User Input Session Presented by: Dan Davis & Madhuri Bhogadi Activities & Notifications
Today’s Overview Standardization 1 Types of Notifications 2 Examples 3 User Input 4
Standardization Notifications exist in the system now, we are going to standardize how and when they happen. Allowing for notifications to be associated with any major table / action.
Standardization Notification Tab will be added to Activity Though out System we will allow for notifications along with activities
Standardization Notifications will be triggered off of activities (Action) table Tab in action maintenance will allow for notification by division by notification group Notifications can be automatic or manual
Standardization Notification groups currently allow for any number of people to be notified with either an alert or . We will add Entry to any address and not only system Users
Types of Notifications 1) Modulo (Open for discussion) 2) Master Screen (Customer / SO / etc.) 3) Scheduler Based (Based on a selection of data and placed on scheduler) All can be Manual or Auto assigned
Examples Credit limit exceeded. Allowed to be controlled by customer. Currently it is for all or none. Tech finishes call. Allowed to be by SO or by customer. Can be auto or manual SO or Job is received. Currently system controlled but will be standardized by activity. New call created. Auto notify by customer Notify when Insurance is expiring Scheduled Notification
User Input #Notification
User Input #Notification