2 Last survey results for FY14 Satisfaction rate was at or above 90% goal throughout the year, ending with an overall 94% Response rate was also above goal, ending at 20%, well over the 16% metric SYNOPSIS KEY AOP METRICS – ALL GREEN!!
3 REUT /LESOTRANS/TURN-INHW Disp Question JULAUGSEPJULAUGSEPJULAUGSEP G4: Have you experienced any changes in the level of support you receive from your local Disp Svcs site in the last 90 days? 24%12%13%26%19%24%28%20%38% G4a: If yes - was the change you experienced positive or negative? (Please explain in the comment section at end of survey) - Positive 88%83%91%77%72%77%43%50%100% -Negative 12%17%9%23%28%23%57%50%0% ** NEW D2 ** Standard Question (All Business Areas) 4th Qtr Results 69%-0% 89%-70%100-90% Note: months vs. qtrs Started asking 4 th Qtr ONLY detailed response I will show you today (rest is in back-up) Percentage who answered “yes”
4 COMMON THEMES Comments - themes were consistent throughout FY14: ‒By FAR - #1 customer concern: not knowing the status of their requisitions and whether or not they would get property. (RTD/LESO) NOTE: RTD (Audit Readiness approved) SCR to fix this problem has been submitted! ‒Continued frequent comments on the need for photos and better descriptions. (RTD/LESO) ‒Long wait for turn-in appointments mentioned consistently all four quarters. (TRANS/TURN-IN) ‒Desire for receipt copies (TRANS/TURN-IN) ‒Sites need more staffing ‒Most consistent Theme: Employee Compliments! SAD REALITY … I made almost NO changes to this slide from one year ago.
5 Six standard ICE questions: –SOLID GREEN (over 4.0 (of 5.0)) all year - all three business areas. Facility, Staff Attitude, Timeliness, Hours of Business, Meeting Needs, Satisfied or not Feeling VALUED as a customer: –SOLID GREEN (over 90%) all year – all three business areas. (One exception: HW was at 87% (Y) in Q4) –For those that said they did NOT feel valued, the highest percentages as to why they did not were: Responsiveness (avg. 26%) Ease of Doing Business (avg. 23%) But again … we are only talking about less than 10% that answered this negatively all year FY14 Averages for General Questions Most answered “other”
6 ASSESSMENT: Problems with RTD Web and slow pace to get changes implemented continue to plague the ratings on this system –Evaluation of comments shows biggest concern throughout FY14 was lack of clarity as to whether they are going to get property or not … system messages were unclear and confusing The two Required Delivery Date (RDD) questions are non value added as we at Disp Svcs do not have any control over the outcome and cannot influence change Customers were very happy with local help during the screening process LESO customers continued to rave about the importance of the program to their organizations …. Do sometimes get frustrated with the limitations around certain equipment BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS RTD/LESO 60% LESO 35% REUT 5% OTHER 60% LESO 35% REUT 5% OTHER
7 WHAT TO LOOK FOR NEXT YEAR: Deleting the two RDD questions Adding the following questions: –Did we ship property to you or did you go to pick it up? If we shipped it, did the property meet your expectations? If you picked it up – was the property ready and available for pick up at your scheduled appointment? –If applicable – please provide your Requisition/MILSTRIP number RTD/LESO BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS
8 ASSESSMENT: EDOCs – System stayed at a steady state all year - right at about 74% …. Copies back stayed solid RED –Metric of 4 days or less completely unrealistic, particularly after the DAPS contract came into play SCHEDULER (system) – Fluctuated between RED/YELLOW, with an overall average of 69% so barely into yellow range –Could argue that even though we specified “system” – it may have been hard for them to separate that from their feelings on WAIT TIME Honoring RIP agreements – NSTR – 90% Those sent back after arriving usually said it was due to paperwork problems or wide variety of reasons if not that When asked if they had problems – were they corrected? We ended in the high YELLOW range overall BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS TRANSPORTATION/TURN-IN
9 WHAT TO LOOK FOR NEXT YEAR: Deleting Scheduler and RIP questions Keeping EDOCs questions - modify metric to be either 10 days New question: “How would you rate your experience preparing for your turn-in of property to Disp Svcs?” (Good/Fair/Poor) –Follow on: Considering your answer (above), which best describes what you were rating: 1) Scheduler system – local turn-ins 2) Scheduler system – direct shipments 3) TMO/TO coordination of Distribution shipments 4) RIP agreements 5) DSR coordinated “cross-dock” shipments New question: “Have you experienced any problems with your turn-in? (Yes/No). If yes – was it due to: 1) Improper or lack of paperwork 2) Problems with ETID system or approvals 3) Limited hours of operation at site 4) Insufficient/unsatisfactory support from DS personnel 5) Other TRANSPORTATION/TURN-IN BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS
10 ASSESSMENT: First question asked whether they pulled reports from the system and how they would rate that experience (Good/Fair/Poor) –Started year (Q1 and Q2) in the RED … improved to YELLOW in Q3 and Q4 –Question served its purpose – wanted to ensure system showed steady improvement as fixes were implemented Ratings on COR assistance continued to do well throughout the year, ending at 92% BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS HAZARDOUS
11 WHAT TO LOOK FOR NEXT YEAR: Deleting question on getting reports from system – served its purpose this past fiscal year Rewording the COR question to simplify it a bit Two new questions: 1) Are you satisfied with Disp Svcs solutions for your excess Hazardous Materials? 2) Are you satisfied with your COR’s management of your Hazardous Waste contract removals? BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS HAZARDOUS
12 CATEGORYEAST MID AMERICA WESTEUROPEPACIFICCENTRAL TOT AL Employee Compliments Site Compliments COMPLIMENTS AND CRM CUSTOMERS ARE BEING HEARD! 223 CRM tickets created as a result of surveys this year ‒Represents personal responses to customers to resolve their issues
13 FY14 CONCLUSIONS –New process of surveying MONTHLY vs. QUARTERLY and only surveying those who used us the previous month … MUCH BETTER! Real time data Survey was relevant to customers Process and workload was more consistent for J411 staff Response rate over goal all year – undoubtedly due to this process –Customer Satisfaction steadily over goal – applaud ourselves! NEXT STEPS - FY15 –Revised questions in each business area Gain DSD and Mgmt approval on changes/new questions Vote today to go forward or mail for formal approval –Will need to keep an eye on the potential impacts of the DDPA and D2 initiatives on customers/satisfaction CONCLUSIONS – NEXT STEPS
15 4 th Quarter ICE Survey High Level Summary Business AreaJULAUGSEP4th QtrR/Y/G RTD / LESO96% 95%96% Transportation / Turn-in96%94%95%96% Hazardous Waste (HW)84%100% 89% RESPONSE RATES JULAUGSEP4th Qtr TOTALS Business AreaSentRespSentRespSentRespSentResp RTD/LESO Transportation / Turn-in1, , Hazardous Waste (HW) General Comment Cards TOTALS:1, , Overall Resp Rate25%30%23% 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Q4 95% 25% SATISFACTION
16 Standard ICE Questions 4 th Qtr. Results REUT /LESOTRANS/TURN-INHW Disp Question Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Facility Appearance Employee Staff/Attitude Timeliness of Service Hours of Service Did the product or service meet your needs? 97% 94%98%96%94% 96%97%91%92% 94% Overall Satisfied 95%94% 96%95%91%92%95%97%92%91% 90% 69%-0% 89%-70% % Please rate these areas on a scale of: Excellent (5.0)/Good (4.0)/Okay (3.0) /Poor (2.0)/Awful (1.0)
17 REUT /LESOTRANS/TURN-INHW Disp Question Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 G3: In your latest interaction with DLA Disp Svcs – did you feel valued as a customer? 93% 92%94%92%91%92%94%91%93%91%87% G3a: If no, please select from the drop down where we can most improve -Ease of doing Business 30%25%17%33%31%29%30%31%25%0%17%14% -Competency in resolving problems 11%0%6%15%10%19%16%14%0% 57% -Responsiveness (timely in getting back to you) 24%25%33%37%30%21%36%29%50%0%17%14% -Consistency in stating procedures 8%5%8%0%9%12%9%12%0% -Nothing listed above (please provide details in comments) 27%45%36%15%20%19%9%14%25%100%67%14% Standard Question (All Business Areas) 4thQtr Results 69%-0% 89%-70%100-90%
18 Reutilization/LESO Customers Question 1 st Qtr Survey 2 nd Qtr Survey 3 rd Qtr Survey 4 th Qtr Survey R1: Which type of Disposal Services customer are you? (354) - Reutilization (114) 36%37%33% 32% - Transfer/Donation (Combined) (12) 0%2%3% 4% - LESO (216) 59%56%58% 61% - Firefighter, CFL, Other (Combined) (12) 5% 6% 3% R2: How would you rate your experience in using the Reutilization Transfer Donation (RTD) WEB (81) - Good (266) 68%71%69% 74% - Fair (106) 27%24%28% 21% - Poor (12) 5% 3% 5% 100%-90%89%-70%69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question
19 Reutilization/LESO Customers Question 1 st Qtr Survey 2 nd Qtr Survey 3 rd Qtr Survey 4 th Qtr Survey R3: If you requested assistance during the screening/requisition process, did you get the help you needed? (73) 93%96%94% 93% R4: For DOD customer only – was the property delivered by the Required Delivery Date (RDD)? (129) 86%83%84% 91% R4a: If “no” to the previous question, was the property delivered within: (19) weeks of RDD (6) 16%55%32%50% weeks of RDD (5) 32%18%26%25% - more than 4 weeks of RDD (8) 53%27%42%25% 100%-90%89%-70%69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question
20 Transportation/Turn-in Customers Question 1 st Qtr Survey 2 nd Qtr Survey 3 rd Qtr Survey 4 th Qtr Survey T1. How would you rate your experience using EDOCS (Electronic Document System) for retrieving your DD1348-1s? (367) - Good (262) 73%75%71%75% - Fair (75) 22%19%20%21% - Poor (30) 5% 8%5% T2. When was your turn-in receipt (signed ) available in the Electronic Documents (EDOCS) system? (318) - Less than 4 days (187) 60%57%59%58% days (62) 20% 19% 21% - More than 5 days (69) 20% 23% 22% 21% T3. How would you rate your experience using the Scheduler system? (339) - Good (238) 69% 70% 68% - Fair (67) 23% 19% 20% 29% - Poor (34) 8% 11% 10% 9% 100%-90%89%-70%69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question
21 Transportation/Turn-in Customers Question 1 st Qtr Survey 2 nd Qtr Survey 3 rd Qtr Survey 4 th Qtr Survey T4. If you agreed to have Receipt in Place (RIP) property, did we honor the agreed upon time for removal from your location? (155) 92%87%89%90% T5. If you turned in property at a Disp Svcs site and were sent back or called back later due to problems, what was the reason given? (57) - Improper or lack of paperwork (28) 54%58%49% - Truck considered unsafe to unload (0) 2% 5% 0% - Radiation was detected (0) 2% 0% 2% - Hours of operation (5) 5% 0% 9% 5% - Other (24) 38% 37% 42% 45% T6. If you experienced an issue with your turn-in or shipping, was it corrected to your satisfaction? If NO, please state specifics (in comments). (159) 89%82%85%91% 100%-90%89%-70%69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question % of Customers who answered Yes
22 Hazardous Waste Customers Question 1 st Qtr Survey 2 nd Qtr Survey 3 rd Qtr Survey 4 th Qtr Survey HW1. In the past month, have you retrieved HW information from the Disp Svcs web based reporting system? (60) 16%38%33%14% HW1a. If YES – how would you rate your experience in retrieving the information? (21) - Good (18) 40%33%86% - Fair (2) 60%67%9%14% - Poor (1) 0% 5%0% HW2. Does your COR offer assistance for completing turn- in documentation needed to order services under your waste disposal contract? (62) 88%100%92%88% 100%-90%89%-70%69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question
23 EAST Chris Newlund (9 times!) Ft. Dix (Meade) Robert Strickland Cherry Point Greg Soto Bragg Eddie Sanders Bragg Curtis Mitchell Eglin Jessica Perez (twice) LeJeune Johnathan Payton LeJeune Paul McGrath (twice) LeJeune Lucas Grant LeJeune Cynthia Anderson (twice) Susquehanna Frankie Rivera Susquehanna Jeff Unitis Susquehanna Ryan Fuller Susquehanna Bradly Rhoads Susquehanna Thomas Hamilton (4 times) Jacksonville Greg Grolemund(twice) Jacksonville Dianne Wilson Jacksonville Sherry Hooper Jacksonville Marny Harrison (twice) Cape Canaveral Daniel Fedeli Groton Regina Cropp Norfolk Justin Frey Tobyhanna Outstanding Personnel Employees complimented by name in survey comments: MID AMERICA (cont.) MID AMERICA Debra White Campbell Mary Rocha (twice) San Antonio Andrew Lopez (twice) San Antonio David Craft San Antonio Leander Berry Stewart Tracy Kane Stewart Leroy Davis Minot Stephen Johnson Whiteman Victor Ambegia Little Rock Gary Morehead Knox Eric Marshall Columbus LTS Robert Robinson Columbus Margie Steward Corpus Christi George NellyRiley Zachary Gaddis Hood Kelli CrawfordRed River MORE EAST Gerriee SykesEglin Roosevelt TennisonBragg Eugenia LylesBragg Joe WilliamsBragg Wardell ReynoldsBragg
24 PACIFIC Rose CruzMisawa Julia Rivera (twice)Guam Michael LeskovecPearl Harbor Kumeo YamasatoPearl Harbor Melchor BontogPearl Harbor Gilbert DelagentePearl Harbor Miriam TannenbaumGimcheon EUROPE/AFRICA Steve HerbIncirlik Sedat DeryalarIncirlik Massimo MarrongiuAviano HQ BC Peggy ThompsonRTD Steve CarterRTD Brian Kemp Transportation Aaron Bakkila Transportation Outstanding Personnel (Cont.) Employees complimented by name in survey comments: WEST Michelle ClayCol Springs Mark CraneCol Springs Barry ThompsonBarstow Mark DeLeon Lewis Enrico Majillo (twice)Lewis Paul BrownLewis Gabe IserniaSierra John LopezSan Diego Fernando Ramirez (twice)San Diego Jerriet Davis (twice) Port Hueneme Jennifer RiveraPendleton Carrie Clark (twice)Pendleton Ken SmithPendleton Rey Guerrero (twice)Pendleton Thomas Valdez (twice)Pendleton John WilcoxYuma Chance Young (twice)Tracy David WilliamsTracy John RogersTracy (RCP)
25 HONORABLE MENTIONS Employees complimented NOT by name: DSR at Jacksonville (3 times) DSRs/Warehouse Personnel at Pearl Harbor (3 times) HW COR at Kirtland HW COR at Groton DLA Reps at Corpus Christi DLA Reps at San Diego
26 EAST Susquehanna (3 times) Eglin LeJeune (twice) Jacksonville (twice) Meade (4 times) Norfolk Tobyhanna WEST Kirtland Lewis Pendleton (3 times) Yuma Nellis Anchorage (twice) Tracy/San Joaquin (twice) MID AMERICA Columbus (three times) Little Rock Campbell (3 times) Knox (twice) Hood (twice) Warner Robins (twice) Wright Patterson Riley Gordon EUROPE/AFRICA Kaiserslautern Molesworth Incirlik (twice) Aviano Schweinfurt (twice) Outstanding Sites Sites complimented by name in survey comments: PACIFIC Sagami (twice) Guam HQ LESO (ten times) RTD (twice) Transportation (twice) CENTCOM Arifjan (3 times)
27 Brian Kemp always provides courteous, prompt, and top-notch customer service in all of my Transportation Scheduling needs for me and my customers. He goes above and beyond ……. He is a role model for exceptional customer service. I was very Pleased with the service and assistance from all the personnel at DLA Arifjan. The manager went above and beyond explaining the process of reutilization and covered the entire process of ordering and picking up. My experience with DS Susquehanna has been outstanding. Frankie Rivera and Cindy Anderson are extremely helpful and friendly to work with. The Ft. Lewis DRMO personnel are wonderful. Mark DeLeon, Paul Brown, and their contractor Emerald Services provide outstanding support to Fairchild AFB hazwaste disposal operations. Courteous and timely support. We have a great working relationship and I have absolutely no complaints Sample Comments (Site Compliments and other comments) DLA Knox is doing a wonderful job. They have guided users on the new disposal contact which has made the transition much more effective. The DLA team here At Aviano Air Base has been a pleasure to work with multiple times and has always found the items needed in a timely manner. They deserve a pat on the back for a great job. I needed to EXPEDITE my DRMO appliance before the end of September and Mike Leskovec and Kumeo Yamasato (Pearl Harbor) are doing just that for us. Both are KNOWLEDGEABLE, VERY PATIENT and SO KIND on giving guidance and their response time is TERRIFIC! I've been working here for over 11 years and they CONSISTENTLY put their best foot forward!
28 WHAT ARE CUSTOMERS SAYING? RISE IN REUTIZATION COMPLAINTS THIS QUARTER Still many (49) complaints about wanting more photos and better descriptions of property. (Only 2 compliments on improvement) Quite a few (17) comments still about not liking the notifications they receive from RTD Web. Unclear as to if rejected or awarded … “system speak” like: “SENT TO EBS” doesn’t tell them anything (coincides with RED on RTD Web) A handful of others on wasted trips (property gone), condition codes incorrect and misleading, shipping issues (still waiting for property), etc. OTHER Wait time still being mentioned as well as EDOCs copies (still RED on this one)
29 ASSESSMENT: Problems with the RTD Web and the slow pace to get changes implemented continue to plague the ratings on this system. –Evaluation of comments shows the biggest concern throughout FY14 was the lack of clarity as to whether they are going to get the property or not … system messages were unclear and confusing The two Required Delivery Date (RDD) questions are non value added as we at Disp Svcs do not have any control over the outcome and cannot influence change Customers were very happy with local help during the screening process LESO customers continued to rave about the importance of the program to their organizations …. Do sometimes get frustrated with the limitations around certain equipment WHAT TO LOOK FOR NEXT YEAR: Deleting the two RDD questions. Adding the following questions: –Did we ship property to you or did you go to pick it up? If we shipped it, did the property meet your expectations? If you picked it up – was the property ready and available for pick up at your scheduled appt.? –If applicable – please provide your Requisition/MILSTRIP number BUSINESS AREA SYNOPSIS RTD/LESO