Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometry for Neutrino Physics Sergey Eliseev Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany International Workshop XLIII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations Hirschegg , January 12, 2015
OUTLINE Basics of Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometry PTMS for Neutrino Physics Type of Neutrinos Determination of Neutrino Mass Search for heavy sterile Neutrinos
Basics of Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometry
Masses of Exotic Nuclides (short-lived to stable) Field Examples dm/m shell closures, shell quenching, regions of Nuclear structure physics deformation, drip lines, halos, Sn, Sp, S2n, S2p, δVpn, island of stability 10-6 to 10-7 rp-process and r-process path, waiting-point Astrophysics nuclear models mass formula nuclei, proton threshold energies, astrophysical reaction rates, neutron star, x-ray burst Weak interaction studies CVC hypothesis, CKM matrix unitarity, Ft of 10-8 superallowed ß-emitters Metrology, fundamental constants α (h/mCs, mCs /mp, mp/me ), mSi 10-9 to 10-10 0nbb, 0n2EC 10-8-10-9 Neutrino physics mmother – mdaughter : heavy neutrinos ~10-10 neutrino mass <10-11 mp and mp me- and me+ mion, electron binding energy CPT tests QED in HCI <10-11
nc = q 1 2p m B Penning trap the most accurate mass spectrometer q/m strong uniform static B-field 1 q nc = 2p m
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Penning trap the most accurate mass spectrometer B q/m strong uniform static B-field 1 q nc = 2p m SHIPTRAP JYFLTRAP TRIGATRAP MLLTRAP THe-TRAP Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg < 10-11 DB B h-1 < 5 · 10-9 DB B h-1
Penning Trap magnetic field electrostatic field B q/m
Penning Trap B modified cyclotron motion: magnetron motion: axial motion:
long-lived and stable nuclides short-lived nuclides Brown & Gabrielse, Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 233 (1986)
Penning-Traps worldwide JYFLTRAP SHIPTRAP MLLTRAP TITAN TRIGATRAP THe-TRAP CPT LEBIT ISOLTRAP FSU on-line facility for short-lived nuclides dm/m ~ 10-9 (ToF-ICR technique) ultra-precise Penning trap for long-lived and stable nuclides dm/m <10-10 (FT-ICR technique)
High Precision PTMS Q = Mmother- Mdaughter of b and bb transitions 10-8-10-9 < 10-10 type of neutrinos heavy sterile neutrinos < 10-11 neutrino mass
High Precision PTMS Q = Mmother- Mdaughter of b and bb transitions 10-8-10-9 < 10-10 type of neutrinos heavy sterile neutrinos < 10-11 neutrino mass
double-electron-capture nuclides double b-decay nuclides
two-neutrino mode neutrinoless mode
neutrinoless mode
• • • Observation of 0nbb or 0n2EC proves that: neutrino is a Majorana particle, n = n • conservation of total lepton number breaks Measurement of T1/2 gives: • effective Majorana neutrino mass
Neutrinoless Double-b - Decay T1/2~1019y T1/2>1025y Contribution of Penning Traps: measurements of Qbb – values with a sub-keV uncertainty transition Q-value precision 76Ge – 76Se 2039.006(50) 6E-10 G. Douysset et al., PRL 86, 4259 (2001) 100Mo – 100Ru 3034.40(17) 2E-9 S. Rahaman et al., PLB 662, 111 (2008) 130Te – 130Xe 2527.518(13) 1E-10 M. Redshaw et al., PRL 102, 212502 (2009) 136Xe – 136Ba 2457.83(37) 3E-09 M. Redshaw et al., PRL 98, 053003 (2007) 48Ca – 48Ti 4268.0 (3) 7E-10 M. Redshaw et al., PRC 86, 041306(R) (2013) A.A. Kwiatkowski et al., PRC 89, 045502 (2014) Experiments: GERDA & MAJORANA : 76Ge NEMO-3: 100Mo COBRA & CUORE: 130Te EXO: 136Xe CANDLES & CARVEL: 48Ca
expected T1/2 of 0n2EC > 1030 yr Neutrinoless Double-Electron Capture expected T1/2 of 0n2EC > 1030 yr
expected T1/2 of 0n2EC > 1030 yr Neutrinoless Double-Electron Capture expected T1/2 of 0n2EC > 1030 yr
Neutrinoless Double-Electron Capture resonant enhancement of capture rate T1/2 of 0n2EC ~ 1023 yr Search for a transition with (Q-B2h-Eg) < 1 keV Measurement of Q=M1-M2 at ~ 100 eV-Level
Measurements with SHIPTRAP/GSI Addressed 0n2EC transitions 112Sn → 112Cd JYFLTRAP, S. Rahaman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 042501 (2009) JYFLTRAP, V. S. Kolhinen et al., Phys. Lett. B 684, 17 (2010) 74Se → 74Ge FSU, B. J. Mount et al., Phys. Rev. C 81, 032501(R) (2010) 136Ce → 136Ba JYFLTRAP, V. S. Kolhinen et al., Phys. Lett. B 697, 116 (2011) 184Os → 184W TRIGATRAP, C. Smorra et al., Phys. Rev. C 86, 044604 (2012) 152Gd → 152Sm 164Er → 164Dy Measurements with SHIPTRAP/GSI 180W → 180Hf 96Ru → 96Mo 162Er → 162Dy Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 052504; 107 (2011) 152501; 168Yb → 168Er Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 038501; 84 (2011) 028501; 84 (2011) 012501; 106Cd → 106Pd Nucl. Phys. A 875 (2012) 1; 156Dy → 156Gd 124Xe → 124Te 130Ba → 130Xe
between nuclear ground states 0+ → 0+ transitions between nuclear ground states 2EC-transition Q (old), keV D (old), keV Q (new), keV D (new), keV T1/2·|m2EC|2, yr 152Gd → 152Sm 54.6(3.5) -0.2(3.5) 55.7(0.2) 0.9(0.2) 1026 164Er → 164Dy 23.3(3.9) 5.2(3.9) 25.07(0.12) 6.81(0.12) 2·1030 180W → 180Hf 144.4(4.5) 13.7(4.5) 143.1(0.2) 12.4(0.2) 3·1027 JYFLTRAP, S. Rahaman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 042501 (2009)
multiple-resonance phenomenon in 156Dy |M| =3 for 0+ → 0+ T1/2 (0+→0+) ~ 31024 y for |m2EC|=1 eV
Q-values of all important 0nbb – transitions JYFLTRAP SHIPTRAP MLLTRAP TITAN TRIGATRAP CPT LEBIT THe-TRAP ISOLTRAP FSU Q-values of all important 0nbb – transitions are measured with sufficient accuracy Two resonantly enhanced 0n2EC – transitions are found
High Precision PTMS Q = Mmother- Mdaughter of b and bb transitions 10-8-10-9 < 10-10 type of neutrinos heavy sterile neutrinos < 10-11 neutrino mass
Determination of Neutrino Mass with an uncertainty of ~ 0.2 eV KATRIN - Project b--decay of Tritium - Project EC in 163Ho HOLMES - Project MARE- Project b--decay of 187Re Measurements of Q-Values are required with a relative uncertainty (dQ/m) < 10-11
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics THe-TRAP & PENTATRAP Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Heidelberg) Division “Stored and Cooled Ions” THe-TRAP PENTATRAP Measurements of mass ratios of THe-TRAP PENTATRAP Tritium \ 3He 187Re \ 187Os 163Ho \ 163Dy with an accuracy of < 10-11
THe-TRAP for KATRIN: 3H3He Q-value THe-Trap aims for dQ ≈ 20 meV dQ/m < 10-11 Status: Q = m(16O5+)-m(12C4+) dQ/m ≈ 10-10 Q=18 589.8 (1.2) eV S. Streubel et al., Appl. Phys. B 114, 137 (2014) Sz. Nagy et al., Euro. Phys. Lett. 74, 404 (2006)
PENTATRAP for ECHo, HOLMES, MARE Measurements of Q-Values of b--decay of 187Re EC in 163Ho Intensity De-Excitation Energy / keV Q=2.47 keV Q=2.55 keV with an uncertainty of ~ 1 eV
Status of PENTATRAP Production of highly charged ions (187Re50+, Xe25+, Ar8+) Transport of HCIs to Penning-trap mass spectrometer Trapping of HCIs for up to 30 min. Measurement of the axial-motion frequency
Improvement of the Experiment Performence Status of PENTATRAP Improvement of the Experiment Performence
Q-values of 187Re b-decay & 163Ho EC (NEAR) FUTURE Q-values of 187Re b-decay & 163Ho EC with ~ 1 eV uncertainty
search for the best b-transition for the neutrino mass determination EC in 163Ho; Q-value ≈ 2.55 keV b-decay of 3H; Q-value ≈ 18.6 keV b-decay of 187Re; Q-value ≈ 2.47 keV
search for the best b-transition for the neutrino mass determination Electron-Capture Transitions Intensity De-Excitation Energy / keV Q-Belectron → 0 Q-value → 0
search for the best EC-transition for the neutrino mass determination Measurement program for ISOLTRAP and JYFLTRAP
search for most suitable Penning Traps for Neutrino Mass JYFLTRAP ISOLTRAP accuracy ~ 10-8 search for most suitable EC-transitions M(187Re)-M(187Os) THe-TRAP PENTATRAP M(3H)-M(3He) M(163Ho)-M(163Dy) accuracy < 10-11
High Precision PTMS Q = Mmother- Mdaughter of b and bb transitions 10-8-10-9 < 10-10 type of neutrinos heavy sterile neutrinos < 10-11 neutrino mass
Extension of Standard Model: heavy sterile neutrinos: 1 to 100 keV overview of different approaches F. Bezrukov and M. Shaposhnikov, Phys. Rev. D 75 (2007) 053005 KATRIN and MARE (b-decay) H.J. de Vega, O. Moreno et al., Nucl. Phys. B 866 (2013) 177 search in electron capture (EC) F.X. Hartmann, Phys. Rev. C 45 (1992) 900
Extension of Standard Model: heavy sterile neutrinos: 1 to 100 keV overview of different approaches F. Bezrukov and M. Shaposhnikov, Phys. Rev. D 75 (2007) 053005 KATRIN and MARE (b-decay) H.J. de Vega, O. Moreno et al., Nucl. Phys. B 866 (2013) 177 search in electron capture (EC) F.X. Hartmann, Phys. Rev. C 45 (1992) 900
= lM1 lM1 lN1 lN1 heavy sterile neutrinos in electron capture Intensity De-Excitation Energy / keV calorimetric spectrum A(Z,N) + e A(Z-1,N)h + ne A(Z-1,N) + Ec lM1 lM1 = Function(Q-value, Ue4) lN1 lN1 3 active neutrinos exp
Measurements of Q-values of most suitable EC-transitions P.E. Filianin et al., ArXiv:1402.4400 largest sensitivity to Ue4 around m4 ≈ Q - Bi contribution of n4 to i-capture only if m4 ≤ Q - Bi nuclide half-life Q / keV Bi / keV Bj / keV Q-Bi / keV 163Ho 4570 y 2.555(16) M1: 2.0468(5) N1: 0.4163(5) 0.51 235Np 396 d 124.2(9) K: 115.6061(16) L1: 21.7574(3) 8.6 157Tb 71 y 60.04(30) K: 50.2391(5) L1: 8.3756(5) 9.76 123Te 1017 y 52.7(16) K: 30.4912(3) L1: 4.9392(3) 22.2 202Pb 52 ky 46(14) L1: 15.3467(4) M1: 3.7041(4) 30.7 205Pb 13 My 50.6(5) 35.3 179Ta 1.82 y 105.6(4) K: 65.3508(6) L1: 11.2707(4) 40.2 193Pt 50 y 56.63(30) L1: 13.4185(3) M1: 3.137(17) 43.2
105 cryogenic microcalorimeters 10 decays/s in each detector Measurement time of 1 year dQ=0, wave functions are known precisely Ue4 2 m4 / (Q - Bi)
measurements of Q-values with m4 / keV Ue4 2 measurements of Q-values with uncertainties dQ/m < 10-10 are reqiured measurement programme for PENTATRAP
High Precision PTMS Q = Mmother- Mdaughter of b and bb transitions completed far future type of neutrinos heavy sterile neutrinos near future neutrino mass
Thank you for your attention !