The Scout Association: Opening slide New Logo animation in the centre of page. The Scout Association: Opening slide New Logo animation in the centre of page.
An introduction to Scouting Dave Calverley Group Scout Leader
What is Scouting? 1An adventure for young people aged 6-25 and their Leaders 1A challenge to stretch yourself and learn new skills 1About enriching lives
The Sections! 1 Beaver Scouts (6-8 years old) 1 Cub Scouts (8-10 years old) 1 Scouts (10-14 years old) 1 Explorer Scouts (14-18 years old) 1 Network (18-25 years old)
The largest youth Movement in the UK 1There are currently 28 million Members worldwide 1In the UK alone we have over 500,000 adults and young people 1Across 24,000 Colonies, Packs, Troops, Units, and Networks
at Crosland Hill 1 Meetings 1 Activities 1 Camps & Hostels 1 DoE 1 More members – especially girls & adults
was years since Brownsea Island 1 61 years since the first meeting at Crosland Hill
Activities we took part in during2007 at Crosland Hill 1 Activities for current & past members 1 District Camp at Bradley Wood 1 Open Day 1 World Jamboree 1 Great Tower Camp 1 Group Camp at Bradley Wood… 1 …evening dance
How can we continue to help the younger generation?
Opportunities in Scouting 1 For Leaders 1 For volunteer managers 1 For Trustees 1 For parents and supporters
All adult members receive… 1 A full colour, 100 page magazine 6 times a year 1 Six special supplements for the age range you work with 1 A telephone support and information service 1 Ongoing training and development 1 One to one support from a Training Adviser 1 A dedicated and daily updated website 1 A rewarding and fulfilling experience
This year, adult volunteers have helped us... 1 become the largest mixed youth organisation in the UK 1 provide more adventurous activities to young people than anyone else 1 give more young people than ever their first nights away experience
The Scout Association Gilwell Park Chingford London E4 7QW