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In-Place Records ManagementArchival Records Management Less expensive to deploy. You do not have a separate site or farm for records. Therefore, you do not have to try to keep sites in sync. Now you manage the collaboration space once. Allows more advanced storage management. Records can be stored on a different storage medium. Easier on the user of the records. Your records never lose context or go missing. Easier on the records manager. Your records are all in one place, and are not scattered across locations in your organization. Easy search of records and files that are not records. Flexible collaboration structure. If you use in-place records, you must actively manage the collaboration space. Potentially easier eDiscovery: you have only one repository to search. Stronger resemblance to records management approaches used with paper records. Overall, it is easier to model a typical hierarchical file plan in a records center. The Record Center Content Organizer enables you to apply policy that is based upon metadata.
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