Fremont Rainforest June 2016
Tonight’s meeting Brief Introduction So much more than a trip! Intro to the Amazon Amazon Details and Itinerary Specific Questions & Answers Timeline
Year long commitment Monthly meetings to learn more about the ecology and culture of the Peruvian Amazon Service projects before we travel Fund raising events Field Trips Camp outs
Wow! You mean we learn stuff too? High School Foreign Language 1.1 Students engage in conversations 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the culture studied. 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints through the foreign language and its culture. 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the culture studied and their own 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-line learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. High School Biology Content B3.2 Ecosystems B3.4 Changes in Ecosystems B3.4x Human Impact B3.5 Populations B3.5x Environmental Factors High School Social Studies K1.5 Understand the diversity of human beings and human cultures. K1.6 Analyze events and circumstances from the vantage point of others. K1.8 Apply social studies concepts to better understand major current local, national, and world events, issues, and problems.
Why Travel? Develop skills and have experiences a classroom setting can never provide Discover new strengths and abilities, conquer challenges and solve problems. Make new friends and have a lot of fun along the way. Experience a culture totally different than your own. Gain a greater appreciation of what you have and discover how you can contribute to others.
10 Days of Adventure Travel Arrive in Iquitos and take the Amazon Queen up the Amazon to Explorama Lodge – Napo – ACTS Amazon Fair – Yagua Culture -trading Village visit and service project Shaman and Ethnobotany Amazon Library Early Morning and Night jungle hikes, floats Market place and city tour Tropical Aquarium – Fishing and Mud! Canopy Walkway
Iquitos, Peru Population 500,000 Over 1,990 miles from the mouth of the Amazon River, Iquitos is still a port for ocean going vessels There are no roads, or railways leading to Iquitos, it is accessible by plane or boat only. 90% of original forest in Peruvian Amazon remains
Daily routine 6:00 – 7:00 Sunrise forest hike or boat float to search for wildlife 7:00 – 7:30 Breakfast – fresh fruit and local fare! Time for a shower and get ready for today’s adventure! 9:00 – 12:00 Morning Workshop Session 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch – The food is delicious! 1:00 – 2:30 Journaling, Free Time – swim, canoe, fish, hammocks 2:30 – 5:30 Afternoon workshop session 5:30 – 6:30 Journaling, Reflection and Roundtables 6:30 – 7:30 Dinner – something local and delicious! 7:30 – 9:30 Evening Program – moonlight river float 9:30 – 10:00 Wind down, showers, cards, hammocks! 10:00 – 6:00 SLEEP!
Explorama Lodge
Ceiba Tops
Canopy Walkway Hike to ACTS – the Amazon Conservatory of Tropical Studies Canopy walkway – one of the longest in the WORLD! Watch the sunset over the Amazon basin from 120 ft above the forest floor! Walkway spans connect 14 trees. Some spans reach over 100 feet from tree to tree!
Tropical Aquarium
Amazon Fair Learn about the culture of the Yagua
Included in costs: All food, lodging and travel Guides, staff and tips Preparatory curriculum T-shirts, journals, and travel guides Logistics, planning, coordinating of all travel details Basic travel insurance THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME!!!!!
Not included in costs Spending money for souvenirs Immunizations costs Yellow Fever – Typhoid – Malaria – updated Tetanus Passport fees $80 / under 16 $110 / adult Personal travel items – clothes, camera, binoculars Additional travel insurance over basic coverage*
Paying for Adventure Group Fund raisers Candy sales Pop can drives Bake sales Basketball tourneys Dances Movies Rainforest Run Students Babysitting Lawn mowing Snow shoveling Fair animals Family pop can drives ADOPT A KID Be creative!
Timeline: 2015 Adult and student applications handed out tonight April 2nd - All applications due including teacher references April 14th - All notifications sent out to students. April 28th - parent/student meeting to set fund raisers for the summer. $200 Deposit due May 15 th $200 deposit can be refunded until September 15, 2015
Total Cost - $ Program: Costs $2, Flight to Iquitos$1,000.00* *Flight cost is an estimate Total $3, Less $100 discount for $200 deposit by May 15 th -$100 Grant from FACF*-$250 Total$2, *Some scholarships available for those on free or reduced lunch