WP2 members & timeline Lead: Tromsø Geophysical Observatory Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques Other participants: Everybody else Timeline: Yesterday and forever
WP2 goal Simple: to provide or channel data from the various instruments to portals from which the other WPs can access them My vision: minimize the number of physical database servers and use technology we already have
WP2 tasks 2.1 Provision of EUV and coronal data (UGOE, ROB, FHG, NOAA-SWPC) 2.2 Extraction of solar activity proxies from EUV images (ROB) 2.3 Solar activity data base (ROB) 2.4 Development of SEPS as Space Weather Sensor (FHG) 2.5 Provision of L1 solar wind data (DLR, NOAA-SWPC) 2.6 Provision of geomagnetic indices (NOAA-SWPC, SRI NASU- NSAU) 2.7 Provision of auroral magnetic field and ionospheric data (TGO, SRI NASU-NSAU) 2.8 Provision of GNSS based ionospheric data DON’T WORRY ABOUT THESE – JUST LOOK AT THE DELIVERABLES →
IT solar terrestrial WP2 deliverables D2.1 Dedicated Web-interface for integrated data access to scientific community in coordination with WP6 including documentation. D2.2 Solar activity proxies (from tasks 2.1 and 2.2). D2.3 Solar activity data base (from task 2.3. D2.4 SEPS EUV and plasma data (from task 2.4). D2.5 L1 solar wind data base (from task 2.5). D2.6 Provision of geomagnetic indices (from task 2.6). D2.7 Web-interface for AE activity monitor and local indices data base (from task 2.7). D2.8 Provision of GNSS based ionospheric data (from task 2.8).
WP2 in context Essentially assemble data and make it available to WP3 & 4, but also to whoever needs them These data… …via quality control if appropriate… …to this repository