EAR2 simulation update Collaboration board meeting Christina Weiss & Vasilis Vlachoudis
Outlook 1.Introduction 2.Results Neutron Fluence Resolution Charged Particle Fluence & γ Background Collimation Implemented Beam Dump Neutron Fluence for Irradiation 1.5 m) 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR22
INTRODUCTION 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR23
Latest simulations Geometry in the simulations match the design of the CE plans 18.4 m Implemented Collimator: 1.2m Fe: conical shape 2.1m PE borated: straight with 8 cm diameter Simulations have been performed for a setup: 1.Without additional moderator at the bottom of the neutron tube (97e+6 primaries) 2.With Moderator at the bottom of the tube (52e+6 primaries) : Polyethylene (d min = 1 cm) 6 October 20114FLUKA Simulation for EAR2
RESULTS Neutron Fluence 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR25
Neutron Fluence 6 October 20116FLUKA Simulation for EAR2 In total the neutron fluence is reduced by about 32 % when using an additional moderator for EAR2
Neutron Fluence Comparison to EAR1 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR27 Energy Interval EAR1EAR2 Without Moderator Gain [ n / cm 2 / pulse ] Error [%] [ n / cm 2 / pulse ] Error [%] 0.1 – 10 eV5.11e e – 1 keV4.07e e – 100 keV5.03e e – 10 MeV1.77e e – 100 MeV2.64e e > 100 MeV4.71e e Total Energy Range 4.68e e Reference for EAR1 : FLUKA Simulations with fission collimator (d = 8 cm)
RESULTS Resolution 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR28
Time – Energy Relation 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR29
Time – Energy Relation 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR210
Resolution in comparison with EAR1 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR211 Neutron EnergyEAR1EAR2 No Moderator EAR2 With Moderator FWHM [cm] 1 eV342 1 keV MeV Neutron Fluence is reduced by about 32 % if a Moderator in this form is used Neutron EnergyEAR1: mEAR2: 18.9 m No Moderator EAR2: 18.9 m With Moderator ΔE / E 1 eV3.0e-44.3e-32.2e-3 1 keV5.4e-48.5e-37.5e-3 1 MeV3.6e-34.1e-23.9e-2
RESULTS Charged Particle Fluence 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR212
Charged Particle Fluence 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR213
Magnet 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR214 p max = [GeV/c] protons B = 0.2 [Tm] Collimator h = 4.60 [m] Possible Position for a magnet: Assumed magnet length: l = 1 [m]
Photon Fluence EAR2EAR1 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR215
Arrival Time EAR2EAR1 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR216
RESULTS Collimation 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR217
Neutron Beam Profile 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR218 Collimator: 1.2m Fe: conical shape 2.1m PE borated: straight with 8 cm diameter
RESULTS Beam Dump – Backscattered Neutrons 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR219
Beam Dump Backscattered Neutrons 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR m of Fe surrounded by 40 cm of borated PE 1 mm of Cd at the entrance
RESULTS Neutron Fluence at 1.5 m from the target center – Material Irradiation 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR221
Neutron Tube has 32 cm diameter at 1.5 m from the target center Neutron Fluence for Irradiation 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR222 Total: 2.5e10 n / cm^2 / 7e12 ppp
Thank you for your attention! 6 October 2011FLUKA Simulation for EAR223 Energy IntervalEAR1EAR2 Without Moderator Gain [ n / cm 2 / pulse ] Error [%] [ n / cm 2 / pulse ] Error [%] 0.1 – 10 eV5.11e e – 1 keV4.07e e – 100 keV5.03e e – 10 MeV1.77e e – 100 MeV2.64e e > 100 MeV4.71e e Total Energy Range 4.68e e Reference for EAR1 : FLUKA Simulations with fission collimator (d = 8 cm) Neutron Fluence Comparison