Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT CIGRE SC A3 meeting in Paris, August 26, 2014 Page No. 1 Working Group Activity Report 2014 JWG A3/B5/C4.37 System conditions for and probability of Out-of-Phase Convener: Anton Janssen (Netherlands), Secretary: Anton Janssen (The Netherlands) Year of Kick-off: 2014 Number of Members: 13 (To be approved at the next SC meeting (To be approved at the next SC meeting Regular Members: 4Corresponding Members:9 Retiring Members: New Members: Proposed for approval by SC A3, B5, C4 1.All (see last page)
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Technical activities & discussion items First meeting has been scheduled. Note: many corresponding members and many young members, but 7 utility members and 2 from university/research (4 manufacturers) CIGRE SC A3 meeting in Paris, August 26, 2014 Page No. 2 JWG A3/B5/C4.37
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT WG Meeting schedule WG meeting: 1st meeting, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 6 and 7 October 2014 Kick-off with 4 to 5 members and hopefully, part of the time, 2 to 4 members connected by tele-conferencing Purpose of first meeting: To exchange experience, literature, ideas and examples to be elaborated. To exchange experience, literature, ideas and examples to be elaborated. To understand each other from different Study Committees. To understand each other from different Study Committees. To understand the ToR and to define a direction forwards To understand the ToR and to define a direction forwards CIGRE SC A3 meeting in Paris, August 26, 2014 Page No. 3 JWG A3/B5/C4.37
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Publications none CIGRE SC A3 meeting in Paris, August 26, 2014 Page No. 4 JWG A3/B5/C4.37
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Membership to be approved at the next A3, B5, C4 meetings Last NameFirst NameCompanyCountryStatus JanssenAntonLianderThe NetherlandsRM (Convenor) KubisAndreasTU DortmundGermanycM JonesKevinSouth-Western Public Service CompanyUSAcM WillièmeJean-MarcAlstomFranceRM PatelAmitGE EnergyUSAcM WeiskerJanSiemensGermanycM WangZhenhuaAEPUSAcM AprosinKonstantinFederal Network CompanyRussiaRM De VilliersFrancoEskomRSAcM KitauchiYoshihiroCRIEPIJapancM PoggiGiorgioEdFFranceRM SuganumaShinichiTEPCOJapancM YoshimotoSaoriToshibaJapancM CIGRE SC A3 meeting in Paris, August 26, 2014 Page No. 5 JWG A3/B5/C4.37