Vacation Overview of USU Molecules to Military Medicine Curriculum (Class of 2015) Pre-Clerkship Lead-Up Training Post-Clerkship Assessments Pre Clerkship Instruction (MS-I) Pre Clerkship Instruction (MS-II) Basic Core Clerkship Block Location 1 Core Clerkship Block Location 2 Core Clerkship Block Location 2 (cont) Core Clerkship Block Location 3 Advanced Clinical Rotations Advanc ed Clinical Rotatio ns MCM** August 2011 January 2013 January 2014 October 2014 May 2015 Opportunity for Capstone Project MS-I MS-II MS-III MS-IV + Advanced Didactics--a.k.a. Bench to Bedside & Beyond or B 3 Step II CK Taken Between April and 15 September – Prior to Capstone. Step II CS Taken NLT Nov of MS-IV Year. ** MCM: Military Contingency Medicine/Bushmaster Field Exercise Pre Clerkship Instruction (MS-1) Advanced Clinical Rotations 2 Step I Prep & Exam (4 wks) Bench to Bedside & Beyond (8 wks)+ Opportunity for Capstone Project STEP 2 EXAM* Advanced Clinical Rotations January 2012 August 2012 August 2013 August 2014 July 2012
Neuro science Cardio Pulmonary Renal (Gross Anatomy) Neuro- Anatomy Lab (Gross Anatomy) GI, Hepatobiliary, Nutrition & Metabolism Multi-System Diseases Fundamentals Reproduction & Endocrinology Fundamentals of Military Medical Practice Case Based Learning (correlating with System/Disease Units) Clinical Skills & Experiences (correlating with System/Disease Units) Service Specific Experiences Orientation Leave Fundamentals of Medical Practice Case-Based LearningOrientation Week Clinical Skills & ExperiencesAnatomic Laboratory Vacation (Exact Dates TBD)System/Disease Based Units Musculoskeletal Integument Leave 3 Field Exercise (FTX) 101 Field Exercise (FTX) 201 Military Medicine (Continuum) Overview of Pre-Clerkship Period (First 18 months) Leave Military Field Exercise Leave SeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuary 2012 DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugust 2011 DecemberNovemberOctober Leave
Formative Core Clerkship Block 1, Location 1 Formative Core Clerkship Block 2, Location 2 Location 2 (Cont)Formative Core Clerkship Block 3, Location 3 Jan 2013May 2013 Aug 2013 Dec 2013 Overview of Core Clerkships – 52 weeks Starts 2 nd Half, MS-II Year & Extends to 1 st Half, MS-III Year Pre-Clerkship Lead-Up Training (1 week) Common Assessment Weeks (1 week each) Vacation (1 week in Spring; 2 weeks in Winter) Clinical Rotations (16 Week Segments Comprising Core Rotations--5 weeks each--plus 1 Week of Combined Testing) Plan for 60 students in each 16-week block; 20 students in each 5-week rotation, likely spread over 5 core sites; 4 students/rotation at each site 4
Vertical (Science Based) Emphasis: Pharmacology, Biochemistry, NeuroAnatomy IP/OP Medicine (10 weeks) Psychiatry (5 weeks) Horizontal (Clinical) Emphasis: Palliative Care, Substance Abuse, Geriatrics Vertical (Science Based) Emphasis: Gross Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology Surgery (10 weeks) (Gen Surgery and Core Subs: Ortho/Urology/Vascular/CT/Burn) OB/GYN (5 weeks) Horizontal (Clinical) Emphasis: Surgical Skills, Informed Consent, Breaking Bad News, Team Trng Pairing of Core Clerkships (16 Week Blocks)* Vertical (Science Based) Emphasis: Microbiology, Immunology, Embryology Horizontal emphasis: Palliative care, Substance abuse, geriatrics, Horizontal (Clinical) Emphasis: Health Maintenance, Preventive Medicine, Domestic Violence Family Medicine (5 weeks) Pediatrics (5 weeks) Selective/EM/ Neurology (4 wks) * Note: Goal is to provide at least 1 block (16 wks) of geographic continuity per student in Class of Ultimate Goal is 2 continuity blocks (max) for Class of Location (& occasionally content) of continuity blocks may vary from student to student. Week of Combined, FM-Peds Training (at Sim Center & USU) Common Assessment Weeks (shelf/written exams, OSCE, basic sciences, travel) 5
Advanced Clinical Rotations 1 Apr ‘14 Jan 2014 Overview of Post-Clerkship Period Step Exams / Bench-to-Bedside & Beyond (B3) / Advanced Clinical Rotations Military Contingency Medicine / Capstone Opportunity Sept ‘14 ( 4 Week Blocks ) General Notes: -- Flexible scheduling allows for potential remediation with Office of Student Affairs (OSA) guidance -- Advanced Clinical Rotations includes traditional Sub-Internships, clinical electives, operational/humanitarian rotations, and/or specialized research (to include work on a Capstone Project). Step I Prep & Exam Bench to Bedside & Beyond ( B 3 ) 6 Oct ‘14 MCM 3 Opportunity for a Capstone Project 4 May ’15 Advanced Clinical Rotations 1 ( 4 Week Blocks ) Opportunity for a Capstone Proj ect 4 Feb-Mar Specific Notes: 1. Advanced Clinical Rotations—includes a Neuroscience Rotation (Neurology, Neurosurgery or Pediatric Neurology) for students not previously completing neurology. Also includes 2 Sub-Internships (one medical, one surgical) for all students and an Emergency Medicine rotation (if not already done). 2. Step II CK to be completed between April & Sept of MS-IV year; Step II CS to be completed NLT Nov of MS-IV year. 3. Military Contingency Medicine –Includes Operation Bushmaster 4. Capstone Projects are expected to require a minimum of 3 months to complete, however different projects/tracks may have unique requirements. Depending on student interests and/or the type of Capstone Project, work may start earlier (i.e. as early as the MS-I/II year) and proceed in a contiguous or non-contiguous (i.e. asynchronous) time frame. Regardless of the Capstone Project, all students will average at least 8 hrs of patient care activities/wk.