$200 $300 $400 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Second JiourneyThird JourneyJourney to Rome ConversionFirst Journey
1-1a _____ is the name Paul often used before his conversion C1 $100
What is Saul? C1? $100
1-2a Paul had vision of Jesus on the way to ___________. C1 $200
1-2a What is Damacus? C1 $200
1-3a The _____ is at the heart of our faith in Christ. C1 $300
1-3a What is Resurrection? C1 $300
1-4a An offense against God’s law is called _____. C1 $400
1-4a What is Sin? C1 $400
1-The Council of _____ taught about the Trinity. Timer The final Jeopardy answer is: C1 final
1-What is the Council of Nicaea
C2 $ a The _____ summarize the attitudes and actions of a person living a life of holiness.
C2 $ a What are the Beatitudes?
C2 $ a When we choose what to say or do in order to live as children of God, we make a _____ decision.
C2 $ a What is a moral decision
C2 $ a The sources of morality are the _____ of the act. (Choose 3 below) Will, desire, object, needs, intention, circumstances, location
C2 $ a What are object, intention and circumstances?
C2 $ a The intention of the act is the _____ we have for our word and action.
C2 $ a What is the PURPOSE?
C2 $ a Persons choosing to not work at ________ a good conscience are ___________ for their erroneous conscience
C3 $ a The seven main liturgical actions of the Church given to us by Jesus Christ are called _____.
C3 $ a What are the SEVEN SACRAMENTS?
C3 $ a The _____ is always a part of our celebration of sacraments and liturgy.
C3 $ a What is the LITURGY OF THE WORD?
C3 $ a When a priest celebrates the Mass at home, is it the celebration: of the whole Church, of himself, and/or of his family?
C3 $ a What is the celebration: of the whole Church?
C3 $ a Sacramental celebrations combine word with _____. (Choose 2 below) Signs, prayers, symbolic actions, homily, communion
C3 $ a What are signs and symbolic actions?
C3 $ a Can we call a Catechist a sacrament of Christ? Why?
C3 $ a What is External Sign of Christ Presence?
C4 $ a The number of books in the Old Testament is _____.
C4 $ a What is 46?
C4 $ a The Old Testament books that share advice with us on how to live our Covenant with God are the _____ books.
C4 $ a What are the WISDOM BOOKS?
C4 $ a The book of the New Testament that tells the story of the early Church is the _____.
C4 $ a What is the ACTS OF APOSTLES?
C4 $ a Jesus revealed that he is the new and everlasting ______.
C4 $ a What is NEW COVENANT?
C4 $ a The _____ is the first main discourse in Matthew’s Gospel.
C4 $ a What is the Sermon on the Mount?
C5 $ a The source of the Church’s life and unity is the _____ (The Soul of the Church).
C5 $ a What is the Holy Spirit?
C5 $ a _____ teaches that the Church is the Body of Christ.
C5 $ a Who is Saint Paul?
C5 $ a Each member of the Church has different gifts and _____ to build up the Church. These gifts are called ______
C5 $ a The special ministry of the pope is called the _____ Ministry.
C5 $ a What is PETRINE ministry?
C5 $ a A mark of the Church that tells us that Jesus is the Savior of all people is _____.
C5 $ a What is “CATHOLIC”?
(Post Credits Here) This Jeopardy template was created by Dr. Robert Pettis, Director An Adventure of the American Mind, University of South Carolina Spartanburg This Jeopardy game was created by (Your Name)