HD – Spectral Analysis Astr 8600 Class Project Presentation Paramita Barai 8 th Dec, 2003
Background HD – Star in Cluster (NGC 2439) RA = 07h 39m 49.3s Dec = -32 B mag. = 8.11 V mag. = 7.66 Spectral Type: O8 / O9Ib (1997 A&A…323L..49P) B3 Ia (Turner, 1977 AJ… T) I think B3 supergiant Parallax = 0.63 mas
Spectra observed KPNO Coude Feed Telescope 2 observing runs : Oct 2000 – 8 spectra Dec 2000 – 17 spectra
Analysis Spectral Type No HeII in absorption Cooler than O supergiant Strong carbon doublet absorption B3 Supergiant
Single star with convective atmosphere Spectral lines varied by small amount & randomly H in emission – double peaked, randomly varying Convective wind flow around star, atmospheric turbulence Stellar absorption lines affected by the emission from gaseous envelope
Obs Times Abs Radial Centroid vel Eq width ISM (t ) Velocity of H-alpha of H-alpha line (HJD, days) of star emisison emission velocity
Results Single, B3 supergiant Gaseous envelope around the star Varied with ~ 5 days periodicity More observations required to study the complex motions in the atmosphere accurately
Thank you all