J. Lyle Story.  mei/zona tau/thv a0ga/phn ou0dei\v e1xei, i3na tiv th\n yuxh\n au0tou= qh=| u(pe\r tw=n filw=n. Jn. 15:13  a0mh\n le/gw u(mi=n, ou0k.


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Presentation transcript:

J. Lyle Story

 mei/zona tau/thv a0ga/phn ou0dei\v e1xei, i3na tiv th\n yuxh\n au0tou= qh=| u(pe\r tw=n filw=n. Jn. 15:13  a0mh\n le/gw u(mi=n, ou0k e0gh/gertai e0n gennhtoi=v (born of women) mei/zwn 0Iwa/nnou tou= baptistou=. o( de\ mikro/terov e0n th=| basilei/a| tw=n ou0ranw=n mei/zwn au0tou= e)stin. Matt. 11:11  kai\ e0kh/russen le/gwn, 1Erxetai o( i0sxuro/tero/v mou o0pi/sw mou, ou{ ou0k ei0mi\ i(kano\v ku/yav ( ku/ptw = I bend down to the ground) lu=sai to\n i(ma/nta (strap) tw=n u(podhma/twn au0tou=. Matt. 1:7

 o3ti to\ mwro\n tou= qeou= sofw/teron tw=n a0nqrw/pwn e0sti/n, kai\ to\ as0qene\v tou= qeou= i0sxuro/teron tw=n a0nqrw/pwn. I Cor. 1:25  o( pisto\v e0n e0laxi/stw| kai\ e0n pollw=| pi/sto/v e0stin, kai\ o( e0n e0laxi/stw| a1dikov kai\ e0n pollw=| a1diko/v e0stin. Lk. 16:10  u(mei=v e0k tou= qeou= e0ste, tekni/a, kai\ nenikh/kate ( nika/w I conquer) au0tou/v, o#ti mei/zwn e0sti\n o( e0n u(mi=n h2 o( e0n tw=| ko/smw|. I Jn. 4:4

 0Egw\ ga/r ei0mi o( e0la/xistov tw=n a0posto/lwn, o$v ou0k ei0mi\ i(kano\v kalei=sqai a0po/stolov, dio/ti e0di/wca th\n e0kklhsi/an tou= qeou=. I Cor. 15:9  zhlou=te (either ind. or imp.) de\ ta\ xari/smata ta\ mei/zona I Cor. 12:31  a0lla\ perisso/teron au0tw=n pa/ntwn e0kopi/asa ( kopia/w = I labor, work hard) I Cor. 15:10  (Wv ou]n e1gnw o( 0Ihsou=v o#ti h1kousan oi( Farisai=oi o3ti 0Ihsou=v plei/onav maqhta\v poiei= kai\ bapti/zei h2 0Iwa//nnhv. Jn. 4:1

 o( e(wra/kamen kai\ a0khko/amen a0pagge/llomen kai\ u(mi=n i3na kai\ u(mei=v koinwni/an e1xhte meq 0 h(mw=n. kai\ h( koinwni/a de\ h( h(mete/ra meta\ tou= patro\v kai\ meta\ tou= ui(ou= au0tou= 0Ihsou= Xristou=. I Jn. 1:3  au3th ou]n h( xara\ h( e0mh\ peplh/rwtai. Jn. 3:29  a]ron (liquid verb) to\ so\n kai\ u#page, qe/lw de\ tou/tw| tw=| e0sxa/tw| dou=nai w9v kai\ soi/ Matt. 20:14  kaq 0 h(me/ran a0poqnh=|skw, nh\ th\n u(mete/ran kau/xhsin (boasting) a)delfoi/, h$n e1xw e0n Xristw=| 0Ihsou= tw=| kuri/w| h(mw=n. I Cor. 15:31

 o( mh\ a0gapw=n me tou\v lo/gouv mou ou0 threi= kai\ o( lo/gov o$n a0kou/ete ou0k e1stin e0mo\v a0lla\ tou= pe/myanto/v me patro/v Jn. 14:24  mh\ su\ mei/zwn ei] tou= patro\v h(mw=n )Iakw/b, o$v e1dwken h(mi=n fre/ar (well) kai\ au0to\v e0c au0tou= e1pien kai\ oi( ui(oi\ au0tou= kai\ qre/mmata (domesticated animals); Jn. 4:12  xwri\v de\ th=v sh=v gnw/mhv (consent) ou0de\n h)qe/lhsa poih=sai. Philemon 14

 qe/lw de\ pa/ntav u(ma=v lalei=n glw/ssaiv, ma=llon de\ i#na profhteu/hte. mei/zwn de\ o( profhteu/wn h2 o( lalw=n glw/ssaiv, e0kto\v ei0 mh\ diermhneu/h| ( diermhneu/w = I interpret), i#na h( e0kklhsi/a oi0kodomh\n la/bh|. I Cor. 14:5  ou[ ga\r ei0si du/o h2 trei=v sunhgme/noi ei0v to\ e0mo\n o1noma e0kei= ei0mi e0n me/sw| au0tw=n. Matt. 18:20  le/gei ou]n au0toi=v o( 0Ihsou=v, 9O kairo\v o9 e)mo\v ou1pw pare/stin, o( de\ kairo\v o( u(me/terov pa/ntote e0stin e#toimov. Jn. 7:6