ATO EXECUTION: 2300-2259Z/0600-0559L CG12 Battle Rhythm CURRENTDAYCURRENTDAY 060007000800090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000 ATO Noms to CFACC:


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Presentation transcript:

ATO EXECUTION: Z/ L CG12 Battle Rhythm CURRENTDAYCURRENTDAY ATO Noms to CFACC: 1100Z/1800L Z Z L L KEY Combined-Daily * As Required PACOM-Daily Shift Change VTC IOWG Location CFEWG VTC HHQ CUB VTC/TBD CCMB Location CLCWG Location CIWG VTC/TBD CLCB Note: Battle Rhythm Events Must Meet Three Criteria : 1) Vetted Through KIMWG; 2) Involve Cross-Staff Coord; 3) Org Template Approved by CoS Location CFECB Location CCB VTC/TBD CCMWG TBD CMOWG DCO KIMWG/B *CoS Location CAWG CAMDB: Combined Air and Missile Defense Board CCAWG: Combined Campaign Assessment Working Group CMOWG: Civil Military Operations Working Group CCMWG: Combined Collections Management Working Group CCMB: Combined Collections Management Board CUB: Commanders Update Brief CFPWG: Combined Force Protection Working Group CFEWG: Combined Fires and Effects Working Group CFECB: Combined Fires and Effects Coordination Board CIWG: Communications Integration Working Group CLCWG: Combined Logistics Coordination Working Group CLCB: Combined Logistics Coordination Board IOWG: Information Operations Working Group CCB: Commanders Coordination Board KIMWG/B: Knowledge/Info Management WG/Board* Change POC/OPR: KM Version 1.0 As of 1 NOV 11 VTC Component Cmdr VTC Location CFPWG CAMDB TBD/VTC MNF CUB Shift Change Current Day Next Day

Key Tasks: Review progress of campaign assessment Receive commander’s guidance on planning efforts or execution of operations Chair: MNF Commander Facilitator: MNF Chief of Staff Frequency/Location: Daily / Room TBD Membership: MNF Cmdr; Deputy MNF commander; Chief of Staff; Staff Directors (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8; special staff (PAO, JAG; and MNF components commanders or their LNOs) POC: C5 Commander’s Update Brief (CUB) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: To provide MNF Commander, components and staff with campaign progress and updates from selected staff and assigned components. Inputs: Commander’s Update brief from MNF staff Components current operational briefs Guidance from Higher Headquarters of each MNF country; for the U.S, the HHQ is USPACOM Outputs: Commander’s guidance Daily Intentions Message (DIM) De-Confliction decisions

Purpose: Synchronize, coordinate, de-conflict, and monitor multinational force’s strategic communication actions, images, and words to support the achievement of the participating nations’ overall strategic objectives and end states. Inputs: STRATCOM Guidance (National) JTF Guidance and Intentions / FRAGO (CC) Public Affairs Guidance (PAO) Campaign Assessment (JTF) (CAWG) Intelligence Updates (C2) OSINT analysis (Media Roll-up) (C2) CMO updates (CMOWG) Approved CPOTF products (CPOTF) Media Assessment Outputs: Communications Integration Plan Campaign Themes and Messages Inputs/recommendations to IOWG Key Tasks: MCI coordinates programs, plans, themes, messages, and products with other instruments of national power in a multinational effort Publish a communication integration plan Monitor and assess to assist in the decision-making cycle Ensure dissemination of communication integration to subordinate commanders for consideration in planning Obtain approval from MNF for Themes and messages Coordinate national PA and MCI guidance given to each respective nation’s military forces Chair: C5 Facilitator: Public Affairs Officer/Information Operations Officer Frequency/Location: Daily /PAO spaces Membership: C5, Public Affairs, Information Operations, Legal, Pol-Mil, CMO rep, C3, C2, CPOTF, SOF, country liaisons, POLAD POC: J39 IO Planner Communications Integration Working Group (CIWG) Return to Battle Rhythm

Key Tasks: Determine IO target nominations for submission to Target Coordination Board for approval (and inclusion in ATO) Draft FRAGO input (IO targeting directives) as required Develop Talking Points for incorporation into Press Releases / Conferences Ensure dissemination of IO guidance to subordinate commanders for execution planning Monitor and Assess IO effects on targets to allow for target and product adjustment Chair: C39 Chief Facilitator: Information Operations Officer Frequency/Location: Daily /IO Cell Room (VTC, virtual room for components) Membership: Components, OID reps (Analyst, Collections), C2IN rep, EWO, C5 rep, OMD rep, CMO rep, PA planner, Engineer, PSYOP, Strat Com As required: - SJA, POLAD, Chaplain, Space POC: C39 IO Planner Information Operations Working Group (IOWG) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Synchronize, coordinate, de-conflict, monitor PSYOP, EW, OPSEC, MILDEC, and CNO with supporting and related (CMO, PA, Strat Com, COMCAM) capabilities, staff elements, subordinate and higher units to ensure a coordinated and efficient effect is achieved. Inputs: STRATCOM Guidance (National) Public Affairs Guidance (PAO) JTF Guidance and Intentions / FRAGO (CC) INFOCON status (JTF) (C6) Campaign Assessment (JTF) (CAWG) Intelligence Updates (C2) OSINT analysis (Media Roll-up) (C2) CMO updates (CMOWG) Component and (EA) EW and PSYOP nominations (non-kinetic targets) (Components) Approved CPOTF products (CPOTF) Outputs: Non-lethal targeting guidance (components) Information Operations (IO) execution matrix (CFEWG) OPSEC guidance (components) PSYOP integration plan (CFEWG) PSYOP product requirements and guidance Target nominations for non-lethal and influence operations (CFEWG)

Key Tasks: Manage and account for ISR assets in theater Draft Collection Plan and Collection Emphasis Message Create Draft CIPCL Request additional assets if required Recommend adjustments to ISR asset basing Submit requirements for National collection Monitor dissemination plan and key products Chair: C-2 or Deputy; Facilitator: Collection Manager Frequency/Location: Daily VTC Membership: C-2 analysts, C-3 ISR planners, Component Collection Managers, IO planners, C- 3 Targets/ Fires, National Agencies, Coalition LNOs, Civil-Military Ops, Space planners, C-5 rep POC: CTF Collection Management Team Combined Collection Management Working Group (CCMWG) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Identify, validate, prioritize and manage ISR activities. Track and answer CCTF PIRs. Manages CTF collection requirements. Conducts collection operations management. Direct and manage dissemination process. Inputs: Components’ Combined Integrated Priority Collection Lists (CIPCLs) ISR Asset status (Components, National Agency) Draft Combined Integrated Prioritized Target List (CIPTL) from CFEWG Identified Intelligence gaps (C-2 staff) IO Nominations (IOWG) Outputs: Collection Plan (Components, C-staff) Collection Emphasis Message (Components, C-staff) Draft Combined Intelligence Prioritized Collection List (CIPCL) – (Components, CFEB) Collection Requirement Nominations to National Agencies ISR Synchronization Matrix (CFACC)

Key Tasks: Manage & recommend changes to PIRs Brief C-2/C-3 on ISR assets status Seek approval Collection Plan & CIPCL Submit requests for National collection Request additional assets if required Recommend changes to ISR asset basing Highlight Intel gaps & mitigation plan Coordinate changes with Components Chair: C-2 and C-3 (co-chair) Facilitator: Collection Manager Frequency/Location: Daily VTC (normally scheduled after CFEB) Membership: C-2 analysts, C-3 ISR planners, Component Collection Managers, IO planners, C-3 Fires, National Agencies, Coalition LNOs POC: CTF Collection Management Team Combined Collection Management Board (CCMB) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Identify, validate, prioritize and manage ISR activities. Seek approval for CTF Collection Plan. Track and answer CCTF PIRs. Manages CTF collection requirements. Conduct collection operations management. Direct and manage dissemination process. Inputs: Finalized CIPCLs (Components, C-Staffs) ISR Asset status (Components) Combined Integrated Prioritized Target List (CIPTL) from CFEB Outputs: Approved Collection Plan Approved Collection Intelligence Prioritized Collection List (CIPCL) to Components Collection Requirements to National Agencies Approved ISR Synchronization Matrix to CFACC

Key Tasks: Integrate kinetic + non- kinetic Fires Create Draft CIPTL for Approval Recommend revisions+NSL,RTL,LTL Prepare decision brief for CFECB Chair: CTF Fires Officer / Chief Facilitator: CTF Fires Officer / Chief Frequency/Location: Daily / TBD Membership: Intelligence (Current Op(s), METOC, Targeting) Components (CFACC,CFLCC, CFMCC, CJOSTF, CMOTF, CBNE, PSYOPS) C3 Future Operations C3 Information Operations C5 Assessments BMD Coordinator (CFACC LNO) SJA Combined Information Bureau (Public Affairs) POC: C3 Combined Fires and Effects Working Group (CFEWG) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Identify, validate, de-conflict, and integrate kinetic and non-kinetic fires / prepare decision briefs in preparation for the Combined Fires, Effects, and Collections Board (CFECB). Integrate all Fires with maneuver ISO CTF OPLANS Inputs: CCIR(s) / EEFI(s) / Intelligence Assessment Current / future ISR Synchronization Allocation CUB (Salient) Updates Fragmentary / Warning Orders (Salient) ATO (Current) Review + Previous Day’s BDA TET Review (ISO Current Day CIPTL Approval) IOWG Synch Matrix ROEWG Review / Application for hour out CAWG Review / Application for hours out Target nomination Outputs: Draft CIPCL / Draft CIPTL (CFECB) Review draft apportionment / guidance for 96 hours Publication of revisions to CTF FSCM(s), NSL, & RTL, CTL

Key Tasks: Public apportionment guildance Approve Draft CIPTL, NSL, RTL, LTL Chair: DCCTF Facilitator: DCCTF Frequency/Location: Daily / Rm (TBD) Membership: Intelligence (Current Op(s), METOC, Targeting) Components (CFACC,CFLCC, CFMCC, CJOSTF, CMOTF, CBNE, PSYOPS) C3 Future Operations C3 Information Operations C5 Assessments BMD Coordinator (CFACC LNO) SJA Combined Information Bureau (Public Affairs) C4 Sustainment POC: C3 Combined Fires and Effects Coordination Board (CFECB) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Identify, validate, de-conflict, and integrate kinetic and non-kinetic fires / prepare decision briefs in preparation for the Combined Fires, Effects, and Collections Board (CFECB). Integrate all Fires with maneuver ISO CTF OPLANS De-conflict and prioritize target nominations and ISR collection requirements. Deliverables (in): CCIR(s) / EEFI(s) / Intelligence Assessment Draft CIPCL (FEWG) Current / future ISR Synchronization Allocation (IOWG) ATO (Current) Review + Previous Day’s BDA Draft CIPTL TET Review (ISO Current Day CIPTL Approval) Components Deliverables (out): Approved CIPCL / CIPTL (CCMWG) Approved AOD apportionment guidance for 72 hours Approved guidance for 96 hours Approved revisions to CTF FSCM(s), NSL, & RTL

Key Tasks: Identify log issues requiring senior C4 decision (for CLCB or HHQ) Coordinate log support to MNF, especially for future ops and plans time horizons. Review key LOG/MED SITREP data Anticipate/solicit log problems or shortfalls Chair: MNF C4 Deputy or Log Ops Div Chief Facilitator: C4 Fusion Chief Frequency/Location: Daily/C4 area, chat or telecon for component participation Membership: Primary: C4 key staff, HSS, C1, CPG, C7, Component C4 key staff On request: HHQ J4 staff officers, MNF Legal, C3 Force Flow. POC: C4 Fusion Chief Combined Logistics Coordination Working Group Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Staff officer-level coordination and problem- solving forum for MNF logistics issues, including distribution, engineering and medical. Enhances log situational understanding across current ops, future ops and plans time horizons. Inputs: CLCB direction CUB, CPG, CAWG, CFEWG, CFPWG, CMOWG info, coordination and requirements Daily LOG/MED SITREPs from MNF components, and supporting log reports (REPOL, MUREP, MOVREP, as required. MNF OPORD, FRAGO Support, supply, & movement priorities Outputs: Coordinate with C4 reps attending: CAWG (update log assessment areas), CFEWG (ref critical infrastructure/munitions), CFPWG (ref engineering/log services/distribution/HSS) & CMOWG (ref general log requirements/support) LOGSITREP to HHQ, MNF SITREP input

Key Tasks: Provide decisions on log issues Raise issues to HHQ for assistance/decision Approve C4 slides for CUB Review key LOG/MED SITREP data Anticipate/solicit log problems or shortfalls Chair: MNF C4 Facilitator: C4 Fusion Chief Frequency/Location: Daily/C4 area, VTC or telecon for HHQ and component participation Membership: Primary: C4 key staff, MNF surgeon, C1, CPG, C7, C8, MNF Component C4 key staff On request: HHQ J4, MNF Legal, C3 Force Flow POC: C4 Fusion Chief Combined Logistics Coordination Board Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Decision forum for MNF logistics issues, including distribution, engineering and medical. Enhances log situational understanding across current ops, future ops and plans time horizons. Inputs: Log issues requiring decision (from CLCWG) CUB, CPG, CAWG, CFEWG, CFPWG, CMOWG info, coordination and requirements Daily LOG/MED SITREPs from MNF components, and supporting log reports (REPOL, MUREP, MOVREP, as required. MNF OPORD, FRAGO Support, supply, & movement priorities Outputs: Key log issues to raise at CUB C4 direction to reps attending: CAWG (update log assessment areas), CFEWG (ref critical infrastructure/munitions), CFPWG (ref engineering/log services/distribution/HSS) & CMOWG (ref general log requirements/support) LOGSITREP to HHQ, MNF SITREP input

Civilian Military Operations Working Group (CMOWG) Purpose: Coordinate civil-military support; coordinate civil-military operations with all external agencies, including IO/NGO/UN agencies, non-governmental agencies; Coordinate with key governmental leaders and organizations. Inputs: MNF Warning order – Commanders Guidance MNF FRAGO Civil Information Report – CA BN Reports and SITREPS from Intergovernmental organizations (IGO) Campaign Plans and Update Brief (US) CUOPS/FUOPS Updates CIGG,IOWG, CCMWG, CLCWG, CLCB, CAWG Outputs: FRAGO Input/Change of plans/orders and measures (Submit to CUOPS(TF)) Updates to COIC COP – Civil Information (TF) Update to Common Operational Picture (COP) Guidance to CMOC and attached CA/CMO units (FRAGO / CMO Estimate) Planners of C3 & C5 Key Tasks: Coordinate CMO support to MNF.. Co-ordinate with Humanitarian Organizations. Support ongoing humanitarian operations. Liaise and coordinate with key military/government leaders in region. Co-ordinate on the establishment of CMOC. Manage Civil Information. Chair C-7: Chief C7 Frequency/Location: Daily / Cell Reps: C2, C3, C4, C5, PAO, IO, C8, another US Governmental Agencies, IO/NGO (if available) POC : C7 Return to Battle Rhythm

Purpose: Manage knowledge sharing processes in order to facilitate situational understanding. Assists the Headquarters Chief of Staff in implementing people, processes and tools necessary to create and share knowledge. Inputs: Staff recommended changes to the battle rhythm Staff issues with tools, processes, and CFEs Outputs: KM directives (tools, process and CFEs changes) Recommended changes to the battle rhythm (KMB) Key Tasks: Review proposed updates to the Battle Rhythm and obtain CoS guidance Develop and recommend approval of KM directives to the CoS Chair: KIMO (CoS for KMB as required) Facilitator: KM Ops Frequency/Location: As required Membership: KM Cell, IMO Cell, Content Manager (portal) POC: KM KIMWG / B Return to Battle Rhythm

Key Tasks: Review progress of current operations Propose planning decisions requiring MNF commander’s approval Chair: MNF Commander Facilitator: MNF Chief of Staff Frequency/Location: Daily / Room TBD Membership: MNF Cmdr; Deputy MNF commander; Chief of Staff; C2, C3, C4, C5 Staff Directors; CPG and OPT Leads POC: C5 Commander’s Coordination Board (CCB) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Provide a forum for the MNF Commander to meet with his key leadership in order to discuss planning and operational issues, provide guidance, and make decisions to guide future planning. Inputs: Current operations update CPG update on future planning Updated Fires, Effects and Collections products Outputs: Commander’s planning guidance De-Confliction decisions Updated Commander’s estimate

Key Tasks: Analyze and validate the results of the CAC assessment Provide recommendations to the MNF Cmdr via Campaign Assessment Board Recommend changes to effects, measures of effectiveness and related indicators based on deficiency analysis of the assessment Chair: C5 Facilitator: Senior Assessment Officer Frequency/Location: Daily / Room TBD Membership: C2, C33, C35, C39, C4, C5 CPG, C6, C7, SJA, components, and any other required Subject Matter Experts POC: C5 Campaign Assessment Working Group (CAWG) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Provide integrated campaign assessment of trends in the operational environment using pre- established measures of effectiveness, measures of performance and associated indicators. Inputs: Tasks assessment from CcmdC and components Effects assessment from designated C-code offices of primary responsibility (OPR) Draft assessment from Campaign Assessment Cell (CAC) Outputs: Results of the tasks and effects assessment Operations and Plan Review and Recommendations (OPRR) Staff validated campaign assessment results to CFEWG, IOWG, CMOWG and any required working groups

Key Tasks: Approve FRAGO Approve AMD protection level by phase Chair: C3 AMD Lead Facilitator: C3 AMD Lead Frequency/Location: As Required / DCO & Conf Room Membership: ADA BDE Rep, 94 th AAMDC, CFMCC Rep, CFACC Rep, CFLCC Rep, C2, C3, C4 POC: C3 Combined Air and Missile Defense Board (CAMDB) Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Recommend a Course of action to the Protected Asset List (PAL) Inputs: Approved CAL/DAL Recommended VAL Equipment status report Approved POP/PAL INTSUM (TBM, SOF) Patriot Theater float equipment SAMSTRATREP (Missile status) TAMD Concept of Operations CTF COP CAMDWG results (proposed POP/PAL with CVT, RFF) Outputs: Proposed POP/PAL/VAL FRAGO for any changes required. (i.e. change in POP)

Key Tasks: Synchronize protection levels by phase Prepare/update FPCONs for approval by CMNF Delineate force protection priorities (Component, AO) Monitor Intelligence and operations for issues or situation that may affect the MNF FP Posture Assist and advise multinational force units in conducting FP vulnerability assessments Chair: DEP CoS Facilitator: MNF AT/FP Officer Frequency/Location: TBD Membership: AT/FP Officers, Component Reps, CAMDWG Rep, IO, C2, C3, C4, C5, C8, BMD, SJA, Health/Surgeon, Safety, Engineer, others as required POC: C3 Combined Force Protection Working Group Return to Battle Rhythm Purpose: Plans, coordinates, and assess force protection (FP) for the MNF command. Inputs: CDRs Guidance INTSUM SIG Events Current and Emerging Threats CTF approved CAL/DAL Component Recommended CAL/DAL BMD Assessment Approved Priorities of Protection (POP) and PAL HSS Issues CBRNE Events Outputs: Recommended changes to FPCONs Updated FP Assessment FRAGOs for FP Changes FP vulnerability assessments Updated analysis on POP/PAL Proposed POP/PAL