The Queen verse in the Koran
أعوذ بالله العظيم من الشيطان الرجيم It is with almighty Allah that I fortify my self agaist accursed Satan.
In the name of Allah most Gracious most Meciful Allah, no other god but He, the living the self- existent. He is neither taken by a doze nor by a sleep. All that is in earth and heavens belongs to Him. Who does intermediate with him except with His permission. He is learned (or He knows) of what is with them at present and what is beyond them. And they shall not comprehend any of His science (or knowledge) except with what He may wish. His throne includes the heavens and the earth; and it does not tire Him to keep (and protect) them. And He is the Highest the Magnificent.
Why is it the Queen of the Koran?
It represents the basic foundation of the religion because of the monotheism. It is the most honored verse in the Koran. In Arabic it contains 50 words, and each has 50 blessings. It is equivalent to one third of the Koran. This verse contains more than 17 names of Allah.
When was it revealed?
It was revealed at night. When it was revealed every statue in the world collapsed. Every king in the world tumbled, and the crowns fell off their head. And all Satans fled.
Why was it called the verse of the throne?
The throne is the basis to rule and the symbol for ownership. It shows the absolute divine Godhood. The verse is elevated; as starts with His name (Allah), and it ends with his names (the Highest the Magnificent). It protects who ever protects it. It elevates anyone who holds on to it firmly; to the highest status.
What did the Messenger PPBU say about it?
By the one; who my soul is in His hand, it has a tong and two lips sanctifying the Lord at the foot of the throne.
Every thing has a peak, and the peak of the Koran is the chapter “Baqara”. And it has a verse, it is the queen of all verses in the Koran. It is the verse of the Throne.
Do you know the grace of the Throne verse?
This verse was sent down by Allah, and He made a reward for whoever reads it sooner and later.
The sooner bit: Whoever reads it in the four corners of his/her house, it becomes a guard to the house and gets Satan out of it. Whoever reads it at night, Satan leaves the home and will not re-enter until the morning. And Allah guarantees his/her safety.
And for whoever reads it... in bed before falling asleep, Allah grants himself/herself and their children protection. No Satan goes near them till the morning, and they get no nightmare.
The later bit Who ever reads it after every prayer, Allah will assume the receiving of his/her soul.
(Allah) Is the name of the higher entity. It is said to be the “Greater Name”. And all other names belong to it as descriptors. Allah is a name that He challenges anyone else to be called so.
(No gods but Him) Is a testimony coming from the hear from us with absolute belief in a single god. Allah sent all his prophets with this monotheistic message. Negation comes at the start to clear our hearts from any association of other entities. So the word Allah can be placed on the correct foundation free of impurity. Each action in life leads to thriving and prosperity of earth is a worship. The strong faith holds firm the words and actions of a believer so it never changes with the changes in life.
Allah be praised, and Allah be thanked, as many times as the creatures he created, and as many times as will satisfy him, and as much as the weight of his throne, and as long as the supply of his words.
Lord, bless all believers men and women, All Muslims men and women, Those who are dead and those who are still living.
No god But Allah
Dear Lord, who has the power to change what’s in the hearts, let my heart remain fixed on to your religion. Amen.
The messenger (peace and prayers be uppon him) said: }who ever preaches to guidance, shall be rewarded the reward of those who follow him/her, without reducing their rewards. And this who preaches to a misguidance, will have the same sin of all the sins of those who follow him/her, without reducing their sins}
Lord, forgive us; and bless us. And forgive and bless our parents, grandparents and all our ancestors, our aunts and uncles, our sons and daughters, our dead and the dead of all the believers. Amen.