小马公开课 400-663-1986 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 据说这是 9.1 的写作点 题! 吕欣泽.


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Presentation transcript:

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 据说这是 9.1 的写作点 题! 吕欣泽

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working. Your job has greater happiness than your social life. Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. It is not necessary for university students to attend classes as long as they can pass their examinations. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. a. joining a sports team, b. participate in community activities, c. traveling Nowadays it's easier to maintain health than the past.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation? Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. Students who keep rooms their neat and organized are more successful than those who do not. The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual. Children should only play sports for fun, not in competition or contests. Professional athletes, such football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history. A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. All high school students should take a course in basic economics. Movies and television programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. People who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill. People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there’s no need for the government to help them.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk In a team, those who do not accept others’ criticism cannot succeed. Which kind of universities do you prefer, universities whose graduates can find good jobs or universities where there are famous professors? The most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees. The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime. The purpose of TV is to educate rather than entertain.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 1. Which way do you think is the best way to make friends? A. Joining a sports team B. Participating in community activities C. Travelling

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Yesterday once more 同意不同意 对比型 A1>B1 A2>B2 A3>B3 让: A 好 转: A 有缺陷 递: B 也好 让: A 好 转: B 也好

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 普通青年的方法 让步 —— 转折 让步: A 和 B 是一种交朋友的好的方式 转折: C 是一种更好的方式

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Which way do you think is the best way to make friends? 让步:诚然,参加体育团队和社区活动是一种很好的交友方式 Admittedly, either joining a sports team or participating in community activities can be regarded as a fantastic way to make friends. ① First and foremost, joining a sports team can definitely unite the team members more cohesively, thus enhancing the relationship among them. ② Furthermore, taking part in community activities is also a appropriate occasion for people to become friends.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk However, as far as I am concerned, travelling is the best choice to make friends. ① To begin with, not only can travelling provide the perfect relaxing atmosphere for a romantic encounter, but the beautiful scenery along the trip will undoubtedly promote the new-born friendship. ② In addition, people will certainly share some common experiences, both tough challenges and terrific memories together, which will make their bond even solider.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 二 13 青年的方法 三个一一作比较 A vs. B A vs. C B vs. C

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 文艺青年的方法 透过现象看本质 成为朋友的催化剂: Common interest/ hobby Shared experiences Trust A friend in need is a friend indeed. Memories together Similar personalities/ characteristics ……

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 抛砖引玉

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 起始段: Friendship is like a shiny jade inserted in the expansion of our life, which is universally regarded as an indispensable treasure by people. So people always wonder how people can gain their ever-lasting friendship. While some people hold the idea that either traveling or involving in some community activities is their first choice when making friends, others share other opinions. As far as I am concerned, the best way to make friends is to participate in a sports team.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主体段一: First and foremost, people who are into sports and in the same team definitely have plenty of opportunities to stay with each other. It always takes time for people to know each other, and a sports team provides the perfect condition for friendship to take root and grow. Take my basketball team in high school as an illustration. We used to have our training class three times a week. Besides the training time together, we team members usually spent the spare time hanging out a lot. For example, we would watch NBA matches together, talk about our favorite stars and even gossip about our coach, which really brought abundant happiness to us and that was exactly how we started to become friends.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主体段二: In addition, it goes without saying that the common belief and shared goal will strengthen and further cultivate the new-born friendship. It inevitably requires the team members’ collective effort to achieve their common goal, which is to win the game the team takes part in. During this process, each person needs to cooperate with others and help others in order to make the miracle happen. Actually, this can act as a golden opportunity for this group of people to better understand each other and be considerate to others. Not only do they share the happiness of victory together, but also they will learn to face the failure and sorrow with each other. Their common experiences will undoubtedly enhance the relationship among them.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主体段三: Last but not least, the beautiful and vivid memories the team members create collectively will keep their friendship lasting forever. Even if the team members will separate one day, their wonderful time together can always bond these people together wherever they are. My mum, who is in her fifties now, still keeps talking about the splendid memories of her sports team back in college with a big smile on her face, and she is still in touch with those sisters (as she calls them) closely. Now and then, they will hold parties together.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 结尾段: In a nutshell, although there are various other ways for people to become friends, I still firmly believe that the most remarkable way is to take part in a sports team.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 2. The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual. 处理,解决? Handle Settle Fix Work out Deal with Figure out Cope with 复杂的? Complex Complicated Difficult Thorny Intractable Intricate

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Complicated? Yeah! Topic Sentence: Undeniably, some environmental issues are so complicated that they cannot be figured out by the individual. Why ( 解释说明主题句): have been accumulated for generations, various causes, widely spread/ need large amounts of fund &cutting-edge technologies/ natural disasters are inevitable How ( specific example ) :global warming, PM 2.5 What ( 总结例子,回应 TS)

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Individuals? Yeah! TS: Nevertheless, individuals can definitely spare some efforts in ameliorating some environmental problems. Why: Fulfilling some tiny routines are useful when coping with some environmental problems, such as taking public transportation, refusing to use plastic bags and remembering to turn off the lights when you are out. Furthermore, the collective effort of every independent being can be extraordinary. How: NGOs/ community activities/ lead a low-carbon life What: Although it may take a longer period to accomplish the missions, we will still head for a much brighter future.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 3. In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else. 1 、分阶段 创业初期:学习前辈成功的经验 成熟期:需要有独特的东西保持成功

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else. 2 、分领域: 传统行业 新兴行业 / 未知行业

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else. 3 、分成功: 小成功 大成功

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 4.In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 以铜为镜, 可以正衣冠 ; 以史 / 古为镜, 可以知兴衰 ; 以人为镜, 可以明得失。

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 同意不同意 隐藏 all A好1A好2A好3A好1A好2A好3 (在一些情况下) A 好 (在一另些情况下) A 不好 /A 的对立面好

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past. Disagree 让步: Admittedly, under some circumstances, it is extremely necessary for us to understand the past. ① The history can be regarded as a profound encyclopedia when we deal with some current and forthcoming problems owing to that many truths and laws are eternally immutable. ② First and foremost, the experience and wisdom of past success can still be applied to some new-born problems. (Confucianism, experience of dealing with some natural disasters etc.) ③ Furthermore, some former wrong doings would become valuable lessons that can be learnt from.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past. 转折: However, when it comes to some unprecedented problems, there is no need for us to dig up the past too diligently. Our world is changing and developing dramatically, along with which a lot of problems that without precedent in history have been emerging all the time. Examples: H7N9, Hackers, PM2.5…… Faced with so many novel and intractable difficulties, it will definitely need some creativity and innovation.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 5. Your job has greater happiness than your social life.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 同意不同意 对比型 A1>B1 A2>B2 A3>B3 让: A 好 转: A 有缺陷 递: B 更好 让: A 好 转: B 也好

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Your job has greater happiness than your social life. 方法一: Agree 一边倒 ( A1>B1 A2>B2 A3>B3 ) ①在带来的物质收益方面 工作可以赚钱,从而能满足我们衣食住行的需要,保障和提升我们的生活;而社交 生活通常不具备该项功能 ② 在实现个人价值方面 工作可以更直接的体现个人的价值(医生、教师等),实现个人价值会使人倍感幸 福而社交生活却很难直接量化个人的价值 ③ 在结交朋友方面 工作中更容易结识到志同道合的朋友,而社交生活中结识到的朋友可能鱼龙混杂

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk On contrast, social life cannot immediately bring the money we need for our daily life, which will leave us even feeling worried and anxious. First and foremost, money is indispensable to our survival. The money we earn directly from our job can help us buy various kinds of food, vegetables and other types of nutrients. Furthermore, the salary can provide us with other daily expenditures such as transportation. When it comes to the concern of material gain, our job can always satisfy our needs of daily necessities, without which we cannot be happy in the first place.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk However, social life may not serve the function of providing the happiness I need for achieving my goals. Dating back to our childhood, most of us harbor a dream about our future ideal occupations. Take me as an illustration. I made up my mind to be a teacher when I grow up. That is exactly what my job is currently, which makes me feel extremely satisfied and self-assured. My job allows me to create values and even miracles everyday. In terms of realizing one’s own value, job can undoubtedly show our capacity and help us fulfill our dreams.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk To the contrary, social life may fail us when we attempt to make some high-qualified friends, which may lead us to feel disappointed now and then. It goes without saying that friends are one of the most important sources of our lasting happiness, and our job makes this dream come true all the time. For instance, in the famous TV show The Big Bang Theory, four interesting scientists become good friends because they work at the same university. Not only do they have the same passion for physics, but also they hang out a lot during their spare time. When talking about making friends, it seems that our job never lets us down due to that we can always acquaint ourselves with many wonderful friends who share a lot in common with us.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 当然,选择一边倒写法时,除了可以写 A>B ,也可采用 B>A 社交带来的幸福感 > 工作带来的幸福感 It is up to you!

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 同意不同意 对比型 A1>B1 A2>B2 A3>B3 让: A 好 转: A 有缺陷 递: B 也好 让: A 好 转: B 也好

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Your job has greater happiness than your social life. 方法二: Disagree 让步 —— 转折 job 为 A , social life 为 B 让步: A 带来的幸福感多 转折: B 带来的幸福感也多

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Your job has greater happiness than your social life. 让步: job 带来的幸福感多 Admittedly, job can undoubtedly bring abundant happiness to people. ① When it comes to the concern of material gain, our job can always satisfy our needs of daily necessities, without which we cannot be happy in the first place. ② In terms of realizing one’s own value, job can undoubtedly show our capacity and help us fulfill our dreams. ③ When talking about making friends, it seems that our job never lets us down due to that we can always acquaint ourselves with many wonderful friends who share a lot in common with us.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Your job has greater happiness than your social life. 转折: social life 也带来很多幸福感 ① 生活节奏快、压力大,进行一些娱乐活动可以减压 (reduce stress/ relax oneself) ,为人们忙碌的生活带去安慰和快乐(看电影、 K 歌、旅游) ② 和朋友分享快乐和悲伤 (share happiness and sorrow) ,从而自己的内心也感觉 更加快乐 ③ 社交生活可以帮我们结识朋友,我们可以了解不同的领域、听不同的故事, 开阔我们的视野 (broaden/ widen one’s horizon) 、使我们更加热爱生活

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 转折: However, social life is also regarded as one of the most indispensable sources of people’s happiness. With the rapid development of the society, most working people are under unprecedentedly huge pressure, where social life will be an both effective and efficient way to relieve our stress. Furthermore, when hanging out with our friends, not only can we gain a lot of fun together, but also we can share joy and sorrow, which will definitely enlighten our life. Last but not least, social life can assist us in enlarging our circle of friends, which in turn will broaden our horizon. Your job has greater happiness than your social life.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. Students who keep rooms their neat and organized are more successful than those who do not. Children should only play sports for fun, not in competition or contests. Professional athletes, such football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Movies and television programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history. Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working. Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk