ABIRD: Active Background Ion Reduction Device for nanospray ESI By John Neveu ESI Source Solutions, LLC Woburn, MA USA ESI Source Solutions
Nanospray ESI (n-ESI) is a common technique for interfacing capillary chromatography systems with a mass spectrometer. n-ESI is typically done without supplied gas, leaving the background ion signal subject to variable ambient laboratory air conditions. ESI Source Solutions
ABIRD works by treating the ambient lab air, which is then directed to the n-ESI spray formation zone in an open source.
ABIRD also works by treating the ambient lab air which then displaces untreated air in a semi closed source. ESI Source Solutions
Typical Orbitrap full MS no ABIRD 7.59e5 Typical Orbitrap full MS with ABIRD. 5.00e4 ABIRD on an Orbitrap shows greater than a 10x reduction in background ions when operating. ESI Source Solutions
ABIRD installed on an LTQ shows 10x reduction in background ion signal. 2.36e3 Typical LTQ full MS with ABIRD. Typical LTQ full MS no ABIRD 2.38e4 ESI Source Solutions
Left panel: 5 min chromatogram BP Da, ABIRD on then off and then on again. Right panel, top: 1min summed spectra, ABIRD off, TIC 1.27E6 Right panel, bottom: 1 min summed spectra, ABIRD on, TIC 4.6E4 ESI Source Solutions Typical ABIRD behavior on a typical day.
ABIRD significantly improves signal to noise and signal stability across a chromatographic run. No ABIRD With ABIRD
ABIRD Installations these from our EU distributor MS Wil more here:
ABIRD device in place on LTQ-Orbitrap with a New Objective Picoview source:
Joint Marketing Agreement with Thermo Scientific on the use of ABIRD on Thermo nanospray sources. Thermo Fisher Scientific and ESI Source Solutions have agreed that: ABIRD has been configured and tested with Thermo Scientific™ nano-electrospray ion sources: EASY- Spray™, Nanospray Flex™ and Nanospray-II, and is fully compatible with these sources. The benefits of ABIRD are simple: ABIRD isolates the inlet from changing background ions, which is critical for extended quantitative or comparative analyses. ABIRD reduces background ions, enhancing S/N ratio quite dramatically in many cases We look forward to promoting ABIRD on Thermo Scientific instruments worldwide!
Summary: ABIRD imparts a controlled low level background ion signal to nanospray ESI mass spectrometers across a wide mass range. ABIRD protects the instrument from ambient spikes in laboratory air quality, crucial for quantitative analysis. Installation solutions are available for almost any nanospray source on the market, including DIY’er kits. ABIRD is a smart addition to any nanospray source. Many more details at company website of: