The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
So I have planned an ILT activity… What facilities do learners need access to ? What facilities do practitioners need access to? What are the delivery options? Now how do I deliver it? C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
So I have planned an ILT activity… What are the benefits to the learners? What skills do learners and practitioners need? Does the line manager know what delivery style is being used? C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
Remember… ILT is another tool in the practitioner’s toolkit ILT appeals to learners who may not respond to ‘traditional’ delivery methods ILT may not be appropriate for every lesson Not all teaching environments may be available all of the time Planning is essential! C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
What are the options? Not just a classroom with a blackboard… C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
The environment... One to one In groups Whole class teaching Peer-to-peer learning Independent learning e-learning 24 hours – if appropriate There are many options and most of them depend on space, time, skills-sets, and other factors C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
Types of environment Classroom Practical workshop, for example, a salon, laboratory, workshopa salon IT suite Learning resource centre, including the library Subject learning centres Cyber café in college C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
The environment – out of college Work-based learning At home Community centre Public library UK online centre learndirect centre Internet café out of college C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
What is best for you? Carry out a personal skills audit for you as practitioner and your learnerspersonal skills audit Check access to the technology – where it is and when you can use it Use the delivery environment that suits you and your learners Don’t forget to plan! C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
Click on image to return to presentation C4.3 Where can I use ILT?
C4.3 Where can I use ILT? Click on image to return to presentation
C4.3 Where can I use ILT? Click on image to return to presentation