Monthly Progress Report on NTDC Development Projects for May, 2013 NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Monthly Progress Report on NTDC Development Projects for May, 2013 PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED ACTIVITIES Ongoing Development Projects Projects Ready for Implementation Cross Border Interconnection Projects PLANNING POWER
Ongoing Projects of NTDC
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of Work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 1- Extension at 500 kV Sheikh Muhammadi Addition of 500/220 kV 1x450 MVA T/F 1,038 17 21-01-2010 ADB Tranche-I Project Completed. 100 % Commissioned in June, 2012 Addition of 220/132 kV 1x160 MVA T/F 2- Extension at 500 kV Dadu 1,050 Commissioned in December, 2012 3- In/out of 220kV Ghazi Barotha – Shahi Bagh at Mardan 220 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line (30 km) 533 9 30-11-2006 PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 4- 220 kV GIS Bandala 220 kV substation with two 220/132 kV 160 MVA T/Fs along with allied equipment. 1,950 32 30-11-2006 ADB Tranche-I Civil & electrical works in progress. 84 % July, 2013 In/Out of 220 kV Gatti-KSK Transmission Line at Bandala (5+5 km) Project Completed. 100 % Commissioned on 16-05-2012 5- 220 kV Rohri 220 kV substation with two 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 4,847 78 06-02-2008 ADB Tranche-II Civil and electrical works in progress. 220 kV Dharki-Rohri New D/C T/L (115 km) Commissioned in June, 2012 220kV D/C Rohri New-Shikarpur T/L (50km) 220kV D/C T/L for In/Out of Fauji Mari-Rohri New at Engro Chemical CCPP (5+5km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 6- 220 kV Khuzdar & 220kV Dadu-Khuzdar D/C T/L 220 kV substation with two 220/132 kV 160 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 2,900 50 27-07-2004 JICA Civil and electrical works in progress. 82 % September, 2013 220 kV Dadu-Khuzdar D/C T/L (274 km) Erection and stringing work in progress. 86 % 7- 220 kV Kassowal 2,067 36 02-02-2005 World Bank 67 % December, 2013 Two 220 kV D/C T/L for In/out of 220 kV Vehari-Yousafwala D/C T/L at Kassowal (45+45km) Project Completed. 100 % T/L commissioned on 06-08-2012 8- 220 kV GIS Shalamar 220 kV gas insulated substation with three 220/132 kV 160 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 3,617 59 22-10-2007 76 % T/L commissioned on 20-11-2012 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of one circuit of 220 kV Ravi-KSK T/L at Shalimar (9 km)and under ground cable (3+3 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 9- 220 kV Okara 220 kV substation with three 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 1,884 31 06-02-2008 ADB Tranche-II Civil and electrical works in progress. 87 % July, 2013 In/out of 220 kV Yousaf Wala-Sarfraz Nagar D/C T/L at Okara (5+5 km) Project Completed. 100 % T/L ready for commissioning. 10- 220 kV T.T. Singh 1,759 29 Installation in progress. 88 % In/Out of 220 kV Faisalabad-Multan D/C T/L at T.T Singh (1+1 km) Civil works completed. Erection and Stringing in progress 92 % PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 11- 220 kV Loralai 220 kV substation with two 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 5,088 83 06-02-2008 ADB Tranche-II Civil and electrical works in progress. 94% Sept. 2013 220 kV D.G Khan-Loralai D/C T/L (200 km) Erection and stringing in progress. 95 % 12- 500 kV Rahim Yar Khan 500 kV substation with two 500/220 kV 600 MVA & two 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 4,936 81 22-10-2007 JICA 66 % December, 2013 500 kV S/C T/L for In/Out of 500 kV Guddu-Multan 3rd Circuit at R.Y Khan (30+30 km) Civil and Electrical works in progress. 60 % PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 13- Ext. at 500 kV Ghazi Barotha Addition of one 500/220 kV 600MVA T/F with allied equipment. 1,654 27 06-02-2008 ADB Tranche-II Civil works in progress. 64 % December, 2013 14- 220 kV Gujrat 220 kV substation with three 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs with allied equipment. 1,966 32 22-10-2007 JICA Contract agreement signed with M/S HYOSUNG Cooperation Korea on 03-01-2013. 15 % 2013-14 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220kV Mangla-Ghakkar D/C T/L at Gujrat (2+2 km) 15- 220 kV Ghazi Road, Lahore 220 kV substation with three 220/132 kV 160 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 2,592 43 25-02-2005 KfW Bidding documents vetted by M/S Lahmayer and sent to KfW for concurrence. 5 % 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV NKLP-S/Nagar S/C at Ghazi Road (30 km) Ready for commissioning 100 % 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV Ravi-KSK S/C at Ghazi Road (50 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 16- 220 kV Chishtian 220 kV substation with two 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 2,633 43 22-10-2007 JICA Civil work in progress. 33 % December, 2013 220 kV Chishtian-Vehari D/C T/L (65 km) Civil and Erection work in progress. 50 % Extension at 220 kV Vehari Grid Station 17- 500 kV D.G Khan 500 kV substation with two 500/220 kV 600 MVA & two 220/132 kV 250 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 4,467 73 06-02-2008 ADB Tranche-II Civil works in progress. 32 % Erection and stringing in progress 81 % In/Out of 500 kV Guddu-Multan 2nd Circuit at D.G Khan (20+20 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Expected Commissioning 18 Augmentation of existing Grid Stations Name of Grid Stations No. of T/Fs Voltage (kV) Capacity (MVA) 3,900 46 21-01-2010 ADB Tranche-II i) Contract agreement for 13 T/Fs has been signed with M/S SUNIR and are expected to be delivered in December 2013. ii)Bidding document for 5 T/Fs has been sent to ADB for concurrence. December, 2013 500 kV Rewat 1 500/220 750 500 kV Sheikh Muhammadi 4 220/132 250 220 kV Mardan 2 220 kV Burhan 220kV Bund Road 220 kV Bahawalpur 220 kV Quetta Industrial PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 19- SVC at NKLP Static Var Compensators of 450 MVA Capacity 2,087 34 30-11-2006 ADB Tranche-I Contractor mobilized and started the work. 26 % May, 2014 20- 220 kV Dera Murad Jamali 220 kV substation with 220/132 kV 1x160 MVA & 1x100 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 880 11 PC-I approved by CDWP on 07-04-2011 NTDC own resources Contractor mobilized and civil works in progress. 10 % June, 2014 220 kV D/C single conductor T/L for In/Out of 220 kV Uch-Guddu S/C at Dera Murad Jamali (5 km) Resurvey work completed and profile under approval with C.E (Design) NTDC. PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 21- 500 kV Lahore (South) 500 kV substation with two 500/220 kV 750 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 12,664 147 09-12-10 JICA Contract agreement signed on 12-06-2012 with M/S CNEEC-FNEPCC (JV). Contractor not yet mobilized. 5 % June, 2014 Two 500 kV S/C T/Ls for In/Out of 500 kV Sahiwal-Lahore S/C at Lahore New (15+15km) Two 500 kV S/C T/Ls for In/Out of 500 kV Lahore – Gujranwala S/C at Lahore New (50+50 km) 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV NKLP- Ghazi Road S/C at Lahore New (50km) 220kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV NKLP- Wapda Town S/C at Lahore New (45 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Commissioning 22- SVC at Quetta Static Var Compensators of 450 MVA Capacity 2,087 34 06-02-08 ADB Tranche-II Not yet started. NIL December, 2014 23- 500 kV Shikarpur 500 kV substation with two 500/220 kV 600 MVA T/Fs and allied equipment 8,085 94 09-12-10 JICA Contract agreement signed, L/C opened and contractor mobilized. 5 % June, 2014 Two 500 kV S/C T/Ls for In/out of 500 kV Dadu -Guddu Cct # 1 (20+20 km) Two 500 kV S/C T/Ls for In/out of 500 kV Dadu – Guddu Cct # 2 (22+22 km) 220 kV D/C T/L for In/out of 220 kV Guddu – Sibbi S/C at Shikarpur(50 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Completion 24- Power Dispersal from 747 MW CCPP Guddu 500kV Guddu-Muzaffargarh S/C T/L (256 km) 7,856 91 29.07.2011 Buyer’s Credit Basis Tender opened on 12.12.2012 evaluated and sent to BOD for approval. NIL Dec. 2014 Two 500 kV T/L for In/Out of 500 kV Guddu-Multan S/C T/L at 500 kV Muzaffargarh (10 +10 km) Extension at 500kV Muzaffargarh 25- Power Dispersal from Uch-II 220 kV Uch-II – Sibbi D/C T/L (125km) 2,508 30 16.08.2012 ADB Tranche-III Bid evaluation report finalized. ADB has been requested for allowing price negotiation with single bidder. Response from ADB is awaited. 5 % 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220kV existing Uch-I to Shikarpur New S/C T/L at Uch-II (0.5 km) Project Completed 100 % Commissioned on 25.04.2013 Reconductoring of 220kV T/L Uch-I to Uch-II (1 km) Extension at 220kV Sibbi substation Work in progress from NTDC own resources. 50 % Sept. 2013 PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Completion 26- Power Dispersal from Neelum Jhelum HPP Package-I 500 kV D/C T/L from Neelum Jhelum to Gujranwala (270 km) 22,582 251 PC-I cleared by CDWP on 18-06-2012 Buyer’s Credit Basis Tender opened on 09-08-2012, evaluated and submitted for BOD approval. NIL 2015-16 500 kV D/C T/L for In/out of 500 kV Neelum Jhelum Gujranwala S/C at Azad Pattan (5km) 500 kV D/C T/L for In/out of 500 kV Neelum Jhelum Gujranwala S/C at Karot (5 km) Package- II Extension at 500 kV Gujranwala Bidding not yet initiated 27- Power Dispersal Arrangements from Duber Khwar Power House 220 kV D/C T/Line from Duber Khwar to Khan Khwar Power House (33km) 2494 28 (For Lot-I & II) Approved under PC-I of Hydel Power Project Deposit work of G.M (Hydel) Work is withheld due to ROW problems. 90 % June. 2013 PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Approved Cost (MRS/MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Overall Progress Expected Completion 28- Dispersal of power from 2x50MW Wind Power Plants at Mirpur Sakro 132kV D/C T/L on Greeley conductor from WPP#1 to 132kV Thatta G/S (64km) 816 14 22-04-2006 NTDC own resources Contract for construction and purchase of material is likely to be awarded in June 2013 NIL 2013-14 Construction of two 132kV line bays each at Thatta G/S 29- Interconnection arrangement for dispersal of power from TGF & WPP#4 at Jhimpir 132kV D/C T/L for looping I/O of Jhimpir-Nooriabad 2nd 132kV at TGF & WPP#4 at Jhimpir (7 km) 207 2 _ 2014-15 Conversion of 2 Nos. 132kV iso bays to line bays at Nooriabad substation for Kalu Kahar and Jamshoro old S/C T/Ls. 132kV T/L approx 4km from Nooriabad to the nearby Jamshoro-KDA T/L Total 111,147 1,522 PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Summary of Ongoing 500kV Projects Sr. No. Description Addition in T/L & T/F Capacity 1- 500 kV S/C Transmission Lines Length 1150 km 2- 500/220 kV Transformation Capacity (New Projects) 5100 MVA 3- 500/220 kV Transformation Capacity (Extension) 1500MVA 4- 500/220 kV Transformation Capacity (Augmentation) 300MVA (Grand Total) 6900MVA PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Summary of Ongoing 220kV Projects Sr. No. Description Addition in T/L & T/F Capacity 1- 220 kV D/C Transmission Line 1257.5 km 2- 220/132 kV Transformation Capacity (New Projects) 6930 MVA 3- (Extension) 320MVA 4- (Augmentation) 1620MVA (Grand Total) 8870MVA PLANNING POWER
Projects Ready for Implementation
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED NTDC Development Projects Ready for Implementation Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Est. Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Expected Completion 1- 3rd Circuit from Jamshoro to Rahim Yar Khan (For power evacuation from 2x660 MW Coal Power Plant at Jamshoro & WPPs) 500 kV Jamshoro-Moro-R.Y.K S/C T/L (535 km) 24,214 269 PC-I Cleared by CDWP on 21.10.2011 ADB Tranche-III - 2015-16 500 kV Moro-Dadu S/C T/L (55 km) 500 kV Switching Station at Moro Extension at 500 kV Jamshoro, Dadu & R.Y.K Grid Stations. 2- Power Dispersal from Chashma Nuclear (C3 & C4) 220 kV Chashma Nuclear – Bannu D/C T/L (125 km) 3,103 35 PC-I is under scrutiny in Planning Commission Buyer’s Credit Basis Route under checking. 220kV D/C T/L for In/Out of existing C1 &C2 at C3 & C4 (2 km) Extension at 220kV Bannu PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED NTDC Development Projects Ready for Implementation Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Est. Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Expected Completion 3- Power Dispersal from 1200 MW Thar Coal Based Power Plant 500 kV Thar – Matiari D/C T/L (250 km) 22,306 259 16.08.2012 Buyer’s Credit Basis T/L Plan and Profile Drawings completed. Execution is linked with installation of Coal Fired Power Plants at Thar. 2015-16 500 kV Switching Station at Matiari 4- 220 kV Nowshera 220kV sub station with 220/132kV 3x250 MVA T/Fs along with allied equipment 1,876 31 06.02.2008 Proposed in ADB Tranche-IV Hiring of project preparatory consultants in process. In/Out of 220 kV Ghazi Barotha – Shahi Bagh D/C T/L at Nowshera (5+5 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED NTDC Development Projects Ready for Implementation Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Est. Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of Approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Expected Completion 5- 220 kV Lalian New 220kV sub station with 220/132kV 3x250 MVA T/Fs along with allied equipment 1,581 18 11.11.2011 Proposed in ADB Tranche-IV Hiring of project preparatory consultants in process. 2015-16 Two 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV Gatti – Ludewala D/C T/L at Lalian New (4+4 km) 6- 220 kV Mansehra 220kV sub station with 220/132kV 2x250 MVA T/Fs along with allied equipment 905 11 07.04.2011 ADB Tranche-III Tenders opened on 26-02-2013 and are under evaluation. Two 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV Alai Khawar – Islamabad Peshawar Road D/C at Mansehra (0.5+0.5 km) PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED NTDC Development Projects Ready for Implementation Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Est. Cost (MRs/ MUS$) Date of approval by ECNEC Financing Project Status Expected Completion 7- 220/132 kV D.I.Khan 220kV sub station with 220/132kV 2x250 MVA T/Fs along with allied equipment 3,779 44 09.12.2010 Proposed in ADB Tranche-IV Land for G/S acquired. Construction of boundary wall in progress. 2015-16 220 kV D/C T/L for In/Out of 220 kV Chashma Nuclear-Ludewala S/C T/L at D.I Khan (100km) Total 58,401 661 PLANNING POWER
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Summary of Projects Ready for Implementation Sr. No. Description Addition in T/L & T/F Capacity 1- 500kV S/C Transmission Lines Length 1090 km 2- 220kV Transmission Line 246 km 3- 220/132 kV Transformation Capacity 2500 MVA PLANNING POWER
Cross Border Interconnection Projects
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Cross Border Interconnection Projects Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Est. Cost (MUS$) Project Status Financing Expected Completion 1- Import of 100MW Power from Iran. 220 kV Pak Iran Border-Gwadar D/C T/L (100km) 44 Survey work in progress. Iranian Bank August, 2014 Work awarded to contractor and contractor mobilized. 220 kV GIS at Gwadar with 2x160MVA T/Fs 2- Import of 1000MW Power from Iran. 500 kV HVDC Bipolar Transmission Line from Pak - Iran Border to Quetta (585km). 508 MoU signed between Pakistan & Iran on 31.05. 2012 to implement the project. Not yet committed 2018-19 500 kV Convertor Station at Quetta. 220 kV Quetta-Quetta Ind.D/C T/L (5 km) 220 kV Quetta-Loralai D/C T/L (170km) 220 kV Quetta-Mastung D/C T/L (50km)
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Cross Border Interconnection Projects Sr. No. Name of the Projects Scope of work Est. Cost (MUS$) Project Status Financing Expected Completion 3- Import of 1000MW Power from Tajikistan (CASA-1000) 500 kV HVDC Bipolar Transmission line from Pak-Afghan Border to Peshawar (71km). 200 Feasibility Study completed. Positive response from World Bank and IDB 2018-19 500 kV Converter Station at Peshawar 220 kV D/C T/L for interconnection of 220 kV Peshawar- ShahiBagh (10 km) 500 kV D/C T/L for interconnection of 500 kV Peshawar- Tarbela (5 km) 4- Import of 200-500 MW Power from India. Different options for Interconnection are under study. - World Bank has offered to sponsor pre-feasibility study for the project Positive response from World Bank Total 752
NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Report Prepared by: Designation Contact No. Maqsood Ahmad Qureshi Additional Manager Projects Planning 0347-4447720 042-99202609 Fahmeeda Shafi Dy. Manager Projects Planning PLANNING POWER 28