$200 $300 $400 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $ More Zang Fu 4. Surprise! 5. 4 Level/ Zang Fu 1. Zang Fu 2. Six Channel
1-1a It is the zang fu pattern for an upper respiratory infection with cough, muscle aches, chills and no sweat. C1 $100
1-1a What is wind cold in the lung? C1? $100
1-2b It is the zang fu pattern for dry unproductive cough with nosebleed, and a thready pulse. C1 $200
1-2b What is lung dryness? C1 $200
1-3a It is a damp organ that hates dry. C1 $300
1-3a What is the stomach? C1 $300
1-4a It is indicated by foul smelling diarrhea and a yellow greasy tongue coat. C1 $400
1-4a What is damp heat in the large intestine? C1 $400
1-final It is the swine flu (cough with sore throat, body aches, heat signs, chills/fever, fatigue). Timer The final Jeopardy answer is: C1 final
1-final What is invasion of lung by wind heat?
C2 $ a It is the six channel pattern for an upper respiratory infection with cough, muscle aches, chills and no sweat.
C2 $ a What is tai yang?
C2 $ a Its 1/2 internal, 1/2 external.
C2 $ a What is shao yang?
C2 $ a They are the 4 greats of yang ming stage.
C2 $ a What are: Great fever, great sweat, great thirst & great pulse?
C2 $ a It is the initial stage of wind cold or external cold invasion.
C2 $ a What is tai yang?
C2 $ a It is excessive heat in intestine and stomach with pathogen moving interior accompanied by 4 Greats.
C2 $ a What is yang ming?
C3 $ a It is indicated by asthma with difficulty inhaling.
C3 $ a It is indicated by fatigue, cold limbs, loss of appetite and diarrhea with undigested food.
C3 $ a It is indicated by chest pain radiating to the left shoulder.
C3 $200 W3-2a What is heart blood stasis?
C3 $ a It is indicated by fatigue, cold limbs, loss of appetite and diarrhea with undigested food.
C3 $ a What is spleen yang deficiency?
C3 $ a Its signs & symptoms are: barking cough, profuse yellow sputum and a slippery rapid pulse.
C3 $ a What is phlegm heat obstructing the lung?
C3 $ a It is abdominal pain, diarrhea with acute onset, tenesmus, offensive stool odor with scanty dark urine.
C3 $ a What is damp heat in the large intestine?
C4 $ a It is the pulse associated with kidney yin deficiency.
C4 $ a What is thready & rapid?
C4 $ a It is the tongue appearance you would expect in a patient presenting with liver/gallbladder damp heat.
C4 $200 W4-2a What is red with a yellow, greasy coat?
C4 $ a Its symptoms are pain & cramping in the epigastrium, no thirst vomiting after eating, watery regurgitation and a wiry tight pulse.
C4 $ a What is stomach cold?
C4 $ a It is characterized by burning pain on urination and anxiety.
C4 $400 W4-4a What is heart fire descends to the small intestine?
C4 $ a It is the pathology most associated with bad breath.
C4 $ a What is stomach fire?
C5 $ a It is the level associated with external excess in 8 parameters.
C5 $ a What is wei fen?
C5 $ a It is indicated by fatigue, feeble voice, weak cough, & frequent catching of colds.
C5 $ a What is lung qi deficiency?
C5 $ a Its main symptom is prolapse.
C5 $ a What is center qi fall (spleen qi deficiency)?
C5 $ a It is the level characterized by insomnia, mental restlessness night fever, and skin rashes.
C5 $ a What is ying fen?
C5 $ a It is characterized by pain and fullness in the chest an hypochondrium, a biter taste in the mouth, yellow sclerea, and a slippery rapid pulse.
C5 $ a What is liver/gallbladder damp heat?
Midwest College of Oriental Medicine This Jeopardy template was created by Dr. Robert Pettis, Director An Adventure of the American Mind, University of South Carolina Spartanburg This Jeopardy game was created byUretz/Hoyt