OAQ Conference on internal quality assurance at HEIs Bern, Nov. 30, 2006 Part II: International focus INTRODUCTION Jean-Marc RAPP Former Rector (University of Lausanne) EUA Board Member
…2… Quality assurance (QA) and the Bologna process Since the beginning,QA has been at the center of the Bologna process, because: oThe implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) implies a good level of trust among the HEIs, the students, the social partners oThis, in turn, requires at least a common understanding on QA (goals, processes,relationship between external and internal QA, etc.) Hence, one of the most important decisions taken by the Bologna ministers has been the adoption of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG)(Bergen 2005)
…3… Quality assurance (QA) and the Bologna process The ESG had been prepared by the main actors in the field, the so called E4, i.e: oENQA oEUA oEURASHE oESIB The next step of the Bologna work programme regarding QA is the creation of a « Register of European Higher Education Quality Assurances Agencies » (REHEQA), to be proposed by the E4
…4… Quality assurance (QA) and the Bologna process The Bologna Follow Up Group (BFUG) has already reached a consensus on some options about the Register: oThe Register should be selective instead of all inclusive oThe Register should have the following purposes: oTo promote student mobility by providing a basis for the increase of trust among HEIs oTo provide a basis for governments to authorise HEIs to choose any agency from the Register, if that is compatible with national arrangements oTo provide a means for the HEIs to choose between different agencies, if that is compatible with national arrangements oTo serve as an instrument to improve the quality assurance agencies and to promote mutual trust between them oTo reduce opportunities for « accreditstion mills » to gain gain credibility
…5… Quality assurance (QA) and the Bologna process However, numerous questions have still to be solved, among which: oRelationship between the Register and ENQA oLegal form, ownership and organisational structure of the Register oFunding Planning: E4 proposal submitted to the BFUG and decisions to be taken by the Ministers in London (Spring 2007)
…6… Quality assurance (QA) and the Bologna process As QA developments are largely based on exchange of practices, a dedicated forum has been felt as a necessity:the 1st European Forum on QA has just taken place in Munich last week (to be repeated next year)