TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 PHOTONIC NETWORKS LABORATORY Electronic Systems Engineering Dept University of Essex, UK Colchester CO4 3SQ D2.3 – Cost/Power Consumption/Footprint Analysis of TRIUMPH sub-systems 5 July 2007 George Zarris Acknowledgements: The schematics shown are modified or original versions of schematics provided by partners
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 Questions Key Question: Do we do the techno-economic analysis based on what we will show on the node we put together OR based on what would be possible in x years from now? Should we consider QD-based regenerators? Multi-wavelength regenerator placement only in metro-core path? Which technique? (AIT Regen B for 40G; ORC for 160G x 2 wavelengths?) New simplified design for the ADORE? Wavelength conversion is needed at the WDM->OTDM output. Which design option for the OTDM->WDM (incl. Clk Recovery)?
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 TRIUMPH Node - Concept 170G 170G Metro-Core Ring Metro-Edge Ring 2 Multi Regen F2,in F1,in F1,out F2,out 170G 170G R-OADM 170G OTDM [ 4x43G WDM Space switch Metro-Edge Ring 1 F3,in F3,out OTDM to WDM WDM to OTDM R-OADM 4x43G WDM 1x43G A B C D Add Drop
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul G Dual-wavelength Regen +27dBm+ per channel AVERAGE? Splice losses?
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul G Dual-wavelength Regen - Alternative Use of WDM coupler – More efficient design?
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul dBm L-band Yb-free EDFA Alcatel + Brightpower
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 Single Tributary (40Gb/s) ADORE 6.25ps offset, i.e. ~1.2mm in silica BF 12.5ps OC EAM Input 40Gb/s signal OC: optical circulator BF: birefringent fiber FR: Faraday rotator PBS: polarization beam splitter Att: Variable Attenuator PIN Electronic Control GaAs 40GHz 2 x 1 switch From shared MLL Clk source FR 8dB best case loss +10dBm ave. -13dBm ave. PBS RF Amp 3.5 dB loss RF Amp 3.5V p-p 4V p-p Active component Passive component Att Output Retimed 40Gb/s signal TEC: EAM, GaAs switch Heat Sink: Peltier, RF amps N.B.: Current design difficult to integrate
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 WDM-to-OTDM 160Gb/s OTDM output 4x40Gb/s WDM signal inputs from MEMS switch Node Primary Free-Running Clock ADORE 40GHz QD- MLL 0dBm i/p ave. per channel +16dBm ave. +10dBm ave. EDFA λ –Converter/ 2R,3R Regen -13dBm ave. at 160Gb/s
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 Two-section mode-locked quantum-dot laser Passive/Hybrid Monolithic Mode- Locked Lasers Wavelength: µm Peak power: up to 1 W (i.e. 16dBm average) Electrical power: 1W typ. Repetition frequency: 5-40 GHz Pulse width: down to 1ps Extremely low jitter and amplitude noise Now renamed: Innolume
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 OTDM-to-WDM Alternative technique: 4 synchronized WDM channels Pulse carving at 40 GHz using EAMs. WDM data Signal Broadband Signal DFB1 DFB2 DFB3 DFB4 EAM1 EAM2 EAM3 EAM OTDM data Signal
TRIUMPH mtg – Rome 5 Jul 07 OTDM-to-WDM Control Signal (OTDM 160Gb/s) T FWHM =1.5ps (Gaussian) =1531.5nm 4x40GHz WDM Channels T FWHM =4.5ps (Gaussian) =1543nm Spacing=4.8nm (600GHz) Pave=0dBm HNLF: lenght=0.5km loss=1.44 dB/km Slope=0.01ps/nm 2 /km EDFA 1 EDFA 2 EDFA 3 4x40Gb/s WDM Channels WDM filter EAM +25dBm AVERAGE?