pilgrimage to Mecca; ihram; tawaf
Salat (Salah)
B. Important People, Places, and Events 1. Muhammad (570–632) — last and greatest of the prophets of God 2. Mecca — birthplace of Muhammad 4. Hijra (622) — flight from Mecca to Yathrib
Kaaba at the heart of Mecca. As the night goes on pilgrims visiting the Holy House
B. Important People, Places, and Events 1. Muhammad (570–632) — “last and greatest of the prophets of God” a. Revelation in cave of Hira (611) b. Night journey (621)
B. Important People, Places, and Events 2. Mecca — birthplace of Muhammad a. Ka’aba — “cube” built by Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ismail (Ishmael) b. Zamzam — well found by Ismail and Hagar c. Jabal nur — site of first revelation d. Mina — three pillars of the devil
Jabal nur
Cave of Hira
Tent city on the plain at Mina
Pilgrims stone the jamrah (stoning the devil)
B. Important People, Places, and Events 3. Hijra (622) — flight from Mecca to Yathrib a. date of beginning of Muslim calendar b. Yathrib later renamed Medina (Medinat un-Nabi = City of the Prophet)
B. Important People, Places, and Events 4. Battle of Badr (624) − Abu Sufyan 5. Battle of Uhud (625) − Khalid ibn al-Walid − Hind bint Utbah − Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib 6. Seige of Yathrib (627) − “Battle of the Trench” 7. Mecca falls (630)
B. Important People, Places, and Events 8. Qur’an (or Koran) — the word of God 9. Hadith — sayings of Muhammad 10. jihad — struggle (external and internal)
Battle of Badr (March 17, 624)
Battle of Uhud (March 19, 625)
Battle of the Trench
B. Important People, Places, and Events 9. Hadith — sayings of Muhammad a. silsilah — chain of authority 10. jihad — struggle (external and internal)
C. Sufism (Suf- < “wool” [?]) 1. Central practice — dhikr — “remembrance” a. stirring the heart — heart as epistemological organ b. piercing the solar plexus (seat of the ego) c. movements of the head d. repeating the shahada: “La ilaha illa ’llah.” –understood as “There is nothing but God” 2. Nothing in this ephemeral world is real except God 3. God is closer to you than the carotids; God is within you