Hydropower A source of energy
Hydro what? The origin of the pre-fix hydro is Greek meaning water. Hydropower is power that you get for water. Now you know it’s not hydro what? It’s hydropower.
Where does hydropower come from? Hydropower is power from water. Water comes from the water cycle. Evaporation/ Transpiration CondensationPrecipitation
W h a t i s H 2 O ? H2O is the scientific abbreviation for water. The H2 part stands for two hydrogens. The O part is for oxygen. Now we know what H2O stands for.
How do people get hydropower? People will build a dam to hold a river back and get electricity from it. Just like in this picture. River Dam
Renewable or Not? Is hydropower renewable ? We will not run out of it. And it will always be hear in the future but…. It does not stay in the same place and we can’t control when we get it. So it’s a flow resource meaning…. It’s flow so it’s neither renewable or not. It’s both!
Why do people use hydropower? People use hydropower because it is earth friendly. It also uses less non- renewable electricity.
But can using hydropower be bad? When people build dams to use hydropower they might break. They also might be torn down when the price becomes to high. A dam can also kill lots of fish.
Thanks For Watching Show made by Talya Information from Isabella, Chad, and Madison With help from our teachers Thanks again for watching