Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Developing and Finding Innovative Technologies from Around the World to Ensure Information Dominance 8 th Annual Security Summit 23 March 2011 Rob Wolborsky Chief Technology Officer Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Information Dominance (ID) ▼ CNO's Vision Navy is prominent and dominant in the fields of ISR, Cyber Warfare, C2, Information & Knowledge Management Information becomes a strong US Navy warfighting capability Warfighting wholeness replaces sub-optimal stovepipes (mission threads) ▼Navy's Information Transformation Every platform carrying multiple sensors Every sensor connected to the network Create a world class Information Dominance Corps Warfighters must be capable of seamlessly using target data derived from any collector or sensor “Realize our role as the Navy's Information Dominance Systems Command" RADM Brady, Commander SPAWARSYSCOM Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution 2 Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Team SPAWAR: The Navy’s Information Dominance Systems Command ▼ SPAWAR projects and programs align with OPNAV requirements and the operational needs of FLTCYBERCOM / TENTH FLEET ▼ SPAWAR acquires and integrates sensors, communications, weapons, information and control systems to our existing and future ships, aircraft, submarines and unmanned systems ▼ SPAWAR works closely with the Fleet, SYSCOMs and Navy partners to seamlessly and effectively deliver capabilities ▼ SPAWAR has two major research laboratories – Systems Centers Pacific and Atlantic Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution 3 Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Vice Commander RDML Charles Rainey, USN Deputy Commander Mr Rod Smith Echelon III Activities COMMANDER RADM Patrick H Brady, USN JPEO JTRS PEO Space Systems PEO EIS PEO C4I Finance Contracts3.0 - Legal Engineering Program & Project Management Science & Technology SPAWARSYSCOM Logistics & Fleet Support Corporate Operations Updated 07 MAR 2011 Steve Dunn Tim DowdHarold Cohn Marty Brown RDML J Rodman Les Hubbard Rob Wolborsky Sarah Lamade Gary Wang SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific (Working Capital Fund) CAPT Joe Beel, USN, CO Ms Carmela Keeney, TD SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic (Working Capital Fund) CAPT Bruce Urbon, USN, CO Mr Chris Miller, TD SPAWAR Space Field Activity, Chantilly VA RDML “Liz” Young, USN Mr Andrew Cox, TD Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Enhance Science and Technology (S&T) development Facilitate timely, efficient, and effective technology transition into acquisition programs Bring technologies together and integrate across the Navy to make Information Dominance Vision a reality. 7.0 Competency National Lead I Wear Three Hats TEAM SPAWAR CTO Dir. S&T SSC PAC Interrelated and Interdependent efforts in support of Technology Development and Transition Direct line to the S&T workforce and work being conducted Ability to have direct influence on S&T execution Monitor the total S&T workload demand signal and manage to projected workforce requirements Manage S&T Forecasting, Assessment and Transition competency. Provide oversight of the Command's Experimentation, S&T, SBIR, ORTA, and Outreach Programs Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution SPAWAR Commander’s Perspective on S&T ▼ Need more Warfighter involvement in defining Navy Information Dominance (ID) set of priorities ▼ Develop relevant ID capabilities Cross platform, cross Enterprise ▼ S&T that transitions does not transition fast enough ▼ Not enough S&T transitions to the Acquisition Community Valley of Death (VOD) 6 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution SPAWAR Commander’s Tasking Letter (10-006) ▼ COMSPAWAR’s Tasking to CTO Conduct an S&T assessment to identify technology gaps to guarantee ID capabilities into the future Conduct a Systems Center S&T assessment focused on workforce, facilities and technical core competency to meet demand for ID Develop and implement strategy for S&T development of ID capabilities across naval platforms and SYSCOMs Identify a more coordinated process for technology development, engineering and transition. Show how S&T feeds into E2C within the 5.0 competency Report on what is/is not working, barriers, programs/project to terminate, resources needed to accelerate promising programs 7 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Information Dominance Challenges ▼Shrinking budgets ▼Bureaucracy lose revenue ▼Culture ▼Speed of Technology Transition ▼Technology Maturity ▼Technology Usability ▼Open Architectures & Technology Interoperability ▼Maintaining Alignment with Coalition Partners How Can We Meet These Challenges? 8 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Application Integration Framework CCE/SOA C2 Mission Management App Store C2 Mission Management App Store Works with Navy Works with Navy IO/ISR/MET OC App Store IO/ISR/MET OC App Store Embracing Open Architecture : Model for Information Dominance “Apps” Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution 9 Security Summit 23 Mar How do we better use Open Architecture
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Driving Towards Integration “We can no longer afford inefficiencies incurred with stove-pipe networks, systems and processes.” N2/6, VADM Dorsett Direction to PMs – Deliver an integrated improved electronic solution… Independent PMs and PORs Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Application of Acquisition Process Incremental development Spiral/Evolutionary 1.Expand single device capability with a few added features. 2.Plan for future development, Technical Development Strategy (TDS) 3.Develop a large device supporting each feature independently. Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Industry delivers an integrated solution Media support and capabilities Communications Record/playback Video Photo Calendar Calculator Network Game console…. Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Integrated Architecture Development Develop underlining architecture for integrating capabilities (Apps/Widgets) XCODE SDK for IPHONE Android SDK for DRIOD ▼ An app is a piece of software. It can run on the Internet, on your computer, or on your phone or other electronic device. ▼ A widget is a lightweight, single ‐ purpose web application that users can configure in a variety of ways. Widgets are often a summary or limited view into a larger web application and are displayed alongside related widgets. Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Driving the Search for ID Technologies Abroad 14 ▼ Economics of leveraging foreign technologies Share research and acquisition program dollars Collaborate with top global researchers who study in the U.S. and return to their home country ▼ Emerging Leaders in the S&T world Singapore is a world leader in scouting technology Vietnam establishes a number of new science parks and incubation cells Korea is seen as a large scale developer of emerging technologies such as robotics South American countries contributing in areas of energy and micro / nanoelectronics Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Finding Innovative Technologies ▼ Through organizations reaching International partners with mutual goals ONRG, NAVY IPO, RDE COM, and OSD Partnerships, collaborations, joint projects, and agreements Match technologies to capability gaps ▼ Knowing when and where coalition partners are leading Staying ahead of technological surprises Ratio of Scientist and Engineers to other occupations is growing ▼ Work with government agencies, small businesses, large businesses, academia, and other militaries 15 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) - ONR ▼ The FCT Program provides our allies and friends an opportunity to market their defense products to the U.S. ▼ FCT Find & Test “Here & Now” Capabilities Desires the world’s leading faster, lighter, smaller, cheaper, capabilities -- Test to procure “Here & Now” mature technologies... TRL 7-9! Testing at U.S. or foreign ranges ▼ Authorized to test virtually anything Weapons, medical products, high shelf-life food, etc… ▼ OSD Selects & Funds Projects 16 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution SPAWAR FCT Projects Enables the Navy/USMC to buy and field a successful vendor’s product right away VLF/LF Composite Bushing Replacement - Cellpack Advanced Composites 17 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Leveraging Global Maritime Partnerships U.S. Navy C4 International Armaments Cooperation (IAC) Program Information Exchange Program (IEP) promotes future international RDT&E cooperation, standardization & interoperability Allows early introduction of C4 technology concepts to our allies and coalition partners Technical communities identify opportunities, avoiding unnecessary duplication of RDT&E efforts C4 Annexes ONR and ONR-G Program Offices OPNAV N2/N6 and N8F (incl SNRs) CWIDs Trident Warrior Exercises Science Advisors 5 Eyes Forums / TTCP groups Small IEP Investment - Significant Return European Tactical Data Links FMS Japan GCCS-M FMS 18 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C 4 ) Annexes Australia U/S SurveillanceN-95/1-A-5814PD-18 C4 and Supporting Sys.N-09-AT-5817 SSC Canad a France C4, CDS and Supporting Sys. N-09-FR-5655 SSC Naval Communications Sys. N-03/1-FR-5650 SSC Korea C4 and Supporting Sys.N-04/1-CA-4512 SSC Germany Denmark C4 and Supporting Sys.N-07-DE-5004 SSC C4 and Supporting Sys. N-00-GR-6001 SSC Japan (Classified) N-64-J-4000 PD-18 C4 and Supporting Sys. N-08-JA-4026 SSC Canada Spain Italy C4 and Supporting Sys.N-10--IT-4405 SSC Tact C2 SystemsN-95-SP-4700 SSC German United Kingdom Information AssuranceUK-RN-N PMW-189 Sub CommsUK-RN-N PMW-173 C4 and Supporting Sys.UK-RN-N SSC C4 and Supporting Sys. N-10-NO-5215 SSC Norway Sweden C4 and Supporting Sys. N-08-SW-5427 SSC C4 and Supporting Sys R-ABCANZ SSC C4 and Supporting Sys N-07-GY-4211 SSC C4 and Supporting Sys.N-04-NZ-6251 SSC New Zealand C4 and Supporting Sys. N-06-NE-4811 SSC Netherlands Belgium C4 and Supporting Sys. N-01-BE-4006 SSC Shipboard Comms Systems N-96-K-4502 SSC C4 and Supporting Sys. N-03/1-SN-4300 SSC Singapore C4 and Supporting Sys N-10-CL Chile Greece AU/CA/NZ/UK/US 19 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Synchronizing the World of Maritime C2 JFMCC CTF/CTG CV CG DDG FFG COMPACFLEET, JTF, JFMCC MOC Produce a shared situation display that includes not just force/unit locations but force/unit tasks, task status, and progress toward achieving overall objectives. … or, in other words, … Move our Maritime C2 systems from “Who, & Where?” to “Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How?” C2 Objective Adjust Apportionment Adjust Apportionment Maintain Alignment Maintain Alignment Advance the Plan Advance the Plan Situation Awareness Situation Awareness Comply with Procedures Comply with Procedures Counter the Enemy Counter the Enemy Centralized Guidance Decentralized Execution Shared SA for Synchronization “What is this unit tasked to do? Against what target?” How are his tasks synchro- nized with his Force tasking? Are there alternate resources that could be assigned? What is the task status & mission effects status? Are there any readiness, Logistics, NetCOP, METOC, or Task Sync conflicts? Plans/ Tasks COP Log COP NetOps COP Commander’s Control Measures Mission Mgmt – across all Maritime Mission Areas 20 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Successful International Engagements 21 DTV Shredder modified to act as an autonomous system used to tow IED clearing equipment for dismounted warfighters An extremely sensitive, seismic sensor for detection of individuals. Buried, it has a 5 year battery life and sleeps until a detection is made then an encrypted signal is sent to a control unit A portable human detection system which will discriminate humans against animals and other objects Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Technology Transfer Activities: Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) Dynamic Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks and Internetworking Marine Bioacoustics, Instrumented Test Array System SUSnet Vector Acoustic Array Preparation and Characterization of Palladium Tritide Superconductors Enabling collaborate with federal laboratories to further develop/enhance/mature technologies of mutual benefits International Agreements 22 Security Summit 23 Mar 2011
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Collaborating to Ensure ID ▼ Coalition Collaboration in the Cloud Cooperative Active Cyber Defense Securing shared networks C2 visualization, Multi Source data fusion ▼ Leverage innovators to take advantage of emerging technologies. Increase Warfighting Capabilities ▼ Leveraging cost and risk Improved products “2-Way Street” Reduce Acquisition Cycle-Time Securely expanding the Integrated Information Space Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution 23 Security Summit 23 Mar
Statement A: Approved for public release, unlimited distribution Information Dominance Horizon As the world migrates to the Cloud ▼What’s our strategy to take advantage of emerging technologies Cloud infrastructure Essential components of cloud migration Shaping standards and guidelines ▼Fully embracing Open Architecture ▼Managing identity and access control in a networked environment Security Summit 23 Mar