The Emotionally Impaired Student Lisa Steiner Ann Kezhaya
Emotional problems interfere with learning *Hint* Anger is an emotion! This also covers, anxiety, fear, and depression
Emotionally Impaired A Team Approach Students with emotional impairments demonstrate behavioral problems over an extended period of time that negatively affect their ability to learn. Relationships are usually poor and behavior or feelings are inappropriate to the situation.
How can a classroom for emotionally impaired children help a student? Teachers who work in the classroom for emotionally impaired are trained in ways to help students cope with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Their focus is to help students through out the school day with the emotional and or behavioral issues that may occur. Many teachers provide direct instruction in order to address academic needs. Teachers also help to teach, model and reinforce appropriate behaviors and social skills. These skills are to be used both inside and outside of the academic arena. Teachers and staff assigned to the program design and implement plans to facilitate a child’s success in school by addressing their very unique and varied needs.
What programming options are available to students with emotional impairments? Students with emotional impairments can receive educational programming through a continuum of service, from resource room consultation through full time self contained placement in a categorical program. At an IEPT meeting a student’s program is individually determined. The amount of emotional, behavioral and educational support required helps to determine the amount of time spent with a special education teacher. School social workers and or psychologists work with individual students, their families and teachers to help students achieve success in schools.
The Kids Who are Different By: Digby Wolfe Here’s to the kids who are different, The kids who don’t always get A’s, The ones who have ears Twice the size of their peers And noses that go on for days. The ones they call crazy or dumb, The kids who don’t fit With the guts and the grit, Who dance to a different drum. The ones with the mischievous streak, For when they are grown As history has shown, It’s their difference that makes them unique.
What is it? Emotionally impaired students have trouble functioning in a regular classroom. They display behavior problems that interfere with the social and academic learning process. They are disruptive or they tend to withdraw from others. They are unable to maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships in school. The behavior and the needs of the emotionally impaired student are the same as those of other youngsters but they display inappropriate behavior more frequently and over a longer period of time.
Characteristics you might see in an E.I. student Tendency to develop physical symptoms (stomach ache, headache, etc.) when faced with fears as they relate to school and personal issues Instances of taunting, or verbal bullying of classroom peers, incapable of working in groups States of pessimism, nervous habits, inability to maintain eye contact with teacher or verbally express concerns to teacher Sleeping in class, inability to focus on classroom instruction or inability to productively utilize class time Disorganization, missing or late assignments, inability to meet class deadlines, short attention span and impulsiveness
Characteristics you might see in an E.I. student continued Poor coping skills, frequently discouraged when things don’t go their way Learning difficulties or academically performing under grade level Tendency to misinterpret positive feedback from teachers or easily offended by teacher redirection Are irritating, disappointing and distressing to others
Student Eligibility To receive services for an emotional impairment, a multidisciplinary team must evaluate a student. Such evaluation must include a report for a psychologist or psychiatrist and a school social worker.
Identification of the problem A. A teacher/ staff member fills out a pre-referral from which: 1. Documents lack of academic achievement. 2. Describes observable behaviors which are suspected of negatively impacting the student’s academic achievement. 3. Documents discussion of the problem behaviors with the parent and student. B. Building team members may include: 1. General Education teachers 2. Building administrator 3. School social worker, psychologist, counselor, behavior intervention specialist 4. Parent/ guardian 5. Appropriate special education personnel
Accommodations for the E.I. Student Accommodations are based on students individual needs such as: Reminding the student of the rules Assigning preferential seating A behavior plan Assigning a safe place to cool down or regroup when a student becomes frustrated Allowing extended time for exams and a quiet testing area (E.I. Room) Allowing extended time on assignments Allowing lectures to be tape recorded or having notes copied Being flexible in attendance requirements Assisting with time management and study skills Giving a grade of incomplete or consenting to a late withdrawal in place of course failure in the event of a prolonged illness Needs of student might include a classroom assistant to accompany the student to general education classrooms
Behaviors that may cause a student to be certified E.I. Behavioral Disorders Behaviors that may cause a student to be certified E.I.
Anxiety Disorders Young people who experience excessive fear, worry or uneasiness may have an anxiety disorder. These include: Phobias, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder
Severe Depression Feelings of low self-esteem, inability to self motivate, problems sleeping, or change in appetite, feelings of hopelessness
Bipolar Disorder Demonstrate exaggerated mood swings that range from extreme highs to extreme lows. Behaviors ranging from talking non stop, requiring little sleep, using poor judgement to experiencing severe depression
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Unable to focus attention and are often impulsive and easily distracted
Learning Disorders Can show up as problems with spoken and written language, coordination, attention, or self control
Conduct Disorder Usually have little concern for others and repeatedly violate the basic rights of others and the rules of society. Cause students to act out their feeling in destructive ways such as lying, theft, or aggression
Eating Disorders Students who are afraid of gaining weight and seek to gain control through self-destructive behaviors
Autism Have problems interacting and communicating with others, symptoms range from mild to severe
Schizophrenia Have psychotic periods that may involve hallucinations, withdrawal from others and loss of contact with reality
Socially Maladjusted Why don’t these student qualify? Socially maladjusted students typically display a persistent pattern of willful refusal to meet even minimum standards of conduct. Their behavior and values are often in conflict with society’s standards. They exhibit a consistent pattern of antisocial behavior without genuine signs of guilt, remorse, or concern for the feelings of others. These students often engage in simulations of these behaviors but typically display them only when there is an immediate consequence for the absence of such displays. Their antisocial behavior is most frequently seen as resulting from their tendency to place their own needs above those of all other people and the immediate gratification that such behavior brings them. These students are not in chronic distress (one of the criteria for emotional disturbance under the law) although they can exhibit situational anxiety, depression, or distress in response to certain isolated events - particularly facing the consequences of their own actions. These students do not typically respond to the same treatment interventions that benefit emotionally disordered students.
If it is determined that a student is socially maladjusted and not emotionally disturbed then the student is not eligible for special education services. Research suggests that those programs that provide a high degree of structure, clear limits, precise rules, and immediate, meaningful and impartial implementation of consequences present the greatest potential for long-term change in the socially maladjusted student. Special education programs are not designed to provide this kind of treatment. The presence of the socially maladjusted student in the emotionally disturbed classroom typically impedes the progress of the emotionally disturbed students while failing to benefit the socially maladjusted student. Socially maladjusted students are often seen as predators with typical emotionally disturbed students viewed as prey; placing these students in the same classrooms is a nightmare for both the emotionally disturbed students and the staff.
How General Education Teachers Can Help Progress reports and communication with the special ed teacher Which includes assignment/ test schedule, behavior issues and missing assignments. Follow behavior plans: they are developed for a reason and by law MUST be followed; no breaks Consistency with the E.I. students is key to their success Acknowledging to accommodations and modifications for each of the E.I. students we share by e-mailing the special ed teacher after receiving them
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