A White Lady
There is a legend about two twin brothers, owners of castles in Mirów and Bobolice.
According to the folk tales, they dug a tunnel between the two castles to be able to talk to each other more often in isolation without being eavesdropped.
One day they came into possession of a great treasure - they hid it in a tunnel together with hideous witch. One day they came into possession of a great treasure - they hid it in a tunnel together with hideous witch.
The brothers loved each other a lot and they were ready to do everything for each other, but their friendship was put to the test when one of the brothers brought the beautiful girl from one of his expeditions.
He suspected his twin brother to be in love with the girl so he locked her in the basement next to the treasure.
One time, during the absence of the witch who attended the sabbath, one of the brothers nabbed his brother meeting with his woman in the vault. Being horribly envious and angry, he murdered his brother and his girlfriend and bricked their bodies up in the dungeons of the castle.
Up to this day, he haunts the castle tower.
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Thank you for wathing! By Bartosz Hermanowski