FJ Sintermetal Partners in Projects FP6 8 th November 2002
Powder Forging of Aluminium MMC-Powders Company presentation Powder Forging process MMC-Powders Aluminium MMC-Powders
Company presentation Producer of PM-part since 1985 One of the leading companies in the PM-industry in Europe 19 powder presses – from 4 to 250 ton presses 8 sintering furnaces including sinter hardening 1 powder forging line for development and small productions Specialised in components with advanced geometry Small and medium sizes batches
What is Powder Forging? Powder mixing with additives and lubricant Pressing of green body in powder presses Sintering in protection atmosphere Forging of sintered green body to final shape Powder mixes Pre-pressing Sintering & heating Forging end products
Why Powder Forging? High density High fatigue strength High elongation High impact energy
Equipment 150 ton DORST powder press Furnace designed for powder forging: ≤ 1250 ºC ; ENDOGAS - N 2 / H 2
MMC-Powders Alloy no. Alloy compositionHardness; HV Wear [g] AFe/Fe 3 C + C BAstaloy Mo + C + Al 2 O CAstaloy Mo + C + D DAstaloy Mo + C + Al 2 O 3 + D Low cost wear resistant components using Metal Matrix Composites
High-strength Powders Components used in the industry
Aluminium MMC-Powders Powder Forging of Aluminium MMC-Powders State of the art: Investigate and develop high strength net- shape components using MMC-aluminium alloys with the Powder Forging process.
Aluminium MMC-Powders Sixth Framework Programme Prime Proposer: FJ Sintermetal, DK Cooperating with CEMTEC, Center for Energy- and Material Technology, Hobro Aalborg University, Institute for production And other interested international industrial companies and institutes.
Aluminium MMC-Powders Goal ► high strength aluminium: E-modulus:~ 100 GPa UTS:~ 600 MPa YS: ~ 400 MPa Elongation:~ 7%
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