Using your SSOC to develop cross curricular leadership opportunities within your school Tuesday 20 th January 2015 Herts Sports Village Clare McCawley
Welcome and Introduction My Background Why I was asked to deliver this workshop Objectives Roles and Responsibilities of SSOC Cross Curricular links Competitions and the use of cross curricular activities
Welcome and Introduction Your Turn! ICE BREAKER – SPEED DATING Find out who the person opposite it, where they come from, and how much they know about School Sport Organising Crews
What is a SSOC? A School Sport Organising Committee (SSOC) is a diverse group of young people that represent all aspects of school like who join together to develop, organise and promote school sport and Level 1 of the Sainsbury’s School Games
What roles are there in a SSOC?
What is a SSOC?
What roles are there in a SSOC?
How could you further expand some of these roles to other curriculum areas? Head of Literacy? Head of Numeracy? Could there be a leader attached to every curriculum leader to support them?
What roles are there in a SSOC? The main function of a SSOC was around level 1 competitions. Do these have to be sporty or just competitive?
Cross Curricular Competitions
Your Turn! In groups complete the times table grid. winning team win a prize
Cross Curricular Competitions Your Turn! Write a paragraph about “The Royal Family” Every person in the group has to write at least one sentence.
Ofsted!!! OFSTED CriteriaSchool GamesUse of Pupil Premium Overall effectiveness: Evaluate the quality of the education provided, based on all the evidence gathered. The Sainsbury's School Games is a unique opportunity to motivate and inspire millions of young people across the country to take part in more competitive school sport. Achievement of pupils at the school: Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. Pupils develop a range of skills, including reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills, and how well they apply these across the curriculum. Disabled pupils and those who have special needs have achieved since joining the school Gaps are narrowing between the performance of different groups of pupils, both in the school and in comparison to those of all pupils nationally. Spirit of the Games values. Opening ceremonies School Games Organising committees – encouraging reporters, photographers and team managers. At all levels of the Sainsbury's School Games there will be increased opportunities for young people with disabilities to compete on a local, regional and national level. The Sainsbury's School Games is made up of four levels of competition that provide a pathway for young people to progress and develop. Buy stickers to promote spirit of the games. Provide pens/pads/camera for reporters. Badges to show what their role is. Buy specialist equipment for those with a disability. Enter into a range of competitions
Ofsted!!! Quality of teaching in school: The teaching in all key stages and subjects promotes pupils’ learning and progress across the curriculum Teachers and other adults create a positive climate for learning in which pupils are interested and engaged. Through leadership work – students think for themselves, take initiative and organise events, motivating and supporting other pupils. Offer a range of sporting competitions and equipment. Buy a range of new equipment to be used during lessons and/or at playtimes. Behaviour and safety of pupils at the school: Pupils’ behaviour around the school and in lessons, including the extent of low-level disruption Pupils’ behaviour towards, and respect for, other young people and adults, and their freedom from bullying, harassment, and discrimination While we can offer more competitive sport opportunities to a greater number of young people, there are often more difficult to reach groups that are not interested in participating in traditional sports or activities. The Change4Life Sports Clubs programme supports young people to explore different types of activities and to engage with the School Games through an alternative route. Change4Life Sports Clubs The Spirit of the Games Values focus on personal excellence through competition. The five values of passion, belief, respect, honesty and teamwork were developed by young people to identify what the experience of school sport should be built around Funding can be used for training for Change 4 Life and buy in a coach/ deliver. Buy stickers to help promote Spirit of the Games. Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school: Ensure that all teaching staff benefits from appropriate professional development and that performance are rigorously managed. Teacher training days held including a range of sports and activities. Sharing of good practice. Pay for various teachers to go on teaching training courses provided by SGM.
Any Questions? Thank you for your time