EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 1 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation SYStems for Alternative Fuels (SYSAF) P. Moretto & P. Castello EC-DG JRC-Institute for Energy
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 2 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation DG-JRC, Institute for Energy Mission statement The Institute provides scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of community policies related to energy. Special emphasis is given to the security of energy supply and sustainable and safe energy production.
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 3 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation SYSAF summary/1 The action supports the penetration of natural gas and hydrogen as alternative fuels in the energy sector, particularly in road transportation. It aims at harmonising, validating and standardising test procedures for safety and operational performance of hydrogen systems. EC FP6 – JRC Action n°2323: SYSAF
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 4 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation SYSAF summary/2 GasTeF Performance assessment of H2 tanks: permeation and cycling tests SenTeF Performance assessment of H2 leak detectors under conditions representative of those expected in use. SolTeF Characterisation of solid-state materials for H2 storage. Modelling Modelling of H2 and CH4 accidental release and ignition and explosion conditions. HySafe, StorHy (InsHyde) HyTrain NESSHY HySafe HyApproval Independent testing facility to support definition and harmonisation of adequate testing procedures and to provide assistance to developers Best practices, laboratory and measurement standards Safety requirements in accident conditions
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 5 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation Traffic light analysis/1 Major ItemsTraffic lightNote Material and Component Characteristics and System Integrity : Endurance: Lifecycles, aging GasTeF Refueling: Intentional Hydrogen Releases: Permeation (incl. losses, e.g. connections) GasTeF Controls and Display (incl. H 2 -sensors) SenTeF Working Group 1: H 2, Vehicle and surroundings safety in normal use
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 6 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation Major ItemsTraffic lightNote Material and Component Characteristics and System Integrity Crashworthiness Leakage SenTeF Fire safety Explosion Protection Emergency Medical Rescue: Controls and Display (incl. H2-sensors) SenTeF Working Group 2: Vehicle and surroundings safety in crash situations and defects, damages Traffic light analysis/2
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 7 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation GasTeF : a “bunker” for permeation an cycling tests of high-pressure gas storage tanks for vehicles Ready in 2006 Conditions: up to 350 bar for cycling tests (3 min filling), up to 700 bar permeation tests in 20° - 100°C temperature range Future expansion to distribution components (valves, fittings) and to hybrids (solid-state & high pressure) Experimental data to be fed to the drafting process of RCS High-pressure gas tank tests
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 8 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation H2 leak detectors Typical requirements for automotive applications: Specific to H 2 gas – low cross sensitivity Wide detection range Fast response/recovery Low power consumption Wide temperature range Low maintenance, long life Rugged – resistant to aging & loss of sensitivity, zero drift Cost effective – several sensors/vehicle Small Specificity - cross sensitivity Response time Temperature dependence Ageing due to cycling SenTeF, a facility testing:
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 9 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation SenTeF in StorHy ActivityRelevance Expected outputs SenTeF StorHY Subproject SAR, Task SA2.2: General requirements and tests concerning quality and reliability of hydrogen detectors for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles (CIDAUT/JRC/Magna Steyr) Experimentally validated test protocol for hydrogen detectors; Proposal for an approval document (standard?) on reliability of sensors
EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 10 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 – JRC presentation 5-step iterative process Definition of performance targets in collaboration with StorHY SP End Users (Car manufacturing companies) Executed Consequent definition of a test protocol Executed Market survey on available sensor systems and search for inputs from sensor manufacturers. On-going Sensors procurement and trials of proposed test procedures Experimentally validated test protocol = base for a proposal for a test and approval standard concerning the reliability of sensors (further consultation with car & sensor manufacturers) StorHY SAR SA2.2 CIDAUT (E), JRC (NL), Magna Steyr (A)