1) The Meaning of the First Alphabet 1. Error Display 1) The Meaning of the First Alphabet E P U A Error concluded by self-diagnosis E101~E700 Detailed item refers error code Pre Error Code P701~P800 Items that need more than 2 times detection to conclude through error The address of Outdoor Unit occurred error U200 : Main Unit U201 : Sub1 Unit U202 : Sub2 Unit U203 : Sub3 Unit The address of Indoor Unit occurred error A047 : Error Occurred At Indoor Unit Whose address 47 2) Error Display method Error Type Error Display Method Examples Error Occurred at Indoor Unit Error Number →Address of Indoor unit → Error Number (repeat indication) E471→A002→E471→A002 Error Occurred at Outdoor Unit or Other Error Error Number →Address of Outdoor unit → Error Number (repeat indication) E471→U200→E471→U200 ○ In case of several Error should be registered at the same time, Indicator will display one error whose priority is highest. ( Refer Error Code Table to know priority order ) ○ When the same Error Occurred in several Indoor Units, Indicator will display one address of indoor unit whose address number is lowest.
Error Code (Priority Order) Error Details E221 Short or Open of the Outdoor air temperature sensor E251 Short or Open of the discharge temperature sensor of Digital compressor E256 Short or Open of the discharge temperature sensor of Fixed compressor 1 E257 Short or Open of the discharge temperature sensor of Fixed compressor 2 E258 Short or Open of the discharge temperature sensor of Fixed compressor 3 E291 Short or Open of the high pressure sensor E296 Short or Open of the low pressure sensor E271 Short or Open of the Sump. Temperature sensor of the compressor 1 E231 Short or Open of the Cond. out temperature Sensor E307 Short or Open of the Oil balance temperature Sensor1 E308 Short or Open of the Suction temperature sensor E311 Short or Open of the sub cooler temperature sensor E425 Reverse Phase or Phase Open E452 Voltage Dip Error E440 Stop Operating Heating mode when Outdoor temperature is over 30℃ E442 Stop Operating Heating charging mode when Outdoor temperature is over 15℃ E443 Stop Operation by Low Pressure E431 Self diagnosis failure of Oil balance valve 1 E202 No response error after tracking is completed E201 Communication error among outdoor units and indoor units (Pre-tracking failure or setup indoor unit number is different from the real)
Error Code (Priority Order) Error Details E203 Communication error between Outdoor unit’s main and sub MICOM or among outdoor Units E407 Comp down By high pressure E410 Comp down By low pressure E403 Comp down By Anti-freezing control E413 Comp down By Sump Protection Control E554 Loading failure E416 Comp down by compressor discharge temperature E241 Cond. out temperature Sensor breakaway E269 Suction temperature Sensor breakaway E453 Error of Fan Motor’s high temperature E454 Fan motor RPM Error E455 Error of fan motor IPM high temperature E458 CT over current E457 Error of fan motor’s reverse revolution E162 Outdoor Unit’s EEPROM Error E560 Switch Option Set up Error E428 Comp down by compression ratio control E121 Short or Open of indoor unit’s air temperature sensor E122 Indoor Unit EVA in Sensor’s Short or open E123 Indoor Unit EVA out Sensor’s Short or open
Error Code (Priority Order) Error Details E154 Indoor Unit’s Fan Error E124 Communication error message sent from the indoor unit E153 Indoor Unit Floating S/W error (2nd check) P701 Indoor Unit Floating S/W error (1st check) E152 Indoor Unit EEV Closing error (2nd check) P702 Indoor Unit EEV Closing error (1st check) E151 Indoor Unit EEV opening error (2nd check) P703 Indoor Unit EEV opening error (1st check) E128 Indoor Unit EVA in Sensor Breakaway E129 Indoor Unit EVA Out Sensor Breakaway E131 Indoor Unit Heater Sensor Breakaway E265 Sump temperature Sensor of Digital Comp. or Fixed Comp.1 Breakaway E267 Fixed Comp.2 Sump’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E268 Fixed Comp.3 Sump’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E262 Fixed Comp.1 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E263 Fixed Comp.2 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E264 Fixed Comp.3 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E456 Fan Motor Over Current Error E461 CT Low Current CH Stop Operating the unit when the crank case heater is on
Stop Operating Heating mode when Outdoor temperature is over 30℃ E440, E442 : E440 Stop Operating Heating mode when Outdoor temperature is over 30℃ E442 Stop Operating Heating charging mode when Outdoor temperature is over 15℃ Decision Method E440 : Just before outdoor unit operates in heating mode, Outdoor air temperature sensor reading over 30℃ E442 : Just before outdoor unit operates in heating charging mode by key mode(K1 S/W in the outdoor unit’s PCB ), Outdoor air temperature sensor reading over 15℃ Possible Cause It is not error of product. (spec. to protect products) It is desired that refer and use working conditions range of temperature. If the value of outdoor air temperature sensor is different from the real, please replace the outdoor air temperature sensor with new one.
Stop Operation by Low Pressure Decision Method If the low pressure of the main unit is below 3.1kgf/㎠G for 3 seconds continuously In cooling mode before Pump down start, Stop operation If the low pressure of the main unit is below 2.6kgf/㎠G for 3 seconds continuously In Heating mode before Pump down start, Stop operation Possible Cause Refrigerant Leakage Low pressure sensor breakdown Action Measure the low pressure using manifold gage Read the low pressure of the system using S-NET or View mode Compare the value of case1 with case2. If these value are similar, most of refrigerant is leaked. Please emit remainder refrigerant and do re-vacuum & re-charging If these value are different greatly, please check the connector of the low pressure sensor or replace the low pressure sensor with new one Attention : After recovery of refrigerant (Pump down), because refrigerant fills only in outdoor heat exchanger, preceding descriptions error can arise . In this case, If you open service valve after connecting pipe normally with indoor unit, error will be eliminated because refrigerant circulates to low-pressure side.
Self diagnosis failure of Oil balance valve 1 Decision Method 1. No check in case that one outdoor unit is installed 2. In module application, check the condition of Oil balance valve 1 or senor breakaway 3. When hot gas engaged after close the Oil balance valve 1, if the temperature of oil balance tube arise over 5℃, display error (Valve Is not closed) 4. During Oil balance operation with the Oil balance valve 1 open, if the temperature of oil balance tube doesn’t change over 7℃, display error (Valve Is not open) Possible Cause Temperature Sensor of Oil balance valve 1 breakaway Malfunction of Oil balance valve 1 Solenoid coil of electric connection badness Action Check the temperature sensor is inserted correctly in sensor holder Check the value of the temperature sensor is proper Check the oil service valve is open Check the solenoid Coil of the valve is properly installed Check the resistance of the Coil (Was it not short-circuited?) Replace the Oil Valve with new one Attention : Never use welding machine when cut off the oil valve, Do use Tube cutter. ( there is danger of production of fire because oil fills in pipe )
Comp down By high pressure Decision Method The Value of the high pressure sensor is over 41kgf/㎠ Possible Cause <Cooling Mode> Outdoor Unit’s fan motor breakdown or restriction, Fan motor Driver wire is bad or open Outdoor Heat exchanger contamination, Service Valve is closed, Excessive refrigerant <Heating Mode> Indoor Unit’s fan motor breakdown or restriction Indoor unit’s fan motor capacitor badness or connecting wire open Service Valve is closed, Excessive refrigerant Action Check the service valve is open Check the value of the high pressure sensor is proper using manifold gage Check the EEV of both indoor unit and outdoor unit Check the fan operation Confirm refrigerant quantity
Comp down By low pressure Decision Method If the low pressure of the main unit is below 2.6kgf/㎠G In cooling mode, Stop operation If the low pressure of the main unit is below 1.4kgf/㎠G In Heating mode, Stop operation Possible Cause Refrigerant shortage, EEV choked, Service valve Closed, Compressor Unloading badness, Leakage of discharge check valve of stopped unit Working conditions deviation ; Outdoor temperature is below -5℃ <Cooling Mode> Outdoor temperature is below -20℃ <heating Mode> Action Check the service valve is open Check the value of the low pressure sensor is proper using manifold gage Check the EEV of both indoor unit and outdoor unit Check the fan operation Confirm refrigerant quantity
Comp down By Anti-freezing control Decision Method The temperature of the operating indoor unit’s heat exchanger keeps below -4℃ (more than 5 minutes) Possible Cause EEV does not work properly Indoor unit fan motor restriction or badness Air filter of the indoor unit is choked severely Action Removes obstacle and cleans dust filter. Error reset (K3) Operate the only relevant indoor unit and check the fan operation Check the PCB & motor Check the Pressure Confirm refrigerant quantity
Comp down By Sump Protection Control Decision Method The temperature of Sump keeps below 95℃ (more than 5 minutes) Possible Cause Compressor Loading badness Sump temperature sensor badness Action Connect the S-Net Check the operation of PWM Valve (normal loading/unloading) Check the attachment status of sump temperature sensor Take the sump sensor apart from the compressor and leave it alone in ambient air for about 10 minutes, and check the value of the sump sensor is similar with the ambient air temperature. Replace sump sensor
Comp down by compressor discharge temperature Decision Method The value of discharge temperature sensor is over 135℃ Possible Cause Refrigerant Shortage, EEV Choking, Service valve is closed, Sensor badness, Liquid EEV badness, Liquid Tube Valve badness, Leakage of discharge check valve of stopped unit Action Check the resistance of the discharge temperature sensor (refer E251) Check the Service Valve is open Check the EEV Operation In case of partial outdoor units are operated, Check leakage from liquid tube valve or discharge check valve of no-operating outdoor units Confirm refrigerant quantity
Cond. out temperature Sensor breakaway Decision Method No Check in cooling mode In Heating mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously (more than 20min.) 1. average high pressure : 25kgf/㎠G 2. average low pressure : 8.5kgf/㎠G 3. Teva,out – Tair,in ≥ 3℃ 4. Teva,in – Tair,in ≥ 2℃ 5. Tcond,out – Tair,out ≤ -2℃ 6. All Compressor Operation & All indoor Unit operation (thermo on) Possible Cause Cond. Out sensor breakaway or badness Outdoor heat exchanger path pipe is choked Action Check the temperature sensor is inserted correctly in sensor holder Check the resistance of the discharge temperature sensor (refer E231) Is change in sensor value at heating operation after stop? Replace Heat exchanger assembly with new one.
Suction temperature Sensor breakaway Decision Method Tsuc,ini ; Suction temperature of the compressor on the verge of operation Tsuc,real ; Suction temperature of the compressor operating now | Tsuc,real - Tsuc,ini | < 2℃ (more than 30 min.) Possible Cause Suction temperature sensor breakaway or badness Action Check the temperature sensor is inserted correctly in sensor holder Check the resistance of the discharge temperature sensor (refer E231)
E458: E458 CT over current Decision Method The CT value of the relevant compressor is over 20A ( more than 5 sec.) Possible Cause CT sensor badness Compressor Breakdown Action Check the resistance of the CT sensor connector Check the value of CT sensor is zero at stop Compare the value of CT sensor with another measurement device Replace the relevant compressor
Comp down by compression ratio control Decision Method (High pressure + 1) / (Low Pressure + 1) ≥ 8.5 (more than 10 min.) Possible Cause Pressure sensor badness EEV malfunction Pipe is clogged Action Check the service valve is open Check the value of the pressure sensor (S-Net or View mode) is proper using manifold gage Check the operation of EEV (Outdoor units / indoor units) Check pipe status In case of partial outdoor units are operated, Check leakage from liquid tube valve or discharge check valve of no-operating outdoor units Confirm refrigerant quantity
※ After Service, Indoor unit should be reset by power supply E153 ↔ A*** Indoor Unit Floating S/W error (2nd check) P701 Indoor Unit Floating S/W error (1st check) Decision Method Possible Cause Drain pump Breakdown Floating S/W malfunction Action After separating Floating S/W connector, check the resistance of both ends of the Floating S/W is infinity. (OPEN when there is no water) Check the supplied voltage to the Drain pump is proper. Replace PCB of Indoor Unit. Check the operation of Drain pump Replace Drain pump of Indoor Unit. ※ After Service, Indoor unit should be reset by power supply
E152: Indoor Unit EEV Closing error (2nd check) E152 ↔ A*** Indoor Unit EEV Closing error (2nd check) P702 Indoor Unit EEV Closing error (1st check) Decision Method In Cooling mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously (more than 20min.) 1. Tcond,out – Tair,out > 3℃ 2. Tair,in – Teva,in > 4℃ 3. Tair,in – Teva,out > 4℃ 4. Compressor is operating normally & relevant indoor Unit is ON (thermo on) In Heating mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously (more than 3min.) 1. average high pressure : over 18kgf/㎠G 2. after 5 minutes from safety start ends 3. more than 2 indoor unit are operating in heating mode (thermo on) 4. Tair,in – Teva,in > -3℃ & Tair,in – Teva,out > -3℃ Possible Cause Indoor unit’s EEV does not open Action Check the EEV connector is inserted correctly in the indoor PCB Check the EEV Coil is inserted correctly in the EEV body Check the resistance of the coil Replace EEV assembly with new one.
E151: E151 ↔ A*** Indoor Unit EEV opening error (2nd check) P703 Indoor Unit EEV opening error (1st check) Decision Method No check In Heating mode In Cooling mode, it must satisfy below condition (more than 20min.) - Either Teva,in or Teva,out of stopped indoor unit is below to zero Possible Cause Indoor unit’s EEV does not close Action Check the EEV connector is inserted correctly in the indoor PCB Check the EEV Coil is inserted correctly in the EEV body Check the resistance of the coil Replace EEV assembly with new one.
Indoor Unit EVA in Sensor Breakaway Decision Method In Cooling mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously 1. Tcond,out – Tair,out > 3℃ 2. Tair,in – Teva,in ≤ 4℃ * 3. Tair,in – Teva,out > 4℃ 4. Compressor is operating normally & relevant indoor Unit is ON (thermo on) In Heating mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously 1. average high pressure : over 25kgf/㎠G 2. average low pressure : below 8.2kgf/㎠G 3. Tcond,out – Tair,out < -2℃ 4. Teva,in - Tair,in < 2℃ * 5. Teva,out - Tair,in ≥ 3℃ 6. Compressor is operating normally & relevant indoor Unit is ON (thermo on) Possible Cause Indoor unit’s Eva in sensor breakaway Action Check the Eva in sensor is inserted correctly in the sensor holder
Indoor Unit EVA out Sensor Breakaway Decision Method In Cooling mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously 1. Tcond,out – Tair,out > 3℃ 2. Tair,in – Teva,out ≤ 4℃ * 3. Tair,in – Teva,in > 4℃ 4. Compressor is operating normally & relevant indoor Unit is ON (thermo on) In Heating mode, it must satisfy below conditions simultaneously 1. average high pressure : over 25kgf/㎠G 2. average low pressure : below 8.2kgf/㎠G 3. Tcond,out – Tair,out < -2℃ 4. Teva,out - Tair,in < 3℃ * 5. Teva,in - Tair,in ≥ 2℃ 6. Compressor is operating normally & relevant indoor Unit is ON (thermo on) Possible Cause Indoor unit’s Eva out sensor breakaway Action Check the Eva out sensor is inserted correctly in the sensor holder
Sump temperature Sensor of Digital Comp. or Fixed Comp.1 Breakaway Decision Method Tsump,ini ; Sump temperature of the compressor on the verge of operation Tsump,real ; Sump temperature of the compressor operating now | Tsump,real - Tsump,ini | < 2℃ (more than 60 min.) No Check after 60 min. from starting operation Possible Cause Sump temperature sensor breakaway Action Check the attachment status of sump temperature sensor Note : Only Digital compressor or Fixed 1 compressor has the sump sensor
E262,E263,E264: Fixed Comp.1 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E262 ↔ U*** Fixed Comp.1 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E263↔ U*** Fixed Comp.2 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway E264↔ U*** Fixed Comp.3 Discharge’s Temperature Sensor Breakaway Decision Method It must satisfy below condition (more than 30min.) 1. The CT sensor value of the relevant compressor is over 5A 2. Discharge temperature < Saturation temperature calculated with high pressure Possible Cause Compressor Discharge Temperature sensor breakaway Compressor Discharge Temperature sensor badness Action 1. Check the temperature sensor is inserted correctly in sensor holder Insert the sensor in the sensor holder 2. Check the resistance of the discharge temperature sensor (refer E251) Replace the sensor 3. Check the sensor position corresponds to compressor correctly Change the sensor position correctly
E461: E461 CT low current Decision Method The CT value of the relevant compressor is below 4A ( more than 10min.) Possible Cause CT sensor badness Compressor Breakdown OLP Trip Action Check the resistance of the CT sensor connector Check the value of CT sensor is zero at stop Compare the value of CT sensor with another measurement device Check whether OLP trip is occurred Replace the relevant compressor
1. System operation is prohibited. Vacuum Mode : Tact S/W K1 7-Segment display K1 8 times Vacuum mode (Main) “K” “5” “M“ “BLANK“ K1 9 times Vacuum mode (Sub1) K” “5” “S“ “1“ K1 10 times Vacuum mode (Sub2) K” “5” “S“ “2“ K1 11 times Vacuum mode (Sub3) K” “5” “S“ “3“ K1 12 times Vacuum mode (All) “K” “5” “A” “BLANK” Action Outdoor Units with vacuum mode set Outdoor EEV Liq. EEV Valves 4way Valve Fully open Open Cooling mode Outdoor Units with normal mode set Outdoor EEV Liq. EEV Valves 4way Valve Fully Closed Closed Cooling mode In vacuum mode, 1. System operation is prohibited. 2. System does not execute both self diagnosis and protection control.
Pump down Mode : Tact S/W K2 7-Segment display K2 3 times Pump down (All Unit) “K” “7” “BLANK“ “BLANK“ Pump down (Main) “K” “7” “M“ “BLANK“ Pump down (Sub1) “K” “7” “S“ “1“ Pump down (Sub2) “K” “7” “S“ “2“ Pump down (Sub3) “K” “7” “S“ “3“ How to pump down all units Close the liquid service valve of all units Press Tact S/W K2 3 times System start the pump down operation Outdoor unit that pump down is ended stops operation Close the gas service valve in order that operation stops ※ Pump down operation under long pipe installation is NOT desirable. Please Use adequate refrigerant recovery device.
Pump out Mode : Tact S/W K1 7-Segment display K1 3 times Pump out Main “K” “3” “M“ “BLANK“ K1 4 times Pump out Sub1 K” “3” “S“ “1“ K1 5 times Pump out Sub2 K” “3” “S“ “2“ K1 6 times Pump out Sub3 K” “3” “S“ “3“ How to pump out Sub1 unit (example) Close the liquid service valve of Sub1 unit Press Tact S/W K1 4 times Sub1 Unit start the pump out operation Check low pressure in view mode(K4 S/W) ; Do not operate system under 1.6kgf/㎠G (L.P.) Close the gas service valve Press K3 to reset the system
Disbranch breakdown compressor : DIP S/W K6, K7, K8 ※ Should be set in individual unit S/W K6 K7 K8 On Digital comp1_main Fixed comp1_sub1 Fixed comp1_sub2 Normal Fixed comp2_main Fixed comp2_sub1 Fixed comp2_sub2 Fixed comp3_main Fixed comp3_sub1 Fixed comp3_sub2 Off Disbranch How to Disbranch Compressor Sub1 unit (example) Set DIP S/W K6 ON, K7 OFF of Sub1 Unit Press K3 to reset the system Sub1 Fixed comp.2 is broken ※ It is temporary expedient and service is needed for long term operation
Monitoring Program : S-NET I+