Dishmaker by Ted Selker and Leonardo Bonanni from MIT
What is a prototype? Looks like Product Works like Interacts like Service/ Experience Space Story
What is a prototype? It is the iterative generation of artifacts intended to answer questions that get you closer to your final solution It is creating a concrete embodiment of a concept which become a way to test your hypotheses It is building to think
It is an attitude What is a prototype?
FAIL EARLY and OFTEN (risk and cost vs. iteration curve)(cost of failure vs. project time)
H2 prototype: ID A VARIABLE
H2 prototype: SCALE RESOLUTION first passfinal design for Gyrus ACMI, ENT Division
prototype resolution should match the progress of your development identify the variable you want to explore let go of your prototypes create experiences H2 prototype:
use your prototypes as a probe to continue to gain empathy for your users test (or, OBSERVE again!)
what new information do you have about needs? what new information do you have about how your solution addresses the need? why TEST?
let the user experience the prototype: set the scene surrounding your prototype give a short explanation to set context act like a guide (not a lead) HOW TO test: PLAN
observe the experience: capture what worked, and what didn’t work see how users use and mis-use your prototype listen more than you talk to give users a chance to interpret H2 test: OBSERVE the experience
engage the user: iterate on the fly to communicate learnings ask specific, open-ended questions remember: the user is the expert H2 test: let the user EXPERIENCE
H2 test: gather feedback systematically